Triple Burner Flashcards
Upper Arm cun run from and to?
9 cun from tip of olecranon to Tb14 at the posterior later corner of acromium. Between acromium and head of humerus in deltoid muscle.
1 cun superior to tip of olecranon on connecting line to TB14
2 cun superior to tip of olecranon on connecting line to tb14
5 cun superior to tip of olecranon on connecting line to tb14 Mark point where separation of 2 heads of tricep takes place
8 cun proximal to tip of olecranon. Connecting line to tb14. On posterior border of deltoid muscle.
At 9 cun between the posterior lateral corner of the acromium and the head of the humerus. Abduct arm to Id the joint. Mark point in deltoid itself.
Cun numbers for TB arm points.
Upper arm 9 cun
Lower arm 12 cun from tb4 to li11
Lies equidistant between li15 and si10 with 1 cun between each point.
Identify shoulder girdle, abduct the arm to identify 2 hollows. Tb 14 is the most posterior hollow. It is in the deltoid muscle just between the posterior lateral corner of the acromium and the head of the humerus
Ulnar nail point of ring finger
Flare of base of proximal phalanx of ring finger on ulnar side.
Flare of the head of the 4th mcp bone on ulnar side
Run down the 4th mcp bone over the base and over the carpal bones until you fall into a depression at the wrist between head of the ulnar and carpal bones. Point between digiti minimi and extensor digitorum.
2 cun proximal to tb 4, between ulnar and radius bones. Also between extensor digitorum (3central fingers) and extensor policis longus (thumb).
Tb 6
3 cun proximal. Between ulnar and radius and between extensor digitorum and exrensor policis longus.
Tb 7
3 cun proximal to tb4 1 finger width ulnar to TB6 on radial corner of ulnar bone. This point has hopped over the extensor digitorum.
4 cun proximal to tb4, between Il are and radius bones and extensor digitorum and abductor policis longus.
7 cun proximal to tb 4 between ulnar and radius. Between extensor digitorum and extensor carpi ulnaris. Raise middle fingers and evert wrist to identify the muscles.