Lesson 3 - Arrangement Flashcards
pg 1
the distribution of the black strokes on the white background - how much SPACE is lift by the writing. When viewed within the whole context spaces, gaps, and strokes provide a wealth of information
- When there is an imbalance anywhere in the use of space that means that there is conflict w/in the writer and is viewed at lack of rhythm
- Rhythmical writing should contain consistency of movememnt and arrangement - irregular baseline alignment = disturbed impulses
Paper size
Pg 1
If the writing space is small movement will be limited. It is good to have two pages of average size paper that is unlined to see how the writer sees self in terms of their environment
First stage of handwriting analysis
Pg 1-2
This is a representation of the writer’s environment and daily life so get a ‘feel’ for the writing - AKA the first impression. You can put the writing sample in a frame to help get a feel for the layout and get a sense of proportion, symmetry, and rhythm (which is an integral part of arrangement)
- turn the page to look at it from different angles
- decide if the writing is centered
- decide if the left margin is wider
- are the margins straight or wavy
- is there a lot of white paper showing or does the writing fill the page
- does it look untidy or cramped
Pg 3 & 4
can act as an invisible border demarcating the amount of space the writer perceives he occupies in real life. How the writing is laid out shows how the writer plans/organizes their daily affairs
There are four possible margins - top, left, right and bottom
These provide insight into writer’s sense of security, whether they are willing to undertake risks, and disclose whether they follow rules
Balanced white spaces (margins)
Pg 3
indicates someone who has an innate need for order, harmony and balance in life; likes to carry out activities according to plan, will find disruptions very difficult to handle; has plenty of self assurance as a result of being orderly and well organized
Very wide margins all around
Pg 3
socially isolated and needs buffers to protect self from threatening environment
Crowded with writing
Pg 3
writer tends to be miserly
Imbalance in the use of space
Pg 3
writer is caught up in inner conflict
Top margin general
Pg 4
Should be around 1” or 2.5 cm (slightly less on smaller than average paper)
Reflects attitudes towards authority - demonstrates the degree of respect the writer has for others (especially whom they are corresponding with). In the west a large top margin represented respect
Top margin wide
Pg 4
writer is modest and appreciates formality and showing respect to the person being addressed
Top margin narrow
Pg 4
Narrower than 1” (2.5 cm)
writer has ease in communicating but has little respect for the authority of others; they are direct and go straight for what they want, when they want it; planner more than a doer
Top margin missing
Pg 4
writer is spontaneous and more direct in dealing with others
Left margin general info
Pg 4-5
Should be about 1” and should stay generally the same all the way down the page (excluding indents for paragraphs)
Most revealing of all the four margins because it demonstrates:
- the amount of willingness the writer has to stretch out to meet others and make contact with the environment
- reflects how much control is exerted over the writer’s behavior
- reveals whether the writer moves spontaneously to meet others or moves cautiously/timidly away from comfort zone
- related to the past and shoes the security needs of the writer as well as their attitudes of the past (cling or decisively move away)
- if the face the writer shows the world is the left margin then the width of the margin is the implied distance between the writer and others
Left margin narrow
Pg 5
- writer has great need for security and familiar
- reluctant to meet future w/ it’s uncertainties
- wants to have a foothold in the past where the pleasant feelings of security prevails
- lacks independence
Left margin balanced
pg 5
- fairly ambivalent regarding the past and the future
- willing to move forward while still needing to keep hold of certain aspects of the past
- with a degree of self control the writer does not get involved on impulse
Left margin very broad
Pg 5
- non-conformist
- outgoing and welcomes opportunities to meet others
- future oriented, does not dwell/worry on past
- willing to try out new ideas/ways of doing things
Left margin broadens
Pg 5
Happens towards the bottom of the page
- initially cautious person, but the more involved in relationship/project/situation the more their enthusiasm/spontaneity/impatient grows as well as their desire to get things done
- symbolizes an OPTIMISTIC attitude
Left margin narrows
Pg 5
Happens towards bottom of page
- begins new situations with a degree of enthusiasm/resolve, but more involved = doubts, they lose enthusiasm/confidence and look for ways to return to the safety of the past
- likely needs reassurance to keep going since the natural inclination is to return to the past
- if a situation feels intolerable they may give up completly
Left margin completely straight
Pg 5
- inordinate amount of self control
- Likely to be a perfectionist, rigid, and obsessive about certain things
Left margin irregular
Pg 5-6
- not rigid and precise
- moody and unpredictable
- wavers between anxiety and depression vs enthusiastic involvement
- suggests lack of emotional stability and insecurity
- faces an inner struggle which will affect concentration ability
Left margin convex: )
Pg 6
- starts off cautiously-becomes confident/enthusiastic/spontaneous-then begins to have second thoughts
- 2nd thoughts are about about ability and suffers a crisis of confidence (depending on where the margin recedes to the left)
- may stop or carry on, but likely to have some inner tension
Left margin concave: (
Pg 6
-starts confident/enthusiastic-doubt/insecurities & applies breaks-re-examine situation and regains initial enthusiasm to continue as before
Right Margin General info
Pg 6
Right is normally about the same width as left or slighly less. Right is more difficult to control due to word lengths
Right represents a stopping place and reflects attitude about goals/ambitions/future/how ready to return to the past
A certain amount of veriability is normal and positive due to variable word lengths
Left and right need to be considered with regard to each other:
- similar = balanced and stable personality therefore good organizational ability
- dissimilar = precedence given to whichever margin is the narrower one
Right margin irregular
Pg 6
poor planner because unsure about how they feel towards other people and the future
Right margin very narrow
Pg 6
- quickly gets involved in relationships/tasks does not want to postpone or interruptions
- evidence of speed = likely to throw caution to the wind and not forsee any hazards ahead; may be a risk to self and others
Right margin broad
Pg 7
- lacks spontaneity
- feels insecure
- would rather not try anything new since failure would cause too much stress
Right margin extremely broad
Pg 7
- feels incapable of dealing with life and everyday existence
- insecure when dealing with others due to inhibitions which makes them distrustful of strangers
- nervous involvement of anything unfamiliar
- overpowering need to be in control
- unlikely to complete what they set out to do
Right margin broadens towards the bottom of the page
Pg 7
- suffers from anxiety about involvement w/ others
- as fear grows they creep back to the past where they feel safer
Right margin narrows towards the bottom of the page
Pg 7
initial reluctance to get involved in projects/relationships is is swept away as a more positive approach to achieving goals is developed
Bottom Margin general info
Pg 7
least important of margins since the stopping place depends on the length of the message and how many pages are involved
Bottom margin narrow
Pg 7
writer lacks ability to organize and plan ahead
Bottom margin wide
Pg 7
dislike for social involvement
No margins at all
pg 7
- wants to get as much out of life as possible
- great need to talk/communicate thoughts and ideas, feels frustrated since there is never enough time/space to do so
- may be intrusive and invade other’s privacy and become a pain
- likely to be thrifty and/or miserly
Both margins irregular
Pg 8
- lacks order and discipline
- constantly changing their mind
- sign of instability
Narrow margins all around
Pg 8
- tries to get the most out of life (relationships/work/projects)
- juggles many activities and tries to keep as many going at the same time as possible
- enjoys being with people and consequently will make demands on their time and be intrusive
Baselines - spacing and alignment general info
Pg 8-9
- distance between lines shows how well ORGANIZED writer is and their attitude towards other people
- only can be measured on unlined paper
- no absolute rule for distance between lines, but spacing should be proportionate to the size of writing and maintain regularity and legibility
- lower extension letters should not intermingle with the line below (this can diminish legibility)
- Vels things distance btwn lines should be 3-4 times the height of letters m, m, & u of the text seen in the writing
- to judge this turn the page sideways and upside down, look at the distribution of the white against black instead of the words themselves
- Any baseline that departs from normal alignment might be due to some physiological situation not a psychological regularity. It is important to find out in advance if the writer has any medical conditions as well as seeing if pessimistic/optimistic is seen in any other traits
Line value
Pg 9
- clear separation of lines reflects the brain’s need for clarity and order as well as the writer’s willingness to interact w/ enviro
- when lines are balanced and proportionate the writer has the same degree of balance and proportion in relation to situations, relationships or objects
- this writer will have an eye for proportion (i.e. a picture hung at an angle will annoy until straightened)
Line spacing extremely broad
Pg 9
- can sense the dominance of white against black
- turned on its side it appears there are huge chasms to cross
- writing looks lost on the page just as the writer is lost in their enviro; it is like they are lost in the wilderness and have lost touch w/ reality
- fears social contact due to insecurities, as a result has become suspicious and distrustful of other’s friendly approach and separates self from socially and physically from those around
Aerated layout
Pg 9
- Looks: writing looks as if air can circulated freely between words and lines and margins - there is not chance of line entangling or letters/words touching
- Means: thinking is organized (no confusion), thoughts are balanced and well defined, nothing could lead to error, common sense and fairness guide behavior
- if writing is equally slow and monotonous it suggests a writer that has clear thinking but ends to be rather shallow
Line spacing normal/copybook
Pg 9
- Looks: 3x-4x the height of m, n, or u
- means: able to organize daily routine well, maintain a healthy emotional balance, enjoys being w/ others
Line spacing is extremely regular
Pg 10
Means: writer is over controlled
Line spacing is narrow
Pg 10
Means: writer lacks clarity of thinking and is likely to jumble thoughts and ideas, have poor concentration (which leads to confuse facts), lively, probably creative, and needs to express self
Line entanglement
Pg 10
- Looks - when there is narrow line spacing and one line tangles/entwines w/ letters above or below
- Means - mental confusion, sign of mental disorder (since on lined paper it is a deliberate choice to put letters where they do not belong), tries to cram as much into the day as possible, works in fits and starts due to short attention span, CONFUSION OF INTERESTS resulting in inefficiency (energy is wasted and only end result is frustration)
- if good line spacing + entanglement = capable of prioritizing daily activities effectively
Line spacing irregular
Pg 11
means: writer is inwardly unsettled (one min friendly next wanting to shut self away)
Baseline alignment info
Pg 11
- reflects the writers journey/attitude towards pursuing goals - this can be used to show how to analyze how the writer deals with everyday life
- provides info regarding emotional stability and clues about optimistic/pessimistic mind
- this is an important thing to measure because it is unconsciously created and extremely hard to change at will
- to measure: lift the page to your eye and look down the baseline to get a feel for the direction of the lines
- if an adult needs lines they are dependent and insecure
- the quicker the speed the more likely to have a rising baseline
- a straight line is the shortest route to get to the right hand side of the page, any deviation upwards or downwards make it a greater distance; however this may not be the shortest route across the page - other factors include speed/movement/etc
Straight line baseline
Pg 11
- guiding image: firm and stable - no circuitous/evasive deviations from the course ahead
- means: constancy o fpurpose, unshakeability, focus, RELIABLE, can mentally schedule ahead, each goal set is carefully planned, establishes and follows a schedule loyally, difficult to make last minute adjustments, likes to be in absolute control at all times
Extremely straight baseline (including ruler writing)
Pg 12
- means: rigid, over-controlled, lacks adaptability, extremely tense about regulating life according to established rules, follower not a leader, does routine jobs just as they are taught
- inflexibility and self discipline
- some people prefer lined paper; that means: to have guidelines and routine to make them feel more secure
- ruler writing: -looks using an actual ruler to keep lines straight this means taking control even further; Very uncomfortable when required to deviate from planned schedule. Ruler is a crutch that indicates need for help (even if they will not admit it), wants to appear more organized than they really are to create a good impression, attempts to keep order (but cannot accomplish this by themselves, uptight and tense about doing everything exactly as required - any deviation will cause stress,
Writing above the line of ruled paper
Pg 12
- when its just above the line the shows deliberate rejection of help that is provided - this shows deep seated insecurity
Straight baselines (rising) Pg 13
- Guiding image: ascending, rising upwards
- means:buoyancy of spirits, cheery OPTIMISM and hopefulness, ability to surmount obstacles, looks at the bright side of life, they are enjoyable company, upbeat attitude helps achieve goals
- Moderately rising lines are an indicator for speed- caused by eagerness and excitable impulsivity
- if the baseline rises too sharply may indicate putting on a brave face to be courageous in trying circumstances
Straight baselines (falling) Pg 13
- Guiding image: descending, sinking down
- means: down cast spirits, feeling gloomy/PESSIMISTIC, feels discouraged, lacks confidence in self, tends to say “can’t or “won’t”
- a slight decent is often temporary and can change w/in a very short period of time
- Fatigue is usually the cause of falling lines and can be a result of some prevailing illness OR the writer may be downcast/depressed at the time of writing
Curved baselines (wavy or undulating) Pg 14
- Guiding image: serpentine, snakelike and lack of firmness
- Meaning: waver, hesitate, avoid trouble, get out of doing things, inclination to hold back to avoid commitments, preference for compromise, on a roller coaster of emotions (likely to be moody), unreliable (unwise to entrust w/ anything), delays action
- a slight waving alignment is most frequent occurrence of all baselines
- related to thready writing and reflects ADAPTABILITY
Curved baselines (concave - dip down in the middle) Pg 14
- Guiding image: rising again after a fall
- meaning: recovery of energy/enthusiasm, makes successful come backs, courage, determination, approaches unfamiliar situations w/ considerable doubt/caution -> good mood sinks, complains, uses avoidance strategies to not look stupid -> as they progress they over come doubtful feelings and gain confidence, with encouragement they will succeed
- concave=goes into their cave and comes back out
Curved baselines (convex - pops up in the middle) Pg 14
- Guiding image: rise followed by a fall
- meaning: waning of initial enthusiasm/energy; starts projects w/ a lot of enthusiasm, grows w/ confidence -> eagerness wanes, becomes easily vexed, wants to give up, will drop project before completion if the situation will allow
- convex=they get vexed and don’t want to finish
Curved baselines (sinking over the edge) Pg 15
- Guiding image: going beyond the limits/boundaries
- looks: beings w/ ample fullness (letters/spaces) but y the end the letters being to get squeezed/distorted and words hang precariously over the baseline
- meaning: wasteful use of time and energy, inability to organize/plan properly due to lack of foresight, always short on time (misjudges how long things take), likely to start day off leisurely and at the end is rushing to fit in everything they wanted to do, probably spends all money at the beginning of the month and forced to be miserly the rest
Roof tiles
Pg 15
lines which rise or fall like roof tiles show there is a constant struggle to keep the guiding image.
words are / / / or \ \ \
Step-up roof tile (\ \ )
Pg 15
- Looks: next word starts higher than the end of the previous word
- Meaning: tries to control impulsive behavior, continually forces self to come back down to earth
- continual step-up formation is rarely round, generally likely to be sporadic
Step-down roof tile (/ / /)
- Looks: first letter of each word starts lower than the previous word
- meaning: in a constant struggle against pessimism and frustration
Mixture of step-up and step-down
Pg 16
- Guiding image: none
- looks: jerky passage across the page (like going up and down the same step before going up to the next step)
means: internal turmoil, suffers from considerable anxiety, irregular baseline = disturbed impulses (up one min and down the next), incapable to have a calm state of mind - when lines appear broken due to many step up/downs that means the writer is going to pieces internally
Letter width info
Pg 16-17
- shows introversion vs extroversion of writer: The structure of letters reveals how this is acted out by the “I to You” relationship
- horizontal expansion shows how much living space the writer needs for daily life - broader letter width = more elbow room
Broad letter width
Pg 17
- Looks: wider than they are high, takes up considerable space,
- Means: eager to meet others, needs considerable elbow room, broadminded (receiving more stimuli from envrio), welcoming, receptive, more sociable than narrow writer, exudes confidence, tempted to bluster
- spontaneous because the writer is released
- broad width + expansive gestures = striding across the page w/ a spring in each step
- broad letter width + entangled lines = wastes time and loses self in pleasures and amusements
Narrow letter width
Pg 17-18
- Looks: contracted/restricted and lacking in spontaneity
- Means: narrow-minded due to range of stimuli being less and loses sight of bigger picture, holds back from moving quickly forward, more socially constrained - nervous about meeting others (keeps arms tucked instead of outstretched/welcoming)
Letter Spacing Info
Pg 18-19
- spacing between letters is called secondary horizontal expansion
- Looks: Copybook spacing is aprox 60% height of mid zone letters (a,c,o, or u)
- spacing between letters is more personal than space between words
- indicates the emotional rapport and sympathy w/ the emotional needs of others (ability to offer/receive/interact w/ others on a personal basis) and reveals the degree of spontaneity in self-expressiveness
- shows how much the writer is influenced by life
- relates to self-feeling: comfortable w/ self or not - reveals degree of self-confidence and need for approval/acceptance on a personal level, ability to give/take, accepting of people’s behavior and ideas, how they learn/share knowledge
- spacing btwn letters represents how we “connect with others on a personal/emotional basis: amnt of tension/ease in dealing with others on a one-to-one as well as if they are impulsive or cautious when others
Narrow letter spacing
Pg 18
- Looks: narrower than 60% height o mid zone letters
- Means: reduction in spontaneity, likely to take rather than give
- closer the letters are together the more needy the writer is
Broad letter spacing
Pg 18
- Looks: 1.5 x copy book style
- Means: comfortable to interact w/ others - normal give/take verbally and socially
Extremely broad letter spacing
Pg 18
- writer expends more time on social initiative than necessary
- indiscriminate in relationships and presents a front of false amiability
Word Spacing info
Pg 19
- Looks: pauses in speech are the same as pauses/spacing in writing (indicates our rhythm and is an unconscious act)
- Means:represents the degree of physical/emotional separation from others (social isolation vs close contact)
- shows desire to work in groups or alone (degree of involvement w/ others
- represents a pic of thinking functions: shows the intellectual distance and ability to deal w/ several topics/tasks at one time
- eager writers form words quickly with small gaps and shy writers will take longer to get to the next word thus is longer
Balanced word spacing
Pg 20
- Looks: spacing btwn words is the width of mid size letter such as ‘o’ or ‘m’
- means: appreciates need for clarity of thought, makes good use of judgement in planning, orderly, systematic,thorough, considerate for others because wants to make things clear, comfortable with self, happy being alone or w/ others, relaxed to work in a group, respects personal sphere of others/not intrusive and expects to be treated the same way
Narrow word spacing
Pg 20
- Looks: smaller than copy book
- means: ignores the need for clarity, poor organizational ability, lacks efficiency, strong need for social contact, insecure, anxiety plagues when alone, happy with surrounded by others (keeps insecurities away), involvement w/ others is a result of impulsive nature, no regard for other’s privacy, more friends = feeling better , not a good judge of character, insecurity, unsure ego, involvement w/ others has nothing to do w/ quality of relationships, can think/act in quick succession but does not have time to reflect
Too narrow word spacing
Pg 21
Means: cannot live w/o lots of people around, measures contact quantitatively instead of qualitatively, increased curiosity that shows little regard for others (gossip/indiscretion), thinking proceeds down a tunnel w/ no access to outside
Broad word spacing
Pg 21
- Looks: very broad all through the sample, words can appear isolated
- Means: continuity is interrupted and ideas may jump around, writer has lost direction, insecure and fearful of daily encounters, rather preoccupied w/ self, difficulties in social contact (glass wall of separation), need for contact may be strong but anxieties are more intense, afraid of others getting too close, shies away from physical touch, privacy/alone time is a priority to think through concerning matters
*right flant w/ wide word spacing = contradiction: emotional and a loner, separates self to cope w/ volatile emoitons
Very broad word spacing
Pg 21-22
- Looks: only a few words per line and only a few lines per sheet, words appear isolated
- Means: extremely wasteful, disrespectful of enviro issues, lost all spontaneity, needs so much space to feel safe/secure that cannot have meaningful relationships w/ others (unable to connect w/ others) and wrapped up in self
*very broad word spacing + thready writing = deeply rooted in ambivalence towards enviro
Irregular word spacing
Pg 22
- Looks: sometimes narrow and sometimes wide
- Means:inconsistency overall, emotional instability, rhythmical disturbances in emotions and thinking
Detecting a falsehood
Pg 22
- Looks: large space in writing that is out of the ordinary
- Could mean: lapse of concentration, interruption while writing OR **Stalling since they do not want to write what they are thinking - thus a lie
- focus on the context of the sample to understand further
Chimneys or rivers
Pg 22
- Looks: inordinately wide spaces that travel down the page, leaves empty spaces snaking/flowing through several lines
- Means: neurotic seclusion and fearful isolation
(neurotic: a functional disorder in which feelings of anxiety, obsessional thoughts, compulsive acts, and physical complaints without objective evidence of disease, in various degrees and patterns, dominate the personality)
Balance and harmony
Pg 23
-needs to be a certain amount of regularity/repetition as long as it is spontaneous. Poor rhythm has irregularities in spacing and proportion