Torso - Bones Flashcards
How many?
Cervical vertebrae
How many?
Thoracic vertebrae
Each articulates with one or more pair of ribs
How many?
Lumbar vertebrae
How many?
5 fused vert
How many?
5 fused vert
Thoracic curve
Primary curve
Posterior curvature, accommodates internal organs
Sacral curve
Primary curve
Posterior curvature, accommodates abdominalpelvic organs
Lumbar curve
Secondary curve
Anterior curvature, balances the weight of the trunk over the lower limbs; it develops with the ability to stand
Cervical curve
Secondary curve
Anterior curvature, develops as the infant learns to balance weight of the head on the vertebrae of the neck
Abnormal curvature
Exaggerated thoracic and cerival curvature; leaning over a computer all day can cause mild kyphosis
Abnormal curvature
Exaggerated lumbar curvature; pregnant women, overweight males can develop a lordosis
Abnormal curvature
Abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column
Vertebral body
Anterior; bares most of the body weight
Vertebral foramen
Contains the spinal cord
Vertebral arch
Posterior margin of vertebral foramen
Vertebral arch
Walls of the vertebral arch
Vertebral processes attach to the pedicle and lamina
Vertebral arch
Roof of the vertebral arch
Vertebral processes attach to the pedicle and lamina
Articular processes
Articulate with vertebra above and below
Superior and Inferior
Spinous process
Posterior projection off the laminae
Attatchment point for muscles
Transverse process
Lateral projections off of the pedicles
Attachment point for mucsles
Vertebral column
Intervertebral foramina
Formed by articulation of 2 successive vertebrae; space for spinal nerves
Vertebral column
Vertebral canal
Formed by continuous vertebral foramina; encloses the spinal cord
Vertebral column
Intervertebral discs
Pads of fibrocartilage that separate the vertebral bodies; symphysis joint that absorb shocks
Parts of
Cervical vertebrae
Has a small body (only supports the head); large vertebral foramen; short spinous processes; has transverse foramina which are holes through the transverse processes and only the cervical vertrebrae have these
Cervical vertrebrae
Atlas (C1)
Articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull; has no body or spinous process; has a large, round vertebral foramen
Cervical vertebrae
Axis (C2)
Supports the atlas; heavy spinous process attaches muscles of head and neck
Dens (Odontoid): anterior, superior projection of the axis; forms from the fusing of the atlas and axis bodies during fetal development; forms a pivoting articulation with the transverse ligament
Thoracic vertebrae
Long, slender sinous processes that project posteriorly and inferiorly; smaller vertebral foramen than in cervical; costal facets for articulating with the ribs
Lumbar vertebrae
Largest vertebrae; large thick oval shaped bodies; triangular vertebral foramen is small; transverse processes are slender; spinous process are short and heavy for attachment of the lower back muscles
Is curved, more in males than in females; protects reproductive, urinary, and digestive organs; attaches the axial skeleton to the pelvic girdle; the adult sacrum consists of five fused sacral vertebrae; transverse lines fuse between ages 25-30
Broad superior surface
Narrow inferior portion that articulates with the coccyx
Sacral promontory
At the center of the base
Wings at either side of the base (to attach muscles)
Sacral canal
Superior; replaces the vertebral canal
Sacral hiatus
Opening at the inferior end of the sacral canal
Sacral foramina
4 holes on either side of the median sacral crest; replaces the intervertebral foramen
Median sacral crest
Fused spinous processes
Lateral sacral crest
Fused transverse processes
Attaches ligaments and a constricting muscle of the anus; mature coccyx consists of five fused coccygeal vertebrae
Coccygeal cornua; formed by laminae of the first coccygeal vertebra