Lesson 8 - Printed writing Flashcards
Printed writing differs from cursive due to
Pg 1
- it is essentially unconnected
- it is marked by the simplicity of letter forms
Prior to analyzing the printed writer
Pg 1
-is printing a desirable part of their occupation (architect, police, etc)? When used so much during the day it becomes an acquired habit
Print writing
Pg 2 & 10
- when letters are made separately w/o any traceable link or connection then brakes have been applied to the writer’s progress and writing lacks connection to others; there is constant interruption and a lack of continuity in movement
- constant starting and stopping makes it slower than cursive so it is important to understand why they are wiling to sacrifice speed for print
- disconnect means the writer has less need for emotional attachment to others; The I does not want to connect to the YOU because they need self imposed space (which represents isolation and a form of control the help keep emotions in check and keep them to themselves); space is their way to protect self form imaginary harm
- independent, doesn’t take life too seriously, likely has problems making friends since viewed as being judgmental and uptight, has emotions but does not express them, likely to remain detached and unencumbered, keeps personal things private
- legibility is one reason to write print, but this shows the paradox of wanting to be understood and holding back their feelings at the same time
- the date they decided to start printing often indicates a specific change in their life when something happened to make them cut off their inner feelings and take control over them
- printers eliminate bridges of communication and prefer to communicate through logic of facts and figures (not emotions) which suggest left brain dominance
- like structure/predictability
- need control over their lives
- good sense of sequential space and distance - spatial layout leaves them open to stimuli from the here and now/past experiences that enable them to assess situations quickly
General observations
Pg 3
- tend to be conservative
- difficult to form personal relationships
- tend to resist change
- feel uncomfortable if forced into intimate situations due to shyness
- usually a dry sense of humor
- can be sociable as long as it is at their own level
- lack of upstroke (as seen in cursive) shows tendency to be a loner; disconnect reflects some sense of isolation
- not all printed writing is the same
- reluctant to make long term commitments
Block print
Pg 3-4
Looks: capital letters which are the same height (can fit into a square); unizonal; generally slows and lacking in spontaneity, this is a choice (not copybook style)
Males: considerable number of male block print writers are in super-macho jobs; midzone generally focuses on the feminine aspects of character so a male choosing to write like this indicates a strong emotional bond w/ mother formed in the early years - he remains essentially feminine in nature while adopting the external mode of masculine behavior, they are hard on the outside and soft inside: a feminine and sentimental nature that may harbor bisexual/homosexual issues that are repressed, they are unlikely to engage in sex w/ men but marry a very dominant and masculine woman who wears the pants
Means: by the book, no nonsense, practical, sees black/white, may be judgmental/highly critical, main concern is for structure and organization, prefers technical side of things (not abstract concepts), can deal easily with facts/figures, less comfortable dealing with people (they find them to be less predictable); stuck in the midzone (here and now of everyday life), in tune with their immediate needs (perhaps to the exclusion of everyone else), emphasis on the importance of their daily affairs/social relationships/self, approaches relationship so that they gain more satisfaction than their partner will (very one sided and the writer takes), convinced they are the most important person around, primarily self involved, may lack social grace, independence and preference to do things their way and hiding feelings may create isolation, rather than admit loneliness/isolation they use humor to mask feelings of insecurity (may be directed at others), writer has a Persona (a created projection of desired self image that conceals their undesirable traits)
Note: not a fluid means of communication - usually reserved for banners and headlines; difficult to analyze due to few upstrokes; constant start creates space between the letters that represent the buffer between self and others,
Garlands and block print
Pg 4-5
- single structures can have connective form (bridges) that are garlands, arcades, and angles see chart on page 4
- garlands help soften the aloofness of the writer, makes them more amenable, a little less self centered, receptive, and trying to be obliging
Angles and block print
Pg 5
Looks: tend to occur in m, n, h, v, and w
Means: exclusive use suggests writer is intolerant, probably has an authoritarian attitude, sees things as black/white, may be judgmental and highly critical
Arcades and block print
Pg 5
Looks: likely to be found in m, n or middle zone part of the letter h
Means: above average intelligence and may have a practical ability
Enhantments and elaborations
Pg 5
-block writing tends to be simplified but if there are additional lengths to strokes, exaggeration of height, etc they are enrichment and embellishments
Enrichment: decorative and creative additions that indicate imagination and creative ability - printing acts as a catalyst for creativity
Elaboration: overdone additions to the copybook style that are not artistic or pleasing for the eye - printed writing does not lends itself very well to elaborations of any kind, they are easy to spot
Block printing and zones
Pg 5-6
- the position of the cross bars on letters a, b, e, f, g, h, p, r, and y give a clue to where the upper zone might begin
- if the distance is high the upper zone is short w/ a long lower zone
- if the distance is love the upper zone is long w/ short lower zone (esepcailly in f, g, p, y which normally have a lower zone in cursive writing)
- if the crossing appears to be in balance it is considered predominantly middle zone
Upper and lower case printing
Pg 6
-called print or manuscript
Notes: most easy to analyze due to normal zonal extensions, if letters touch the writer does need close physical attachment, if connected letters appear it is very significant because the writer needs some degree of emotional attachment
Looks: perfection/clarity/simplification are often seen
Means: indication of average intelligence, tends to be unconventional since they do not automatically adhere to society’s standards, balanced view of life than block printer (though this is more like copybook style), hiding true self, relationships w/ others won’t be one sided but they like to be in control (in any relationship the one who hides the most is in control), tends to be shy and sensitive, may appear aloof dude to lack of revealing, tends not to be as forceful as the block printer, prefers to adopt more thoughtful approach to life, uses humor as a defense to protect sensitive nature (likely to make fun of self to deflect tension)
Disconnected mixed forms
Pg 7
Looks: mixes cursive w/ print to form own style, movement is disrupted by form, overall lack of symmetry in stroke formation, irregular rhythm, unable to decide which way to write
Means: unable to decide how to behave, shows emotional instability, unpredictable, may be versatile, may be creative
Notes: when there is a printed word in a sentence/paragraph in otherwise cursive writing that word becomes highly significant (normally we do not look at the context) because printing allows the writer to distance self from whatever the word represents in their mind
Printers and work
Pg 7-8
- make fine employees as long as they are interested in the work
- enjoy learning a specific skill
- the more training the have the better
- if thrown into a job w/o prior instruction they will demonstrate leadership skills and take charge
- appreciates instructions, but not necessarily direction
- if the work is satisfying they are likely to become extremely competent
- independent
- doesn’t like being told what to do
- if they take charge they will apply the same principles to those beneath that they do to self
- printers get along well with other printers (unspoken bond)
- not as communicative as cursive writers (unable to generate the same warmth/understanding) thus enjoys taking responsibility for practical matters instead of emotional
- focus is on getting the job done efficiently so they may have a problem dealing with other’s personal problems
- remains cool/composed under pressure since they can control their emotions (but they enjoy their adrenalin rush of pressure)
- common areas w/in the law: since, technology, security, law enforcement
- criminals can be printers because they adopt a slow, artificial style of printing that lacks spontaneity
Intellect - Logic and intuitions: separate entities
Pg 8-9
- Logic: ability to investigate, classify, make sense of what they hear and see
- Types of logic: deductive and inductive reasoning
- Deductive: Premise is true thus the conclusion must be true (men are mortal -> tony is a man -> tony is mortal)
- Inductive reasoning: uses a number of proven facts to draw a general conclusion
- logic and intuition can be found in any type of handwriting - what needs to be addressed is if a writer is choosing to print control is important and left hemisphere is likely to be dominant.
Left brain/Right brain
Pg 9 & 12
Notes: work together via habit and ritual: one takes the dominant role and the other stays largely in the background (dominant hemisphere may choose to ignore the information supplied by the other half); hemispheres do not works exactly the same degree of involvement in every person; much of human behavior is based on right brain hunches
Left brain: process info in a linear manner, takes pieces -> line them up -> arrange in a logical order-> draws conclusions, easily processes symbols (letters, words, math equations), comfortable w/ language, can express self in words, easily memorize vocab/math formulas, incapable of understanding intuition, processes in sequence, list maker (likes to check things off), enjoys making schedules/plans, good at following directions, deals with reality, if affected by the enviro they adjust, want to know the rules to be able to follow them (if there are no rules they will create their own)
Right brain: processes form the whole to the parts in a holistic way, sees big pic first and the relationship between the parts but not the details, approach is random - flits from one task to another, wants things to be concrete (see/feel/touch), may have trouble learning to read, have trouble finding the right words, prefer to see words in context, need to back up everything visually, if it’s not written down they will have a hard time remembering it, like hands on activities, may have the correct answer to a math problem w/o knowing how they got it (might have to start w/ the answer and work backwards), INTUITION (feels things that are not obvious to others, 6th sense into other’s, gut feelings)
Airstrokes/invisible chords
Pg 11
- Sign of intuition
- feathered disconnections that use invisible chords to connect one letter to the next
- in printed and cursive writing
- sign of intelligence because they demonstrate speed of thought
- they show a relaxing of mental rigidity that allow the rain time to flash back to its storage system to retrieve required data
- if the disconnections have blunt endings they are not indicators of intuition because it was purposely done and lifted off the paper to create a completely different new stroke
Measuring print:
Pg 12
- holistic factors: movement, form and arrangement, slant, pressure, spacing, rhythm, size, spacing, and margins are all measured the same way
- Measure height: for upper zone used the cross bars of A, B, E, F, and H to divide zones; measure the lower zone (if there is one) the same way as in cursive
- Measure the slant
-printing requires more control which implies tension. Although some tension is essential too much shows a severely restrained subject
-printers usually omit initial lead-in stroks because they are direct in thought and action, but if there are lead-ins treat them the same way as initial strokes in cursive writing