Stomach Syndromes Flashcards
St Qi Xu
Uncomfortable of pain in st. Poor or abnormal appitite. Tired in AM. Lack of taste, weak limbs, loose stools, over thinking, sympathy and worry.
P. Deficient
T. Pale (could be quivering)
Pathology - St is root of post heavenly qi so all other organs will suffer. Tiredness is key symptoms. Uncomfortable feeling is due to qi not being strong enough for descending function. Weak limbs - qi not transforming and transporting to limbs properly. Loose stools no appetite - sp qi xu.
Aetiology - Poor diet. underrating/irregular eating. Chronic disease.
From Sp qi Xu
To: St Yin Xu, St Qi Stag (then Stasis of Blood in the stomach), Phlegm.
TP - Tonify St qi
St36 Leg three Miles Greatest tonification point in the body. Earth. Horary. Major point for Yang, Qi and Bl, Clears damp and good for any ST pattern. (Moxa for anti path effect)
St41- Dispersing stream - Fire. Tonification Pt. Clears the channel.
St 42 - Surging Yang - YSP. Tonify’s ST & SP
Ren 6 Sea of Qi. Tonify qi and Yang Tonify to clear damp and move qi.
Ren 12 - Middle of the epigastrium, Front mu pt of the ST and the middle Jiao. Hui pt for yang organs. good for any digestive problem, particularly to strengthen and tonify. Clears damp anywhere in the body.
Bl21 Back Shu pt for ST
St Yin Xu
Like ST Qi Xu but with heat. Abnormal appetite, dull/burning epigastric pain. constipation with dry stools. Feeling hot in PM, dry mouth, thirst but wanting small sips. Inappropriate sympathy, overthinking. Slight feeling of fullness after eating.
P. Rapid, floating and empty.
T - Red with rootless coating or red in centre of T
Path - St is origin of fluids and when Yin is deficient this dries the fluids causing dry stools, mouth etc. Heat in the PM - classic Yin Xu symptom. Rotting and ripening may be poor so appetite may be effected, however if there is a lot of heat the empty heat will speed up the rotting and ripening process.
Aetiology - poor diet - irregular. Constitutional, After effects of external attack of heat. Meds.
From: St Qi Xu (unless caused by antibiotics)
To: Kin Yin Xu or yin xu of other organs.
TP - Nourish ST Yin.
ST36 Leg three Miles Greatest tonification point in the body. Earth. Horary. Major point for Yang, Qi and Bl, Clears damp and good for any ST pattern.
Sp3 Greater White, YSP, Earth Horary, tonifys Spleen Qi and yang, resolves damp.
SP6 Three Yin Meeting. Meeting Pt of 3 yin of the leg. Nourish Yin and Blood, Resolves damp. Stops pain and calms the spirit.
Ren 12 Middle of the epigastrium, Front mu pt of the ST and the middle Jiao. Hui pt for yang organs. good for any digestive problem, particularly to strengthen and tonify. Clears damp anywhere in the body.
BL21 Back Shu Pt for the ST
St Fire (& Phlegm Fire)
Full Yang and out of control upward yang. Burning pain in epigastrium, intense thirst with desire to drink cold drinks. Constant hunger. Mental restlessness, , swollen painful bleeding gums, dry mouth, ulcers, sour regurgitation, nausea, visiting after eating, dry stools, bad breath, feeling of heat.
P - overflowing and rapid (also slippery if phlegm fire)
T - Dry, red, thick yellow coat (if phlegm fire - yellow prickles in centre midline crack)
Pathology - Full heat dries fluids causing heat and thirst. Heat causes blood to extravasate in ST channel causing bleeding gums. Swelling and pain due to heat in the channel. Heat also impairs descending function causing nausea, epigastric pain, sour regurgitation. If phlegm fire may also cause stuffy feeling in epigastrium and effect the shen.
Aetiology - Poor diet. Hot foods, (greasy food if phlegm fire)
TP - Clear ST Heat, stimulate ST descending Function.
Even or reduction
ST 21 - Back Shu point for the
ST 44 - Inner Courtyard. Water. Clears heat from ST. Regulate Qi. Eliminates wind from the face. Promotes digestion. Eliminates fullness.
ST45 Harsh Exchange. Metal. Eliminates Heat. Relieves retention of food. Calms the spirit.
SP6 Three Yin Meeting. Meeting Pt of 3 yin of the leg. Nourish Yin and Blood, Resolves damp. Stops pain and calms the spirit.
Ren 12 - Middle of the epigastrium, Front mu pt of the ST and the middle Jiao. Hui pt for yang organs. good for any digestive problem, particularly to strengthen and tonify. Clears damp anywhere in the body.
Cold invading the Stomach
Sudden severe pain in epigastrium. Full condition. Feels cold. Vomiting clear fluids (may alleviate pain). Desires warm fluids, feels worse after swallowing cold liquids, often quickly vomited.
P- Deep, tight and slow
T - Thick white coat
Path - All due to acute interior full cold invading the ST. Cold prevents the ST Qi from descending - hence the vomiting and pain. Cold also impairs ST & SP Yang - impairs food essences from reaching the body, which may result in feeling cold and cold limbs as well as desire for warm liquids and foods.
Aetiology - Cold foods and drinks, exposure to cold.
From: A pre existing Yang xu allows for iexternal invasion of cold
To: After some months - St deficient with cold
TP: Expel cold. Warm the St. Stimulate descending function of St Qi
ST21 Beam Gate - for acute ST conditions - regulates the ST, subdues rebellious qi
St36 Leg three Miles Greatest tonification point in the body. Earth. Horary. Major point for Yang, Qi and Bl, Clears damp and good for any ST pattern. (Moxa for anti path effect)
SP4 Grandfather Grandson Luo Junction, Opening point of the Chong Mai
Acute epigastric patterns/ Abdo pain.
Ren 10 - Lower Epigastrium. Meeting point of Ren & SP Promotes descending function of ST Qi. Tonifys Sp