Tradecraft Consular: Consular Job Aid-Personal Ties Flashcards
Are your parents alive?
Apa orangtua Anda masih hidup?
How long have you been divorced?
Sudah berapa lama Anda bercerai?
Do you live alone?
Apa Anda tinggal sendiri?
Do you have your marriage certificate?
Apa Anda punya surat nikah?
Do you have your divorce decree?
Apa Anda punya surat cerai Anda?
Do you have the birth certificate?
Apa anda memiliki akte kelahiran?
foster care
layanan anak-asuh
Who do you know in the United States?
Siapa yang Anda kenal di Amerika Serikat?
How often do you two talk?
Seberapa sering Anda berdua bicara?
Are you married?
Apa Anda sudah menikah?
How did you meet?
Bagaimana Anda bertemu?
Tell me, how did you and your wife meet?
Ceritakan, bagaimana Anda dan istri Anda bertemu?
When did your husband divorce his first wife?
Kapan suami Anda menceraikan istri pertamanya?
When did your wife divorce her first husband?
Kapan istri Anda bercerai dengan suami pertamanya?
When was the last time you two saw each other?
Kapan terakhir kali Anda saling bertemu?
Who is filing your petition?
Siapa yang mengajukan permohonan Anda?
Do they live with you?
Apa mereka tinggal bersama Anda?
Do you have children?
Apa Anda punya anak?
Do you have friends or acquaintances in the United States?
Apa Anda punya teman atau kenalan di Amerika Serikat?