Lesson 6 - Pressure - a global trait Flashcards
grip pressure
pg 1
the pressure used on the impliment
Pg 1-2
- naturally writing demands more downstrokes
- they are easier and more pleasurable to execute
- normally heavier and thicker than upstrokes
- muscles contract to make these - they represent an attitude of tension (upstrokes are release)
- downward + right movements use flexor muscles that contract/tense
Balance of tension
pg 2
- thick downstrokes and thin upstrokes
- sign of good health
- w/o this pattern tension and release are out of balance
- easiest to see in a fountain pen
Pg 2
-in the down stroke reveals how much energy is being channeled into different outlets
Pg 2
- upward and rightward movements (or even just rightward movements) use the extensor muscles by flexing/releasing muscles
- more difficult to perform than downstrokes
primary pressure
Pg 1 & 3
- the pressure used to press the implement onto the paper (energy generated in order to write)
- AKA point pressure
- can be assessed by searching for indentations left on the back of the paper (deeper indent the greater the pressure)
secondary pressure
Pg 2
- the gliding movement across the page that connects cursive letters together via upstroke
- this is a rhythmical pattern of tension and release that is individual to each person (determined by person, not writing implement)
When analyzing
Pg 2-3
- Remember that writing surfaces matter: cushion will be a different pressure than hard surface
- when possible use the writing implement that the writer tends to favor so it is more natural
- paper is unlikely to have a detrimental influence
- the original document is important to assess the pressure
- use a magnifier
- enlarge the writing to see strokes and nuances better
- run your fingers down the back to feel the indentations on the paper
Pressure is impacted by physical and emotional factors
Pg 3
- physical disability
- blood sugar levels
- conditions such as arthritis
- drugs or alcohol
- fatigue or drowsiness
- degree of intellectual stimulation
- traumatic experiences
- ill health
- stress, anxiety, anger, frustration
Types of primary pressure
pg 3
- heavy
- medium
- light
- variable
heavy pressure
Pg 4-5
- great deal of energy, vitality, stamina, depth - forceful and dynamic, strength, determination - which underlies everything they do or say
- can do w/ less sleep on a regular basis due to energy reserves (has recuperative power)
- productive in goals because of great amounts of endurance, stamina, and determination
- sets a rapid pace - can keep up w/ it even when others have quit
- this intensity of spirit requires release (often through exercise or sports) to remain healthy - feelings may be overwhelming to self and other around them)
- often an outdoor type
- too much detailed work or sitting still for long periods can be problematic
- does not have to be physically strong to write heavy
- deeper the pressure the deeper passion for life (sexual energy, passion for live, travel, challenge, adventure, etc)
- feelings are long lasting and more intense - cannot shrug things off; experiences stay w/ them and they learn from them, this means they are unable to let go of the past and they carry emotional baggage w/ them; may forgive, but won’t forget
- likely to prefer meaningful conversation to chit chat
- derive SENSUOUS pleasure from things that appeal to all senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, feeling) and has a need for satisfaction in the senses - has an emotional reaction to the senses being stimulated
- may appear uncomplicated but there may be hidden complications, intense emotional undercurrents, dangers that others are not aware of
- as an employer they will expect their employees to follow the example set by themselves
- heavy pressure all the way through = maintained energy; pressure that starts heavy and lightens = starts w/ zest but fizzles out
Excessively heavy pressure
Pg 5
- enjoys challenges, is combative, exerts more force than needed when going against obstacles
- stubbornly headstrong
- strong need to be physically active (sports, sex, manual labor) - otherwise pent up energies become tension and stress
- large capacity for endurance and need only short breaks
- becomes increasingly tense and agitated the longer it take to work something out
- accomplishment = success in their mind, frustrated by delays that add to inner tension and then gets trapped in vicious circle of own making - all of which can have an adverse impact on health
- melting pot of emotion: feelings run so deep that incidents that would be minor to others impact them greatly, the influence is deeply imprinted on their memory for a long time
- can hate/love w/ intensity that creates biasness based on past experiences
- when it is controllable this is a driving force for accomplishment w/in socially acceptable framework, but when it goes past a certain point it causes devastation
Speed and pressure
pg 6
- cancel each other out
- speed + heavy pressure = great deal of vitality
- heavy pressure + slow speed = energies are misdirected - not applying sufficient energy to propel self forward
Medium Pressure
Pg 6
- the norm (thus the majority of writers will have this)
- balances person that takes equal interest in physical and mental aspects
- sufficient energy, determination, vitality and drive to see things completed - even when there are setbacks
- will rarely over expend energy resources since abusing the energy reserves will do no good in the long run
- normal amount of rest suffices, doesn’t often burn the candle at both ends
- emotional experiences affect writer at the time they happen, will likely stay for a fair amount of time - some experiences will leave lingering impressions while others are soon forgotten
Light pressure
pg 6-7
- pen hardly seems to touch the paper surface
- floats along
- exerts little force
- easy-going and light-hearted nature
- adaptable and able to change direction more easily: moods, jobs, location, significant others, etc
- not much built in stamina/energy reserves (long term projects and hard situations are are difficult); becomes listless/withdrawn when forced to stay in a stressful situation; will find enough energy to finish a job and will need time to recoup afterwards
- a normal day’s work leaves them exhausted and they need sleep to recover
- works best where mental agility is required - good at planning and ideas stage, but not the physical follow through
- not interested in physical activity
- good vocations: research, planning, law, teaching, computer work
- emotional experiences at experienced, but quickly forgotten w/ quick recovery (even something that terribly upsets them will leave little impression on personality)
- sensitive to other’s feelings
- lacks the strength to actively engage in combat so they tend to compromise and give in to others
- lacks assertion and probably self confidence
- enjoys idle chit chat and gossip
- enjoys company of kids or adults
- the slower the speed of the writing the less energy they have
Exceptionally light pressure
Pg 7
- very low level of vitality
- energy levels are completely exhausted
- no endurance/stamina so needs lots of rest
- incapable of hard work/prolonged effort
- everything they do is under strain - makes a conscious effort to apply willpower to tasks (even needed for short duration)
- hypersensitive (feels affected by hurts and slights w/ same intensity as everyone else) but lacks vitality for emotional experiences - events wash over and are soon forgotten; may have bursts of anger, but they are short lived
- lethargic - needs lots of sleep (often uses sleep as an escape/excuse), this delicate nature can be seen as a weakness
- easily looses hope/enthusiasm; needs frequent assurance of love/appreciation of others
- evidence of anxiety (not tension) which is: constant undercurrent of worry or apprehension, being on edge all the time (even after project finished/deadline over), constantly frightened of risks/uncertainties/dangers in life, feels helpless, eg: child never pleasing parent or person never pleasing boss
- this pressure may be seen in the elderly and/or an early indicator of impending poor health
pg 7
- can be positive since it arouses feelings of being ready to spring into action and occurs when there is a deadline to meet or awkward situation to deal with
- tension will subside when deadline has been met and the situation is resolved
- easier to work out than anxiety: work it out or hot bath it away
Pressure for relationships
Pg 8
- compatibility is best when when both have equal weight in their writing (even if opposites attract initially)
- light pressure writers need to show emotions and be reassured about the other’s feelings, a heavy pressure writer likely would be too involved in what they are doing to notice and would not feel the need to constantly tell their partner of love and devotion (but this does not necessarily mean they are incompatible)
Variable Pressure
Pg 8
- essential to see if the variable pressure is due to writing implement (ie calligraphic pen) or due to writer themselves
- some variation is normal, but signs of erratic pressure are cause for consern
- spasmodic/variable pressure can be used a a barometer of their mood at time of writing - light vs dk (shows energy comes in fits and starts)
- unable to maintain/control a constant level of pressure
- likely to fluctuate from tension to anxiety - makes a moody stance
- likely to be a worrier, which makes them irritable and touchy
- any rhythm irregularities mean emotional instability
Displaced pressure
pg 809
- pressure on upstrokes (secondary pressure pattern)
- uses energy in strokes that move away from self and releases tension - energy is not being used as effectively as it could be
- ego weakness that makes writer swim against the tide
- characteristic of people who felt neglected as children and never felt really secure; they compensate by using energy on exaggerated drive for achievement and self-assertion, they gain the recognition that was denied them in childhood by trying to succeed in all that they do
- usually intelligent, talented, achieve impressive successes
- personal life is not successful - too driven to be able to relax/be spontaneous/enjoy life; thinking when should be feeling and feeling when they should be thinking
- energy displacement is never completely successful - once they relax conscious controls the suppressed emotions surge the forefront and the forced neglect of emotional nature reminds them how unhappy and dissatisfied situation; they try to overcome this by working harder to attain goals
- important to see which zone the displaced pressured is found
Pressure Flare-ups
Pg 9
- occasionally there is an increase in pressure
- this is camouflage points that compensate for the sickly state of health and lack of energy
- check the words where the pressure spots appear - the specific word could have emotive overtones
- when the capitals or initial letters of words have pronounced pressure - writer wants to create an impression and have an impact on others at first meeting
Horizontal pressure
Pg 10
- a secondary pressure that creates t-bars and connections btwn letters
- rightward strokes use same muscles as upstrokes (same rules apply about being more common to have lighter upstrokes), thus heavy rightward strokes are significant
- power strokes - if the weight of the strokes is out of line w/ rest of the writing
T-Bar pressures
Pg 10
- degree of pressure weight used in the t-bar shows degree of willpower, length shows how long willpower lasts
- heavy pressure = writer directs a great deal of energy towards specific goals, may be achievement oriented, has substantial WILLPOWER (knows what they want and takes steps to achieve it); can show extreme forcefulness - may push self to extreme w/o thought for others this often an indication of brutality
- same weight as rest of writing = moderate willpower
- lighter than rest of writing = weak will power (will always go alone w/ what others want to do, lacks assertiveness, needs other to make plans and skates off their energy
- heavy+long= strong willpower that will endure (firm and clear purpose in mind and works away at it w/ real enthusiasm, will be able to carry people w/ contagious dynamism
Directional Pressure - General
Pg 11
- an invisible pressure that makes what could be straight strokes cave in and appear curved in structure
- can appear in any up/down/side stroke
- always has a negative connotation
- relates to fear and resilience/ability to cope w/ unbearable circumstances
Directional Pressure - Above
Pg 11-12
applies to horizontal strokes (most notably in cupped T-bars, capital T or capital I)
- feels pressure from above (usually by those w/ authority over them or smarter people - they might go out of their way to avoid being confronted by these types of people) OR from a feeling of a religious higher authority
- SHALLOWNESS (shrinks from responsibility, lack of conviction, does not work under pressure, will choose the easy way out, unable to handle stress - matter of attitude rather than mentality)
- T-bar must not be connected to any other stroke for shallowness to apply
Directional Pressure - Left
Pg 12
applies to vertical strokes
- Past is still exerting a controlling influence
- unresolved fears from past due to traumatic situation that now affects their behavior (remains evident in writing long after evens occurred since trauma stays w/ them indefinitely. It becomes reactivated by less painful incidents since they remain forever vulnerable)
- May be due to maternal pressure
Directional Pressure - Right
Pg 12
applies to vertical strokes
- unresolved fears relating to the future
- may have to do with father figure or fellow men in general
- tries to cope the best they can - may withdraw from obligations/commitments and/or try to get out of them
Directional Pressure - Left and right
Pg 12-13
applies to vertical strokes
- result of severe emotional shock - a rupture of self perception
- Living w/ unresolved fears takes a great toll physically, emotionally, and mentally
Multiple Directional Pressure
Pg 12
- more than one type of directional pressure can often be seen in single piece of writing - especially in the letter “f”
- if there is diversity in directional pressure and different zones are involved the more areas of the writer’s behavior and personality are affected
Writing instruments - Fountain Pen
Pg 13
- downstrokes are more heavily inked than upstrokes
- not often used
Writing instruments - Biro/Ballpoint pen
Pg 13-14
- oil based (viscous) quick drying paste
- Four parts: tube, ball, ball holder, ink
- ball leaves a groove in paper in what is about the center of the line of ink
- even spread of ink w/ frequent gaps in the line
- ink is only partially absorbed into paper and leaves glossy appearance w/ pasty texture
- goop or blobs of ink happen when the pen turns a corner and an extra amount of ink is deposited in the line
- extra pressure is required to use this pen and frequently produces indentations in the paper
Writing instruments - felt or fiber tipped pens
Pg 14
- ink trail looks thick and heavy, but little pressure is required to deposit the ink
- initial and final strokes tend to be blunt even w/ fast writing
Writing instruments - Roller ball pens (gel)
Pg 14
- uses a liquid water based ink
- characteristic groove made by the roller ball
Stroke (ductus) quality
Pg 15
- the energy dispensed on the writing implement itself
- writing implement matters
- depends on writer’s grip, elasticity of movement and quality of paper (ie where the writer grips will change the flow of ink)
- shading = energy used by pressing the flexible pen rhythmically (shows good coordination)
- thin, sharp stroke w/ clear distinction btwn upstrokes and downstrokes = gripping the pen near the nib, pen almost upright
- lightness/depth easily deceive the analyst - writers are affected by color/texture
Flow is like a river
Pg 15-16
- small stream = seen in lightly fine strokes that hardly leave ink on the paper; not deep, contents below are transparently visible, very sensitive person that reacts strongly to slightest stimuli, disturbed by loud noises, color disharmony or crowds but they enjoy the tenderness in poetry, etc
- broader, deeper, takes more color-seen in broader, pasty stroke writer; enjoys beauty and all aspects on nature being part of it themselves
- sluggish, large, and borders are no longer sharply defined - seen in muddy writers, pen can be filled up w/ ink that oozes and overflows from the nib that creates filled ovals, this hows how much the writer is able to connect w/ inner energy and vitality and how rich/starved they are of the 5 senses
Fine stroke
Pg 16
- in touch w/ senses, but do not go overboard (eg: like music, but not too loud; likes food, but not too spicy, etc)
- prefer to be warm and dry (not wet and cold)
- quality of experience is more important than quantity
- need a positive environment on every level - seek out enviro’s that are gentle, quiet, beautiful, and have grace
- tend to be critical and argumentative
- if a heavy pressure writer has a thin line = keeps a tight lid on feelings, could mean they are frigid or at least cold when displaying emotion, thinks more than feels, intellectually preoccupied w/ logic
Normal stroke
Pg 16
-in tune w/ moderation
Pasty stroke
Pg 16
- upstroke and down stroke are the same width (about .5 mm); this is due to the writer’s choice of pen
- enjoys the sensual pleasure of seeing ink ooze out of nib - similarly the writer may permit their depth of feelings to pour out
- SENSUALITY - (physical and sensual tastes, may over indulge due to strong cravings) strong desire for bodily contact, enjoys caressing, and stroking; because sense of touch is important they use it to convey feelings to others
- does not want to merely touch w/ finger tip, wants to use the palms and stroke
- seen in painters and artists
- can deal with people more easily since they are not so deeply affected by them
- relishes pleasure and looks for harmony in surroundings
Muddy stroke
Pg 17
- letters and ovals are flooded w/ ink; the writer pauses to allow the ink to flow from pen more frequently than in pasty writing; the overall appearance is blotched and smeary
- when the writer chooses this their sensuality has gone overboard
- May be totally uninhibited in passions and desire, cravings may overpower them (esp food and sex), looses all consideration for others, excessive amount of stimulation in 1+ sense, seems to crave more of everything
- may be an excessive desire for bodily contact w/ strong impulse to caress or hurt or be hurt
- may be violent or have unbridled sexual desires
Measuring the thickness of the stroke
Pg 18
-use the gauge - some subjectivity involved