Training Bulletins Flashcards
Detector = a device used for sensing the presence of something.
Meter = a device that measures the quantity of something.
TIF 8800 —— Mask Service Unit (TB Tools 29)
MSA Altair —— HazMat Ops (TB Emergencies 2)
Sound Powered Phone Amp —– Research & Dev (TB Tools 31)
PPV Fans —— Tech Services (TB Tools 32)
Handie talkie —— Division Depot (Comm 11)
Handie talkie batteries —– Exchange at radio depot
Battery charger ——- Exchange at radio depot
On vehicle battery chargers —– FDNY Radio Shops
GasAlert Extreme CO Monitor – Bat. arranges exchange (HM 4)
Tools for firefighting equipment —- Tech Services Division w/RT-2
- Most tools issued by Tech Services Division
- Survivor flashlights issued by Quartermaster (Req & Payroll 1.15.7)
Waterproof SPT box contains:
2 - headsets (outlet boxes are not equipped with them)
2 - 1620 keys attached to headsets (gains access to SPT connectors)
2 - amplifiers
1 - “Y” connector
2 - jumper cords
4 - glow sticks
T-handle subway key
Screwdriver (to change amplifier battery)
Laminated instruction sheet
- Except for PIER FIRE OPS, the chainsaw is NOT to be used for the
ventilation or overhauling of structural fires. - May be used at emergencies and non structural fires.
- Both operator and control person shall wear approved PPE (Long
pants or bunker pants, saw protected gloves and saw protected
chaps. - Do not attempt to cut above chest height.
- Circle of Danger is at least 10’ RADIUS. The saw OPERATOR &
CONTROL PERSON are the only personnel allowed in circle of danger
during cutting. - If possible the officer is positioned to permit visual contact with the
CONTROL PERSON. - Chainsaw shall not be operated from a ladder.
- Carried by Ladder, Rescue, Squad, HazMat 1 (BCs not mentioned)
- Black (least amount of heat / coolest object in scene)
- White (most heat in scene)
- Black & White relative to overall image being viewed.
- Other colors include Gray, Orange, and Red.
- Convected heat movement may appear as WHITE swirling waves or
smoke. Most often will appear in ceiling area but may appear from the
floor area when operating above the fire. - When using TIC, start at ceiling and use side to side scanning motion
- DOES NOT see through clear glass, plastic or water.
- Shiny surfaces will reflect infrared energy causing mirror image
- Field of view is 50 degrees.
- Focal point is approximately 3 feet
- NOT intrinsically safe
- Radio transmissions may cause TIC to malfunction
“In Hot Fires Leave Rapidly”
In = Interior stair
Hot = Horizontal exits
Fires = Fire escape
Leave = Ladders
Rapidly = LSR
- A permit space is any confined space that has one or more of the
following potential problems:
A. Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere
B. Contains material that could potentially engulf a person.
C. Is shaped in a way that a person could be caught or asphyxiated
by inwardly tapering walls or floors that slope downward, tapering
into a smaller cross section.
D. Contains any recognized serious health or safety hazard. - A non permit space can be just as deadly as permit space; it just
doesn’t have a sign to warn you of the dangers. - Atmospheric hazards are the most deadly “ATE”
A - Asphyxiant
T - Toxic
E - Explosive - As a bare minimum, the rescuer entering confined space must know:
A. The hazards within the space, including signs of danger and
symptoms of exposure to materials in the space.
B. How to escape the space in an emergency.
C. How to communicate with the attendant outside
D. How to use the equipment needed to perform the rescue,
especially the rescuers PPE and patient handling equipment.
E. First aid procedures and CPR. - The IC should ensure the response of ALS personnel from EMS to all
confined space rescue incidents. - Also ensure response of HazMat 1, nearest available Rescue, BC, SOC Support Ladder and CFR-D Engine company.
- Trailer = Material arranged to spread fire
- Plant = Material arranged to start and feed initial fire
- Protected area = clean or unburied area left by stock, furniture etc.
covering combustible areas. - Suspicious
- Given by Chief Officer in command.
- Indications fire was set
- All accidental causes have not been eliminated
- Incendiary
- Fire Marshal determines through physical exam and interview of
witness that fire was intentionally set.
- Fire Marshal determines through physical exam and interview of
- Lividity
- Setting of blood to lowest horizontal areas.
- Pink or red skin (NOT CO poisoning which is Cherry Red)
- Starts 1-2 hours after death
- Complete 3-4 hours after death
- CO
- Life-like appearance
- Pink to cherry red lips, eyelids, skin
- Indicates alive at time of fire
- Absence could indicate death prior to fire
- May cause victim to react in irrational manor
- Arson detection depth of char and amount and location of smoke
A) Lightweight fighter = is light and small, fights close and rapid and
lasts longer.
B) Heavyweight fighter = heavy and large and fights remote and slow
- Hydrocarbon or products thereof may be an exception to the above.
- One FF with extinguisher sufficient for watchline
- PD for security of FF
- Don’t leave only PD in charge
- No one allowed in until FM arrives
- Do not remove evidence until FM arrives
- Contamination of evidence seldom a problem
- Priority order for packaging evidence
- New can
- Clean glass jar with tight lid
- New, heavy gauge plastic bags in pairs
- Never use can that was already used
- Rubber seal on jar lid may react (still use it)
- Plastic bags in emergency (put in one bag and tie, then put into
second bag and tie, ASAP transfer it into a can or jar) - Photo Unit to scene if FM not responding
- Label/mark evidence and note location found
- Never label/mark evidence prior to photos
- Can leave in office if locked / OR someone signs for and stays with it.
- FDNY rule requires that an 11” x 17” double sized laminated BIC be
to emergency personnel upon request. - SIDE 1: sets forth detailed building information regarding elevators,
stairways, water supply and utilities, fire extinguishing
systems, ventilation systems and contact information. - SIDE 2: contains a color coded plot plan (BUILDING FOOTPRINT)
and elevation of the building, detailing bordering streets,
shafts, STANDPIPES, and mechanical equipment room
locations. - The BIC can provide valuable information to the IC in the event of a
fire as well as non-fire emergencies. IT CAN BE USED IN
DEVELOPING STRATEGIES AND MAKING TACTICAL DECISIONS. - Primary Removal Procedures consist of checking electrical contacts
and the use of fireman service feature. - Secondary Removal Procedures consist of the use of elevator keys,
the two speed system, and poling. - Emergency Removal Procedures consist of top hatch removal, side
door removal, and forcible entry.
- Appliance valve
- Meter valve (If Master meter has INTERIOR GAS RISER
VALVE, it is preferable to shut down the interior gas riser valve
instead of the master meter which shuts down entire building) - Head of Service valve
- Exterior Gas Riser valve
- Curb valve
- Street valve (only shut down by FDNY in extreme circumstances)
- White valves (curb valves)
A) White means it is a plastic valve
B) Plastic valve stops are easily broken with excessive force.
C) Close them gently - Plastic pipe
A) Gas flowing out of it - generates static electricity on outside and
inside of pipe.
B) Do not approach or attempt to fold leaking plastic pipe - Major indoor gas leak:
A) Check AT LEAST 3 exposures on both sides of occupancies with
positive gas readings. - Outdoor gas leaks
A) Sewer manhole covers - can be removed is approved by on scene
Battalion Chief.
B) Electric ROUND manhole covers can be removed if:
1. Requested by utility gas rep
2. Approved by on scene BC
3. Utility gas rep tested cover for say voltage
4. Use manhole hooks in BC vehicle - DO NOT PULL:
A) Rectangular manhole covers
B) Square manhole covers
C) Any manhole cover if manhole fire in area.
D) Any manhole cover is smoking or arcing observed.
E) Any doubt as to which type of manhole cover
- When dogs bite
A) Member bitten by dog at a fire or emergency
- Every attempt should be made to isolate the dog for examination - Notify EMS / PD / Board of Health / Medical Officer - If dog is a stray also contact Center for Animal Care and Control
B) If firehouse dog bites a member (Regs 19.3.3)
- Notify NYC Health Dept. - Medical attention provided - BC noticed / DC notified - Report of the incident giving full particulars forwarded by officer
When can a service/freight elevator be used?
High Rise Office Building - IC to determine safety of “service elevators”
HRMD - Officer evaluates and declares safe “service/freight” elevators
2nd OV can use if safe and remote from the fire.
- TB Emergencies Elevators 1
(Declared safe for use by the officer in command of the fire. Use of
such an elevator must be avoided until declared safe by the officer in
P - Plastics
I - Ice, snow
G - Glass
S - Stone
- Visibility not impaired by smoke, water spray, water vapor, or
darkness. - TIC can be used to locate radiological material.
M - Manual - Place elevator (O)FF (Normal) then (O)N (Fireman Service)
A - Automatic - Place switch to (D)OOR (O)PEN
- Press call cancel button
Whenever entering car on fireman service
As soon as car begins to move - Precautionary stopsA) Every 5 floors - shine flashlight up between car and hoistway on
each precautionary stop and before leaving the lobby.B) “You are here” signs checked 1st and last precautionary stop.
7 - Avoid elevators if fire is on 7th floor or below
5 - Do not use elevator in a bank which services the fire floor if lower
bank reaches within 5 floors of fire floor.
2 - Using elevator bank that services the fire floor, select floor that is at
least 2 floors below the fire floor or 2 floors below the lowest level
of an access stair in the fire area, whichever is lowest.
- Access stairs do not affect the location of posts (Ops, SAE, Staging)
- Service elevators:
A) Not used unless declared safe by IC
B) High Rise MD - if remote and safe, IC can order 2nd OV with
building personnel.
C) Never take to go above fire.
(D)EPRESS or lift (R)OLLER on (H)INGE type door
Lift locking arm on SLIDING type doors.
P - Police
B - Board of Health
A - Animal Control (if stray)
M - Medical officer
- If our firehouse dog has bitten someone, it is different, notify Battalion,
Division, Health Department, get medical attention, and report with full
- Intent vs. Impact
A) Recipient determines whether or not behavior is welcome. The
impact, not the intent, is the determining factor in assessing whether
sexual harassment has occurred.
- Officer Duties When Notified of Alleged Incident of Harassment
A) Listen to complainant. If alleged incident is EEO related, the EEO
Officer shall be contacted immediately. For routine notifications they
can be notified via phone or email. For incidents that affect
operations, contact EEO Officer via phone during business hours.
During non office hours, contact EEO Officer via FOC (PA/ID 1-77)
B) DO NOT interrogate or investigate except if requested by the EEO
C) Notify the EEO Officer - Strict confidentiality is to be maintained.
D) Provide a copy of PA/ID 1-77 - EEO Complaint Procedure
E) Inform complainant where they can file (NOTE: Sexual harassment
complaints can also be filed directly with BITS)
F) Complete a Harassment, Discrimination Incident Report submitted
directly to EEO Officer in sealed envelope WITHOUT intermediate
endorsements. No copies shall be retained by Officer on Duty.
G) Ensure that there is no retaliation or reprisal against the complainant.
H) Company Journal entries SHALL NOT BE TAKEN with regard to any
EEO complaints.
I) The FIRE COMMISSIONER will make the final decision regarding
EEO complaints.
J) A complaint must be filed with FD EEO OFFICER within ONE (1)
YEAR from the date the alleged harassment/discrimination occurred.
- Additional Notes PA/ID 1-77
A) Member is not required to give Officer any information concerning
complaint. If member provides ANY INFORMATION regarding the
BEING MADE, the Officer is required to complete a Confidential
EEO Incident Report.
B) A member has a right to meet privately with the EEO Officer or EEO
Attorney/Investigator during office hours; however, the member
should obtain approval prior to leaving work assignment.
Reasonable requests to meet with EEO Office representative during
work hours can’t be denied. Officer shall allow members to meet
with EEO reps at earliest practicable time CONSISTENT WITH
OPERATIONAL NEEDS OF THEIR UNIT. Concerns about this should
be immediately addressed to the EEO office.
- General
A) New incinerators can be installed in hospitals and in municipal
buildings. In existing buildings, an incinerator must either be
converted to a compactor or be updated by adding a scrubber, an
auxiliary gas or fuel burning mechanism and oversized fans.
B) Extension is unlikely but much more probable for compactors than
C) A compactor fire is a structural fire while an incinerator fire that does
not extend or communicate from the shaft is an emergency.
- Priorities
A) Compactor = Put the fire out
B) Incinerator = Clear the blockage
- How to tell if it is a compactor or incinerator
A) You may know ahead of time, perhaps through BISP.
B) A larger number of plastic bags on the sidewalk may indicate a
C) Steel cans filled with ashes may indicate an incinerator.
D) In City Housing Projects, the chute door on the first floor may be
RED for an incinerator, and GRAY for a compactor.
- Engine Company Ops at Incinerators
A) Generally, the engine will stand fast in the lobby. Some members
may assist the truck in search and vent, but generally the Officer and
AT LEAST 2 members shall remain in the lobby.
B) If all melds of clearing the blockage fail, use a hoseline from the floor
above the extinguish the fire.
C) If fire is in a basement incinerator room - Use SOP for basement fire.
- Compactor Fires
A) Probability of extension is greater in the unit than in the chute.
B) OV of Ladder Company operates with the Engine company to
provide access to chute and check for extension.
“COVE” (Compactor - OV - Engine)
C) Fire in compactor chute - Engine operates line into chute from one
level above burning material.
D) Fire in compactor unit - If fire has not extended into the room,
Engine will stretch a line to first floor and operate into chute to
extinguish the fire.
E) Fire Extended from compactor into room - Fire fighting tactics same
as cellar fire.
- Determining Minimum Distance to Furthest Flare
A) Multiply first number in fastest speed expected with the fastest
speed expected and add 60.
B) Example: If fastest speed expected is 30 miles per hour:
3 X 30 + 60 = 150 feet to FURTHEST FLARE
C) This distance is from THE REAR OF THE 2ND VEHICLE (Blocking
D) Blocking apparatus shall be placed AT LEAST 50 FEET behind the
first operating unit to create a safe working environment.
E) At motor vehicle fires, attack from the flanks. Keep onlookers from
standing in front of or to the rear of vehicles for a distance of AT
- Commercial Garbage Truck Fires
A) If the truck is not equipped with a 2 1/2” female inlet coupling then
the rear of the truck will have to be raised in order to extinguish the
B) No one should be allowed within 50 feet of the rear of the truck.
C) No one shall be allowed to work or stand under a raised section of
the truck.
D) No one shall be permitted to enter the garbage storage section of
the truck.
1) For trapped members, NEAREST AVAILABLE FAST PAK 2) For trapped civilians, FAST PAK other than FAST unit's 3) Spare SCBA for either member or civilian 4) Facepiece sharing is prohibited
B) Communication with Facepiece Donned
1) Remove mic from harness clip 2) Place microphone DIRECTLY ON voicemitter
1) Two green lights = FULL CYLINDER 2) One green light = 3/4 CYLINDER 3) One yellow light = 1/2 CYLINDER (member can keep working) 4) One red light = 1/4 CYLINDER (leave area immediately)
1) Foam Concentrate Color Bands
A) Fluoroprotein - BROWN
B) Alcohol - GREEN
C) Hi-Expansion - YELLOW
2) 4 Ways Foam Extinguishes
A) Smothering = prevents air from mixing with flammable vapors
B) Suppressing = stops the generation/release of flammable vapors
C) Separates = the flame from the surface of the fuel
D) Cools = water in foam cools fuel, further reducing vapor generation
3) Foam Delivery System
A) Ladder companies = required to carry 2 / 5 gallon cans concentrate
B) Engines = required to carry at least 3 / 5 gallon cans concentrate
C) 1st alarm assignment (3 engines/2 ladders)
Provide 65 gallons of concentrate and 3 foam handlines
D) Foam Carriers = Carry no water, instead their booster tanks are filled
with 1,000 gallons of Fluorporotein or Fluoropolydol
(Alcohol Resistant Fluoroprotein Foam)
E) Satellite Units = Carry Hi-Ex Foam Generator and approximately 32,
5 gallon cans of Hi-Expansion Foam
F) Foam Tender = Carries 3000 gallons of concentrate
4) AFFF Extinguisher
A) 2 1/2 gallons foam mixture
B) Distance reached 25 to 40 feet
C) Floats on flammable liquids
D) Needs less time and less solution for extinguishment that
Fluoroprotein foam.
E) It is not necessary to play AFFF against a backboard or side of a
F) Freezes at 32 degrees
G) Inspected daily
H) Recharged after use and after 1 year of non use
5) Low Expansion Foam
A) Fluoroprotein = Particularly effective where foam becomes coated
with fuel. Provides a slow drainage, stable blanket of
foam that resists breakdown, preventing burn back
and re-ignition.
B) Fluoropolydol = Superior for both hydrocabon and polar solvents.
Slow drainage and excellent resistance to disruption
by wind and water spray.
C) AFFF = Limited in the FDNY to hand held extinguishers. Provides
quick knockdown but poor resistance to flashback and
burnback. Found in Port Authority Crash Trucks.
D) ARAFFF = Not used by the FDNY but can be found in bulk oil
facilities or at mutual aid operations.
1) When a PASS alarm is activated in the full cycle for 10 seconds, the
member hearing the alarm should notify the IC.
2) When the Pak Tracker receives a signal from a PASS device that has
been in alarm for 10 seconds, the receiver will emit a 2 tone audible
alarm, and the LCD display will show the SCBAs identity (unit &
member assignment) and relative signal strength.
3) When an SCBAs PASS alarm is activated in the full alarm mode for
ten seconds, the PASS alarm transmits a signal that can be received
by the Pak Tracker handheld receiver. A 10 second time lag is built
into the system in order to minimize inadvertent activations.
1) First thing - Disconnect the electrical power.
2) NLT, apartment buildings - outside oil burner room
3) PD, OLT, Rowframe, Brownstone - top of interior cellar stair
4) Oil burner shutoff is painted red
5) Fuel Shutoff
A) All tanks = at the tank B) 275 gallon tank = at the burner C) Greater than 275 gallon tank = there may be shutoff on the feed line near the filter. D) Preheat or #6 oil = gas preheater "off" (1/4 turn)
1) Three types
A) Unoccupied swinging B) Occupied Stalled C) Occupied Hanging or Off Level
2) In All Instances
A) Area below taped off B) No FD or civilian personnel in danger area C) Enter building from outside of danger area if possible D) As a last resort, remove windows
3) Overheated Hoist
A) Allow to cool for 15 minutes and have worker press reset button B) DO NOT press reset button if wire hoist jammed C) AT NO TIME should a member go out onto an UNOCCUPIED scaffold.
4) Occupied Hanging/Off Level Scaffold
A) If possible, haul in worker through window or create a mechanical advantage to raise workers to safety. B) Unless the workers are in danger of falling or some other reason dictates immediate action, removal will be accomplished with the HIGH ANGLE ROPE equipment. C) Generally there is no need to lower a member via the LSR. D) LSR can only be used to lower a victim, not haul up. E) Send a team to the roof to inspect the anchoring system, parapet, and safety lines.