Lesson 2 - Slant Flashcards
Leftward slant info
Pg 2
- naturally reserved
- not eager to move forward to leave comfort zone behind
- keep our distance
Rightward slant
Pg 2
-keen to move forward and meet others
ready to leave the past behind
Upright stance
Pg 2
-ambivalent/indifferent towards others
Pg 2
- experience happens and then emotions are triggered and the body then responds to
- we think—–then feel—-then act
- outward expression of emotions influenced by our culture
- *Emotional responsiveness is the inner response of the writer to situations and experiences, which is observable to othersEmotional expressiveness is the outward display of a person’s inner response
All slant misc info
Pg 3
- can write with any slant, but by page 2 true slant has emerged
- give a clue to emotional responsiveness and how spontaneously they respond to emotional stimuli
Left slant physical/emotional description overview
Pg 3
slant leans to the left more than 90 deg of the baseline - the closer the slant is to 90 the less effect it has on the writer’s personality.
Childhood - faced w/ imbalance in parental power (mother dominant or negative dominant father - either way forced to side with mother and feelings of resignation/opposition to men in general *this does not always happen to someone who grew up like this, but someone who writes like this usually has this reaction/slant) and ends up w/ greater attachment ot their mothers OR as a child the writer clashed w/ an adult/much older sibling and retreat/flight is the norm when defeated because they need to back off and find solace in their own world.
Moves away from I to YOU - avoidance of social contact, self absorption, and reliance on the past, and generally has a problem separating from past experiences; uneasy about getting too close. Pulls back in a self defensive way and not spontaneous.
Lacks naturalness w/ sense of artificiality; takes on a sort of disguise.
Many psychopaths have this sort of slant
Do not make good salesmen
FA Slant (90*-55* leftward) Pg 4
- Childhood experiences left this writer insecure, mistrusts others because felt let down by others in the past and wary of inviting too much intimacy
- extremely self protective - feels the need to hide/repress emotions and keep them to self: does this by backing away from people and protects/cares for self in an over indulgent way by going into own private world in a self centered way
- security of past is incredibly important because afraid of change and what the future might bring
- may seem unable/unwilling to express emotions/affection and is unreachable even to those closest
- Likely to feel uneasy/embarrassed by other’s emotions cuz if they were to sympathize it could mean revealing more of self they they would like. So responses are carefully considered, hand/face gestures likely to be significantly reduced since those are clues what the writer is thinking
- Has inner reserved, but can appear lively, friendly, and outgoing on the surface w/ the ability to mix well w/ others - this is subjective and self serving. There will always be a barrier between self and others
- will turn on the charm if it benefits self, but can easily turn it off and withdraw back into self
- will always be weighing situations thinking “what is in it for me?” self interests will take precedence over interests of others.
- self centered but not necessarily selfish: so wrapped up in self that is is self-centered behavior
- Very much own person and wants to be perceived as different/individualistic; consequently spends more time developing skills/talents than interpersonal relationships
F- Slant (55-0 leftward)
Pg 5
- the more the writing slants to the left the more unnatural the writer is likely to be
- needs a great deal of security to feel safe - happy to retreat into own private world/sanctuary
- builds walls as barriers between self and outside world
- feelings are inner-centered and withdrawn that feels like a pressure cooker
- emotionally affected by anything that concerns self personally but does not allow feelings to escape (lid staying on the pressure cooker). Not healthy self containment and will result in an explosive situation because the pent up pressure has to release - result is destructive and affects the writer and those around them
- holds people at arm’s length and takes time getting to know people. selects those who are part of inner emotional circle, but even then rarely displays any emotions
- unlikely to show any feelings at all, this is WITHDRAWAL
- Does well in jobs that demand emotional detachment
- not all lefthanders write w/ left slant*
Upright Slant misc info
Pg 6
- Slant is affected by culture - school copy book model should always be taken into account when measuring
- British culture reflects reserve and cool calculation thus most British people write upright
- Stand somewhere between introvert and extrovert; look to the past and into the future
- OBJECTIVE; can see both sides of the argument/point of view - this acts as a brake on the writer’s impulsivity
AB slant (90*-67*) Pg 6
- firmness of attitude
- self directed
- prefers to make up own mind
- considers matters thoroughly from a logical/practical perspective, assess the problem from all angles prior to making a move
- in control: head rules heart, judgement is not clouded by emotion/whimsy. Looks before leaping
- stiff, upright figure that is unlikely to bend very easily. Cold/undemonstrative nature
- finds it difficult to express emotions - likely to intellectualize feelings and hide them from others even when feelings are hurt
- if writer looses cool it is quickly regained - this is advantageous in a crisis w/ an unruffled approach
- has inner reserve = lack of spontaneity; so controlled that rarely enthusiastic so unlikely to inspire or motivate others
- make excellent manager due to objectivity - does not succumb to quick decisions, see both sides of the argument, make excellent negotiatiors
Right forward slants - BC, CD and DE
Pg 7
- give impression of movement (more than the other slants)
- the more slant to the right the less control writer has on emotions and more likely they are to reach out to others and want to get involved in their lives
- the more speed accelerates motion across the page the more spontaneous the writer is (and more eagerly they move towards the future), but if the writer is tense the speed is restrained and will be be the writer’s spontaneity
- just because there is a rightward slant does not mean they are a more sociable individual. in this instance it is more of a result for a selfish need: they need people around them (depends on their motives)
BC slant (67*-55*) Pg 8
- slightly inclined to the right
- able to express objectivity as well as sympathy to suit the occasion
- Generally unlikely to let emotions get better of them
- does not react impulsively due to sufficient reserved, that helps keep writer in check
- warmer/friendlier than Ab writer and gets along w/ most people
- generally kind, considerate, and easy-going temperament
- consideration is revealed in conventional/polite demeanor
- Overall fairly moderate person since equal balance btwn emotion and control
- tends to have a hesitant approach and finds it difficult to delegate authority since wirter is neither one thing or another
CD slant (55*-48* rightward) Pg 8
- more inclined to the right = more emotional to people/events (less control of emotions, but still has controls in place)
- naturally outgoing, gets involved in other’s lives/activities
- warm person that others warm up to
- emotions influence decisions - can plunge w/o considering consequences
- spontaneous; makes decisions quickly
- eager and enthusiastic when talking about self, but can reach out to others to show feelings plainly and in accordance w/ situation
DE slant (48*-34* rightward) Pg 8-9
- more spontaneous
- reaches out to others cuz needs people around at all times; extrovertly warm/outgoing, relates well to others (especially like minded people); very affectionate
- easily vents all positive/negative emotions - body language clearly exhibits feelings
- intensity of emotions can leave them feeling drained
- strong likes/dislikes; easily pleased/offended
- subjectivness shades opinions of others (thus impacting relationships) as well as situations (jump to conclusions since too impatient to examine all facts before acting)
- tendency to rush into relationships w/o thinking long term
Extreme right forward slant E+ 34-0 rightward
Pg 9-10
- wants to rush forward to others and future - goes to the extremes (behavior is not normal)
- feelings dominate life and influence behavior - this can irritate /wear on others (especially more reserved people)
- high strung - fears/anxieties are intensified
- laugh/cry to extreme; all joy or all pain; vivid body language; unable to conceal feelings
- lack of self discipline
- needs attention/love/constant emotional feedback
- judges people/situations based on mood not facts - jumps to conclusions and biased view
- quickly gets really involved in everything they do
- IMPULSIVE due to impatience (later regrets those decisions)
- unless controls are in place they will lose ‘it’ since too much emotion builds inside that cannot be contained and the pressure from the pent up feelings needs to be released
- no matter how intelligent head is overruled by heart and reactions are emotional
Variable Slant
Pg 10-11
- usual to find 50% in 2 or 3 consecutive areas - this reflects stability and rhythmical consistency, BUT when the areas are spread over different emotional spectrums that means inner harmony is disturbed and indicates indecision.
- Writer is as changeable as the slant - unpredictable based on moods.
- Unreliable, fickle, moody, and inconsistent
- Sensitive person that feels all the good and bad vibes around them
- There is an inner battlefield that pulls them back and propels them forward
- Relationship between I and You is all over the map - responses vary based on mood. This can feel ambivalent that is difficult for others to know what to expect
- Positively this means that they are versatile, creative, adaptable, lively with many interests, appreciate change/variety and like to explore all angles
Slant note
Pg 11
Slant must be seen in context and in relation to all else in the sample - nothing stands alone. See how things all interrelate: ie some things may temper the impulsive
Measuring slant
Pg 11
- Factors: mood, subject, paper angle, handeness
- establish a baseline first
Pg 11
- Real or imagined
- represents our everyday reality
- one of the most important factors in revealing emotional stability
Analyst’s baseline
Pg 12
- each letter can have it’s own baseline, but for east of measuring establish a line that underpins the writing as it moves across the page
- NOT the writer’s baseline - this is just where you rest your slant guage
Measuring procedure
Pg 12-15
- Draw straight line under first/last letter until 100 upstrokes are found (ignore bottom part of letter that extend below baseline as well as 1st/last letters that are MUCH higher/lower than base line)
- Only measure upstrokes that start at or below baseline -excluding lower pars of letters f, j, j, p ,q, y, z if the lower zone upstroke does not return to the baseline and further upwards
- Strokes that are as high (or close to) as the top of the midzone letters (ex m, n, o) qualify for measurement - some subjectivity is required, especially in thready writing when shorter upstrokes appear regularly and throughout the sample
- Determine which strokes go upwards away from the baseline
- Find the exact point where the stroke STARTS to leave the baseline - where the first bit of white space appears
- Draw a line between the point where it leaves the baseline and where it stops going up or changes direction.
- Draw a line across the top of letters to see where the upstroke stops ascending if needed
- Use slant gauge
- Match upstroke with zone
- Write measurement at top of upstroke
- Measure upstrokes that go left
- If there is an angle in the upstroke, measure only to where the upstroke stops ascending BEFORE it changes direction
Measuring tips
Pg 15-16
- Measure EVERY consecutive upstrokes - this shows emotional response strength and variations
- enlarge writing sample if writing is very small
- use magnifying glass
- only write on a copy - do not spoil an original
- use a fine tip instrument to measure
- take your time
- start on the second page if possible (more natural writing there)
- if the slant falls on the cusp go to the one that is further away from 90* because
Writing zones as a color palette
Pg 16
Some aspects dominate, but a little of this and that will dot in different colors. Close slants are neighbors of a similar hue
Pg 18
- When the scores are around 10 for F- and FA combined the trait of withdrawal is average
- when combo is 16-35 it is moderately strong
- anything 36+ is very strong
Emotional responsiveness
Pg 19
Inner response of writer to situations and experiences, which is unobservable to others. This is measured by upstrokes that leave the baseline
Emotional expressiveness
Pg 19
Outward display in reaction to the emotional response