Lecture 3 - Rhythm Flashcards
pg 1 & 3 & 6
Can be considered a barometer of an individual’s fluctuating impulses - this should be treated as a premonition of what to expect when to find at the end of a completed analysis. This shows:
- a person’s inner tempo
- sequence of repetitive actions
- not an exact science because rhythmical motion is varied
- we don’t speak exactly the same all the time and writing is written speech
- the definite pattern of movement made up of the dynamic and mixed alternation of centripetal and centrifugal movements
Movement and rhythm
pg 1
-tempo of writing is governed by the tempo and level of energy, thus each person’s rhythm is unique
Initial Adjustment
pg 2
The momentary reflection that leaves a visible trace on paper - nobody can begin writing instantly.
Determining rhythm
pg 2
- does the writing look alive or frozen?
- released or constrained?
Spontaneous vs restraint
pg 2
spontaneous and lively mind = rapid writing that progresses freely towards the right
restrained = writing tends towards the left shows the natural impulses are held in check. The more restrained the writer the narrower the letters become
Disturbances in basic rhythm
Pg 2
caused by emotional distress (worry, anger, distress, insecurity, self doubt, depression, etc)
it can be overly released = lacking sufficient mental, emotional and physical controls OR strong contraction = personality hemmed in by over-control
Centripetal movement
Pg 3
- in latin it means “moving towards the center”
- strokes that move away from the center and come back to the writer (circular in movement, even if a circle is not fully formed)
Pg 3
- in latin it means “fleeing from the center”
- straight and move away from the center
Good rhythm
Pg 3
-writing is not too much of anything (round, angular, thready etc)
-Since rhythm encompasses Movement, Form, and Arrangement there should be some degree of harmony between zones, slant, lines, letters and spacing - this indicates inner harmony w/in the writer
opposite would be arrhythmical writer or disharmony between movement/form/arrangment which indicates conflict w/in the personality
Rhythm of movement
Pg 4
- can be swinging or vibrating
- swinging: garlands and curves, circular rolling movement (centripetal) and typically writers are emotionally expressive, congenial, and willing to compromise
- vibrating: straight and angular structures (centrifugal) and typically writers are self disciplines and bent on achieving their goals
Rhythm of form
pg 4
- indicates creativity or conformity
- good rhythm = letters and structures that are repeated in a similar way throughout the sample - writers are well integrated and probably have a feeling for aesthetics
- bad form or rigid adherence to copybook = problems with self image and poor integration - writers tend to dwell on inessentials which take precedent over harsh realities of life
Rhythm of arrangement
pg 4
- reveals sense of organization and planning
- good arrangement (margins/spacing btwn lines/letters/words) = ability to plan ahead and has clear objectives
- disturbed arrangement (irregular words/crowded lines/huge gaps) = problems with coordination (spins wheels and gets sidetracked or takes on too much to be effective)
Disturbance in the area of rhythm in these 3 areas mean:
Pg 4
Movement - suggests deep rooted emotional problems
Form - suggest problems with self image and self esteem
Arrangement - suggests conflict with others and reality
Causes of rhythmic disturbances
Pg 4
emotional stress, anxiety, anger, depression, worry, or some traumatic experience. Possibly a sign of instability
Rigid rhythm
Pg 4 & 5
likely that the writer is inflexible and needs to overly control other people - and everything around them.
Slow and rigid means they may look normal and emotionally stable, but they are not
Lively rhythm
Pg 5
writing height is even w/ no major variations in zonal size, if slant is consistent throughout.
This indicates the writer has the ability to function in an efficient way and is seemingly baffled by external events
Positive rhythms
Pg 5
Have a semblance of elasticity - it moves progressively forward, but is slightly jerky.
This indicates the writer can adapt and is resilient; the slight dysrhythm points towards versatility and a resourceful character
Disturbed rhythm
Pg 5
Easiest to spot: writing is all over the place, looks messy due to layout, arrangement, and haywire strokes.
This indicates the writer’s emotions are running amok also. Poor rhythm does not necessarily mean the writer is a bad person, but that the writer suffers tension most of the time.
This can also denote genius
Monotonous rhythm
Pg 5
Automatically poor rhythm. It looks artificial because it is contrived to look that way - so the person can pull the wool over your eyes and hide who they really are