Tradecraft Consular: Consular Job Aid-Travel Immigration History Flashcards
Have you ever been issued a U.S. visa?
Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah menerima visa Amerika Serikat? Apa Bapak/Ibu sudah punya visa Amerika Sertikat?
Have you ever been refused a visa?
Apa permohonan visa Bapak/Ibu pernah ditolak?
Tell me what you remember about that interview.
Bisa ceritakan tentang wawancara itu? Bisa ceritakan tentang interview itu?
Why did the officer deny your visa?
Kenapa pejabat konsuler menolak visa Bapak/Ibu?
Have you ever had any problems with immigration or law enforcement authorities in the United States?
Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah punya masalah dengan imigrasi atau aparat hukum di Amerika?
Have you ever visited the United States?
Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah berkunjung ke Amerika? Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah pergi ke Amerika?
Have you ever entered the United States without the proper documents?
Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah masuk ke Amerika Serikat tanpa dokumen yang sah?
Have you ever tried to cross the border without papers?
Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah mencoba melewati perbatasan tanpa dokumen yang sah?
Have you left the country before?
Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah meninggalkan negara ini? Apa Bapak/Ibu pernah ke luar negeri?
Do you remember how old you were when you entered the United States?
Apa Bapak/Ibu ingat berapa umur Bapak/Ibu waktu datang ke Amerika?
Have you travelled to the United States before?
Apa sudah pernah berkunjung ke Amerika? Apa sudah pernah pergi ke Amerika?
When did you enter the United States for the first time?
Dulu kapan pertama kali Bapak/Ibu berkunjung ke Amerika?
Where did you cross the border?
Dulu di mana perbatasan tempat Bapak/Ibu masuk? Dulu Bapak/Ibu masuk Amerika dari mana?
Where did you go in the United States?
Dulu Bapak/Ibu pergi ke mana di Amerika?
When did you visit the United States?
Dulu kapan Bapak/Ibu berkunjung ke Amerika?