Traits Flashcards
Seen in thready writing
Adjust their behavior without difficulty, Chameleon-like, easily fits in, easier to live with, slower to become irritated/upset by little things
Seen in writing that starts close to the left margin
Likes to know in advance where they are going, considers pro/con’s prior to feeling secure to proceed, unlikely to make rash mistakes (cuz plans moves), caution and fear of the unknown override spontaneity
Seen in string-like (thready or feathered) ending of strokes and letters in the middle and end of words
Takes a long time considering all options/delays making a firm decision, sit on the fence, puts off decisions.
this indicates insecurity, fear of finality, fear of burning bridges and setting off along a one-way street without an escape route
Superficial thinking
Seen in thready letters m, n, and h
Tendency to skim and rely on surface knowledge
Seen in fast and illegible writing
Lacks regard for the rights and feelings of others, lack of attention or forethought, high degree of carelessness in work and behavior, tends to be hasty and clumsy, little regard for others’ property
Leftward slant of upstrokes that inhibit forward movement and speed
Rarely reveals inner feelings, presents a front of cool indifference, learned to control emotions so much that they block spontaneity
Revealed in the upright slant of upstrokes - AB slant
Does not allow emotions/beliefs to prejudice views, looks carefully at both sides of the argument before coming to a conclusion
Right forward slant of upstrokes - DE and E+
Inclined to act on impulse rather than forethought, seems unable to curb immediate reactions or think before they act, might blurt out answers or make inappropriate comments. Impulsivity is a characteristic of ADHD
L2P12 & L3P12
Straight, even baseline
Firm, steadfast, dependable, and trustworthy
Balanced spacing of the baselines
Good organizational ability that enables them to establish and orderly pattern in their day, work, and ideas
Confusion of interests
Loops overlap the line of writing or entangle the line above
Need to become involved in many activities, might be unable to say no when asked to do things, takes on more activities and spreads self too thinly to be effective, little sense of organizational priority, conflicting thoughts and interests - which result in confusion and a scattering of energy in too many directions
Broadening left margin and also in rising baselines
Hopeful about self, work, and what they can accomplish; positive most of the time and the hopeful attitude makes life enjoyable, keeps mind full of happy thoughts and manages to convey a cheerful attitude
Descending baselines
Dejected and in low spirits most of the time, susceptible to gloomy thoughts, more likely to creative negative pictures in their mind, usually anticipates what they do not want to happen rather than success
Handwriting that moves away from copybook style
Special attitudes in areas involving creativity, talent for creating, ability to individualize own expression, original thinker, follows own unique ideas, seeks out innovative answers to challenges that confront him
Strokes without any initial lead in stroke
Desire to be succinct, dislikes small talk, matter of fact attitude, believes in a simple/straightforward approach, moves to the heart of the problem, begins a task without wasting time
I-dots that are embellished (circles, hearts, etc)
Personal peculiarities or eccentricities, constant inclination to do things differently, adopts a style that sets them apart, wants to be treated as an individual, creativity is linked to this trait
Tasteful embellishments of capital letters and other strokes
Desires to be noticed and stand out from a crowd, may reflect simply the expression of artistic or creative ability and wish to make it known or it may develop from a need to be appreciated and a fear of being ignored
Literary aptitude
Greek E formation
Natural aptitude for literature, likely to be excited about books and be extensively read
Wide letter spacing - letters are broader than they are tall
Likely to share with others without thought of benefit to himself - includes time, energy, attention; may give without being asked, altruistic
Need for acceptance
Extremely broad letter spacing (1.5 times the height of the middle zone)
Overpowering need to get involved so they show little discrimination in dealings with others, wants approval of others so they can become too intrusive in other people’s lives
Very squeezed and narrow letter formations and narrow letter spacing, where the letters are taller than they are wide
Strong controlling mechanism - writer tends to hold back from freely expressing his feelings. Does not take to new ideas or ways of doing things - instead likely to resist change and feels most comfortable with a basic routine. Unlikely to rock the boat or take unnecessary risks
Extremely narrow letter formations and extremely narrow letter spacing
Fear - fear of change, behaviors and emotionally expression are habitually controlled, everything must be orderly and carefully prepared and never chaotic, feelings may remain hidden since unable to express self freely/openly. This trait diminishes the writer’s individuality and outlook towards life and people in general
Fear of want
Squeezed and cramped letters
rarely seen
Miserliness/stinginess, writer is most concern with own needs, very reluctant to give or spend money, unable to share possessions or give of self, lives a frugal life, likely to hoard, unlikely to reciprocate acts of kindness (others will consider them mean in their acts and responses)
Retraced downstrokes by upstrokes above the baseline so that the letters appear cramped - retracing should be seen frequently in the writing
Writer has learned to not express true feelings insomuch as these unwanted feelings are unconsciously buried. May eventually ready a state where they are no longer aware of the existence and cannot “feel” the things that would appall or disgust others. Friends and acquaintances may consider them cold and unfeeling.
Occasionally retraced downstrokes by upstrokes above the baseline - letters do not feel cramped
Intentionally uses conscious effort to removes from his conscious thoughts desires or memories that are bothering them or are anxiety-provoking. Inhibits the expression of unacceptable impulses and feelings. Deliberately restrains responses in order to maintain an image of control
Middle zone letters that are smaller than average
Writer focuses exclusively on a task while excluding all distracting influences and centers his attention with unwavering intensity on the problem at the moment. Concentration brings their thoughts into focus and they can take a line of thought and follow or through until the end. Likely to get a lot done in a short time because they do not waste time or get easily distracted.
Handwriting size that is larger than average
Find it difficult to sit still for any length of time, needs a lot of elbow room, look at the bigger picture and find details difficult to deal with. Would hate working at a desk for 8 hours a day, likely has a short attention span, poor listener (too concerned about making their own impression/keeping the limelight)
Letters that decrease towards the end of the word
Possesses the skill of of saying the proper thing without giving offense. Tactful manner of expression softens the impact of words and lessens the friction during social encounters
Capital letters that are 2.3 to 3.5 times the height of the middle zone letters
The value a person places on themselves. Good self-esteem means wrote feels good about self. This engenders a sense of worth and respect that creates confidence and motivation for long term goals. It is the inner belief in the writer’s own ability
Excessively tall capitals
Exaggerated self-esteem. Self centered; tend to have an unrealistic and obnoxious sense of self-importance
Misplaced capitals
Openly shows contempt for authority and refuses to be ordered about
Weight of the t-bar in comparison with the rest of the writing
Writer knows what they want (goals in life) and take firm steps to achieve them, single-minded and self directed, believe in where there’s a will there’s a way is a prerequisite to success
Cupped t-bars that are not connected to any other letter
Writer shrinks from responsibility, lack of conviction about goals/life, cannot or will not work under pressure, choose the easy way out or leave the real work for someone else when they cannot handle the stress. This is a matter of attitude rather than mentality
Self control
Arched t-bars that do not connect to any other letter
Makes conscious effort of will to reduce or overcome a character trait or habit. With self-control the writer will restrain impulses, emotions, and desires if they feel they are detrimental to their image
Broad strokes and ink flooded ovals and loops
Tastes are primarily physical and sensual, indicates someone who may be inclined to over-indulge in things that appeal to the senses to the detriment of everything else. Likely to have strong cravings for all things sensual (sex, alcohol, chocolate, etc)
Heavy pressure
Special need for satisfaction of all 5 senses. Pleasure loving, intense, has an emotional reaction to to anything that stimulates the senses. Beauty in all forms appeal (paintings/symphonies/candles/flowers/bread/smoke/etc)
Arcades ligatures connecting letters in a smooth and efficient way
Able to express self with ease, can change smoothly from one thought to another, easily can communicate easily through writing or spoken word, strings sentences in a logical sequence so they probably have language eloquence and elegance
Looped arcades structures - downstroke creates a loop that hits the baseline before it moves up as part of the upstroke
Writer is apprehensive and torments self for no apparent reason, worries are unrealistic, imagination plays on anxieties and makes mountains out of mole hills. Worries if there is nothing to worry about
Shark’s tooth formation - angle with a curve in it
Skillfully manages people or situations in unscrupulous or underhand ways. Whatever the reason those on the receiving end of manipulation are unlikely to realize they are being manipulated
Not exclusive to any form of writing - has invisible chords connecting the last part of the previously disconnected stroke to the beginning of the next
Writer is able to “feel” things that are not at all obvious to other people. “6th sense” and uncanny insight into other people’s thoughts/feelings and anticipates what they will do gut feeling/hunches/read btwn the lines. Will surprise people with understanding their private thoughts or senses meaning in words that had been left unspoken