reasons people don’t seek out treatment
-may not realize they have a disorder that can be effectively treated
-personal beliefs and attitudes as barriers to treatment
-structural barriers
Psychotherapies offered
Cognitive behvaioural 40%
Interpersonal 12%
Psychodynamic 13%
Other 10%
humanistic/ existential 15%
Family systems 10%
types of psychotherapists
clinical or psychiatric social worker
clinical counsellor
CBT therapist
Usually UG + MSc + PhD = 10 years
Or 6-8 UK, PsyD training funded by NHS for EU nationals
Usually UG + medical school+ psychiatric speacialization = 12 years CAN (or 5-8 UK)
Clinical or psychiatric social worker
Usually UG + MSc = 6 -7 years
clinical counsellor
Usually UG + MSc = 6 years
CBT therapist (UK)
Usually UG + PWP/low-?high-intensity training= 1-5 yars (funded for EU nationals)
broad categories of treatment
psychological - therapist, change clients’ thoughts and behaviour
biological- drugs, surgery, direct intervention
psychological treatments
eclectic therapy
psychodynamic psychotherapies
humanistic and existential therapies
A process whereby psychological problems are treated through communication and relationship factors between an individual and a trained mental health professional
Modern psychotherapy is time-limited, and focused; usually occurs for 1 hr 1x/week (for 12-18 sessions)
Goal: provide support or relief from the problem
eclectic psychotherapy
Involves drawing on techniques from different therapies
Therapy form depends on the client and the problem
Not much research on it helping or being proper treatment
Psychodynamic psychotherapies:
sigmund forid- explore childhood events and encourage clients to use this understanding to develop insight into their psychological problems
eg- psychoanalysis and interpersonal psychotherapy
goal: to understand the unconscious through developing insight
Psychoanalysis assumes that humans are born with aggressive and sexual urges that are repressed during childhood by the use of defense mechanisms
Uses free association (laying on couch speaking freely); dream analysis, interpretation, analysis of resistance (dissagreeing with the therapy)
Not a lot of research supporting
Analysis of resistance can be negative- stop taking treatment, mental breakdown
interpersoanl psychotherapy
(helps clients improve current relationships)
More research to support this, it works more so
Humanistic and existential therapies:
address interpersonal relationships as barriers to reaching one’s potential
eg: a person centered theory and gestalt therapy
person centered therapy
(growth can be facilitated by acceptance and genuine reactions from the therapist)
Unconditional acceptance and empathy
gestalt therapy
help clien become aware of and take responsibility for thoughts, behaviours, experiences and feelings)
Using focusing- “how do you feel when”-
Offer solutions to help change the immediate circumstances with lasting effects (unlike medications), learned adaptive stratagies and ways of thinking
Behaviour therapy
relies on principles of learning to change maladaptive behaviours
Focuses on observable problems (ie overt behaviours) for which success of outcomes can also be observed
Learning principles: operant conditioning and classical conditioning
Operant conditioning used rewards and punishment to strengthen/weaken behaviours
Classical conditioning relies on associations that are made when pairing 2 stimuli
Cognitive therapy
works to help identify and disordered thinking patterns
behavioural therapy
eliminating unwanted behaviour
- operant conditioning
-negative punishment
promoting desired behaviour
- token economy
reducing unwanted emotional responses
- exposure therapy classical conditioning
exposure therapy
By staying in a anxiety inducing situations without escaping will lead to the level of anxiety to slowing decrease, as opposed to escaping for the stimuli and repeating the process of anxiety increasing and subsiding thorugh escape
Reason for anxiety dissipating is that the body cant sustain an extended period of hightened fear
Relies on the learning process called habituation and extinction
Uses an exposure hierarchy
Systematic desensitization
Exposure and response prevention: eg. used for OCD
Cognitive therapy
involves helping a client identify and correct any distorted thinking patterns about the self, other, or the world
Interpretations of events are key, eg: learning pathways to fear onset
Cognitive restructuring therapeutic strategy for questioning automatic beliefs, assumptions, and predictions that often lead to negative thinking with more realistic and positive beliefs
eg. theory A/ theory B
Different perspectives
CBT includes…
Blend of congitive and behavioural therapeutic strategies
Problem focuses
Action oriented
Agreed goals
Therapist acts like a guide; 2 experts - therapist and client on their own history and experiences
Encourages transparency between therapist and client
Lots of research evidence for its efficiency
Leading treatment for many disorders
Eg. MDD, GAD, panic, social anxiety, PTSD
Arron beck
thoughts lead us to feel things, feelings create our behaviour and our behaviour reinforces our thoughts (CBT breaks this cycle)