Lecture 4 - More on Movement Flashcards
To write fluidly
Pg 1
integrate form, arrangement, pressure and speed
Released vs constrained movement/rhythm
Pg 1
- released = free (centrifugal - away from the body)
- constrained = inhibited (centripetal - towards the body
- movement depends on writer’s emotional intensity and their need to express outwardly their emotional response - pent up emotions have to be expressed somehow to relieve tension (pent up emotions are transmitted to the muscles in the hand and impact writing pattern
- viewed in conjunction w/ other aspects of writing
- rhythm of movement sheds light on writer’s personality
Progressive movement - rightward
Pg 1
- rightward movement (opposite is unnecessary leftward tending strokes
- progressive strokes are seen in lover zone, in connections between letters and in some circle letter that remain open and stretch towards the right
- rightward slant is more spontaneous than leftward slant because movement is progressive towards the right
Regressive movement - leftward
Pg 1
- leftward movements (inhibitors of expression since it goes back to self)
- movements that tend to veer leftward - hinder the progress across the page (this counters logic since writing moves right
- found in lower zone letters, in initial and final strokes and anywhere the stroke turns to the left
- pay attention to if it projects itself forward, slips, advances, hesitates, climbs, descends, or blocks own progress towards the right
Released movement - Dominance of Emotion
Pg 2
- Looks: outpouring of energy found in upstrokes and strokes that move to the right (horizontal expansion), upstroke serves as a connective link between letters, Together the upstrokes and horizontal strokes are free because they lack the centripetal force holding in the energy - they are free because they move away from self in an outward search for contact w/ others and an outward expression of emotion, energy released in a relaxed/expressive manner, movement appears elastic
- Means: spontaneous, dynamic, adaptable, may want to be seen as different, may lose direction,
- positive and negative
Released movement - positive elements
Pg 2
spontaneity warmth vivacity creative broadminded generous people oriented
Released movement - negative elements
Pg 2
lack of caution lack of objectivity lack of direction lack of purpose lack of willpower obtrusive need for acceptance
Constrained movement - dominance of control
Pg 3
- Looks: movement towards the body (centripetal) and coming back onto self - bound up like a spring/coil, these movements are consciously executed and show the writer’s inner control (innermost emotions may be unconsciously restrained/repressed), the more the consistently constrained the stronger the writer’s controls are
- Means: inhibition and constriction of energies, caution, need for security, need to be in control
Constrained movement - positive elements
Pg 3
firm resolute steadfast endurance ability to concentrate
Constrained movement - negative elements
Pg 3
withdrawn, shy aloof, reserved emotionless, cold self centered, selfish inhibition repression miserly
Still/static (absence of movement)
Pg 4
- Looks like a line of people waiting in line
- each letter written on the baseline and then the pen lifts before moving forward
- no connective joining of letters
- no spontaneity
- projection from I to You cannot take place because of concentration of letter formation
- uniformly monotonous
- controlled writing
- dominance of form - can be heavy or light pressure
- overall firmness accented by angular form
- vertically and density in stroke reflects intensity of feeling
Means: dislikes change/novelties, patience, meticulous attention, so preoccupied w/ self and image they can hardly move, not happy w/ image and feels the need to create an ideal image/better outer self to show the world
Controlled movement
Pg 4-5
- firm and steady plod towards the right w/ letters firmly resting on the baseline
- Degree of connection (garlands/arcades/angles/thread
- conga dance formation (stay in line, follow leader, same rhythm)
- Breaks in writing are intentionally made
- dominance of form - needs to project a certain image, thus unable to be spontaneous
Reared movement (also inhibited, constrained, constricted, restricted movement) Pg 5-7
- have abrupt stoppages - breaks are constantly being applied across the page
- resists moving towards people or being spontaneous
- last letter of the word usually comes to an abrupt end and back towards the left (can be in any zone)
- also revealed in an leftward slant
- lean form: like mummification they are wrapped with tight bandages to restrict movement. Constricted and restricted movement in writing
- Likely to have narrow letter width - cramped or squeezed appearance
- restrictive of self expression and reveals reserve
- crushed forms on the line show inhibition
- reluctance to move towards others
- tendency to revert back to the past when they felt safe - stick w/ the familiar, does not have confidence in new ventures
Obstructed Movement
Pg 8
- like an obstacle course (inner insecurities, anxieties, inhibitions, fears etc create more obstacles than just life challenges)
- can show in different slants, abrupt stoppages/breaks, pen lifts, wide gaps, stiffness
- fighter - not put off by obstacles
- determined to succeed
- needs a challenge
Floating movement
Pg 9
- irregular progression towards the right
- like butterflies floating across the ground - does not stay in one spot long
- lacks firmness
- light pressure
- poor arrangement
- loose/slack formation
- irregular dimensions, form, or direction
- wavy baseline - writing does not rest long to form a regular pattern
- lack of certainty
- fairly amenable/accommodating
- adaptable
- fits easily into a team - not going to make waves
- responsibility and decision making is not forte
Flowing movement (effortless) Pg 10
- rhythmical pattern w/ repetitive motion
- moves effortlessly w/o much haste across the page
- flows over the baseline w/ suppleness/elasticity and sufficient controls to create its repetitive rhythmic quality
- natural pressure of lighter upstrokes and darker down strokes
- usually simplified form
- good regular rhythm
- more likely to be right forward w/ garland connectivenes w/o excessiveness of any kind
- usually light to medium heavy pressure (heavy would slow it down)
- suppleness and simplicity dominate - which encourages spontaneity
- little breaking (opposite of inhibition
- letter spacing is broad due to garlands
- connectiveness is strong, which sustains the rhythmical flow
- letter form is consistently made (that contributes towards the flow
- adapted
- supple w/ an open mind
- wants to move progressively forward to meet others/future
- does not apply the breaks
- well adjusted and takes life as it comes
Dynamic movement
Pg 11-12
- concerned w/ energy or forces that produce motion (not still or static), like dancing w/ focus on arms/legs that require more energy to project upwards
- lines are usually ascending
- lively and full of energy
- rightward slanted
- SOME flying strokes in t-bars that should ascend
- firms strokes
- even baseline
- lever linkage btwn letters
- simplified form
- word spacing is often wide and words may be connected
- irregularities in height of mid zone letters and letter width
- lower zone letters are long (not short)
- balance between zones
-Future oriented
Propulsive movement
Pg 12
- like a pole vaulter
- something can be seen to propel the writing forward - like a straight or curved upstroke that pole vaults the writing
- Or connecting sweeping strokes linking one word to the next
- irregularities in middle zone letters and width of letters since the writer gets swept along
- can look like it was thrown onto the page with final letters or t-bars
- full of zeal
- keen to get involved and get going w/ what interests them
- impulsive
- impatient
- passion
- tendency to exaggerate