Large intestine syndromes treatment principle and points Flashcards
Large Intestine Dry (deficient condition)
Promote fluids in the large intestine
LI4 Joining Valley. YSP. Entry pt. Clears the channel, releases the exterior. Harmonise ascending and descending function. Expels wind heat. Tonify qi. (four gates with Liv3)
ST36 Leg 3 miles - tonification, he sea pt, sea of food, horary, earth
Greatest tonification in body. Regulates the intestines. Raises yang, expels wind and damp, resolves oedema, major point for qi, yang and bl. Clears damp, for any St problem. Moxa for anti pathogenic effect.
SP6 Three yin meeting Meeting point of 3 yin of the leg. Main point for the lower abdomen, tonifys qi, blood, yin and yang. Resolves damp.
Kid6 Shining Sea Opening point of the yin Qiao Mai. Nourish yin, strengthen and calm spirit. Cool Blood. Nourish fluids
Collapse of the Large intestine (deficient condition)
Tonify St and Sp. Raise Qi
LI4 Joining Valley. YSP. Entry pt. Clears the channel, releases the exterior. Harmonise ascending and descending function. Expels wind heat. Tonify qi. (four gates with Liv3)
ST36 Leg 3 miles - tonification, he sea pt, sea of food, horary, earth
Greatest tonification in body. Regulates the intestines. Raises yang, expels wind and damp, resolves oedema, major point for qi, yang and bl. Clears damp for any ST problem. Moxa for anti pathogenic effect.
Sp3 Greater white YSP earth horaryshu stream. Strengthen Spleen, tonify sp qi and yang resolves damp
Ren 6 Sea of Qi Tonify Qi and Yang, tonify to clear damp and move qi, regulates qi.
Damp Heat in large intestine (excess condition)
Clear Heat, Resolve damp, Stop Diarrhoea
Even or reduction
Sp 9 Yin Mound Spring He sea water resolves damp benefits the lower jiao.
SP6 Three yin meeting Meeting point of 3 yin of the leg. Main point for the lower abdomen, tonifys qi, blood, yin and yang. Resolves damp.
Ren 3 Middle extremity - Clears damp heat and excess conditions in lower jiao.
ST25 Heavenly pivot Front Mu point for the LI. Promotes function of the LI, tonify qi in lower jiao, tonify and strengthen the spirit.
Heat in the Large intestine
Clear heat in LI and ST and nourish body fluids
Even or reduction and notification
Even or reduction
LI2 2nd Interval Yin Spring, water, sedation. Clears full heat in LI
LI11 Crooked pond. Earth, notification, he sea. Clears heat and/or damp, cools blood, expels wind
St25 Heavenly pivot Front Mu point for the LI. Promotes function of the LI, tonify qi in lower jiao, tonify and strengthen the spirit.
Kid6 Shining sea Opening pt of the Yin qiao Mai. Nourish Yin, Nourish fluids,
Cold invading the large Intestine (excess condition)
Expel cold from the LI. Warm the lower jiao
Even or reduction
St25 Heavenly pivot Front Mu point for the LI. Promotes function of the LI, tonify qi in lower jiao, tonify and strengthen the spirit.
ST36 Leg 3 miles - tonification, he sea pt, sea of food, horary, earth
Greatest tonification in body. Regulates the intestines. Raises yang, expels wind and damp, resolves oedema, major point for qi, yang and bl. Clears damp, for any St problem. Moxa for anti pathogenic effect.
SP6 Three yin meeting Meeting point of 3 yin of the leg. Main point for the lower abdomen, tonifys qi, blood, yin and yang. Resolves damp.