Head and Neck - Muscles Flashcards
Muscle Fiber
Muscle Cell (Same thing)
Bundle of cells; muscles are made up of fascicles.
-Surrounds the entire muscle (organ)
-Separates muscle from surrounding tissues
-Surrounds muscle fiber bundles (fascicles)
-Contains blood vessel and nerve supply to fascicles
-Surrounds individual muscles cells (muscle fibers)
-COntains capillaries and nerve fibers contacting muscle cells
-Attach muscles to bone
-Muscle fascicles turn into tendon fascicles made of bundles of dense regular connective tissue
-Tendons also have the same continuous connective tissue coverings that extend from the belly of each muscle to the bone attachment and bone grows around the tendons
-Same as tendons but more like a sheet spread out over a wider area
-Flat muscles in your body and muscles that attach to other muscles usually attach by an aponeruoses
Circular Muscles
-Also called sphincters
-Open and close to gaurd entrances of the body
-Example: orbicularis oris, the muscle of the mouth
-Anchor point
-Fixed point of attachment
Moving point of attachment; moves the joints
-Body movements produced by muscle contraction
-Example: Flexion, extension, adduction, etc.
Agonist (Prime mover)
-Produces a particular movement
-The muscle that provides most of the strength for that specific action
Opposes movement of a particular agnoist
-A smaller muscle that assists a larger agonist
-Helps start motion or stabilize origin of agonist
Helps start motion or stabilize origin of agonist
Naming of Skeletal Muscles
Named after Fascicle organization, Location, Relative Position, Structure, shape, and size, Origin/Insertion, and Action
Muscles of Facial Expression
Originate on the skull
Extrinsic (extraocular) Eye muscles
Originate on the surface of orbit; control position of the eye
Muscles of Mastication
Move the mandible
Muscles of the Tongue
Names end in glossus
Muscles of the Pharynx
Begin the swallowing process
Anterior Muscles of the Neck
Control position of the larynx, depress the mandible, and support tongue and pharynx
Occipitofrontalis (facial muscle)
A. Frontalis
B. Occipitalis
C. Epicranial Aponeurosis
Frontalis (facial muscle)
Muscle located in the frons area; connected to the occipitalis via the epicranial aponeurosis
Occipitalis (facial muscle)
Covers the occipital bone in the occipital region; connected to the Frontalis via the epicranial aponeurosis
Epicranial Aponeurosis (facial muscles)
Flat, tendon like, structure that extends over the suprerior aspect of the head and connects thr frontalis and occipitalis muscles together
Temporalis (facial muscles)
Located in the temporal region, covering the temporal bone
-It’s insertion is the coronoid process of the mandible
-It is a syngergist for mastication
Orbicularis oculi (facial muscles)
Circular muscle that sourroungs the eye
-Action: blink and squint the eyes
Obicularis (facial muscles)
Circular muscle that surrounds the mouth
-Action: kissy muscle
Nasalis (nose-upper lip muscles)
Most medial in the group; Covers the bridge of the nose
Levator labii superioris alaque nasi (nose and upper lip muscle)
Muscle that will elevate the upper lip and also the ala of the nose; Originates at the medial corner of the orbit of the eye and inserts in the area of the ala of the nose and the upper lip
Levator labii superioris (nose and chin muscles)
Lateral to the Levator labii superioris alaque nasi; muscle that will elevate the upper lip; Extends from the upper lip to the inferior edge of the orbit of the eye
Zygomatic minor
The small muscle that originates on the zygomatic bone; extends from the oribcularis oris to the zygomatic bone
Zygomatic major
The large muscle that originates on the zygomatic bone; insertion is at the angle of the mouth; action is elevates the corner of the mouth (smile)
Risorius (nose and chin muscle)
Most inferior in this group of muscles; inferior to the zygomatic major; extends from the corner of the orbicularis oris to fascia tissue on the ramus of the mandible.
Mentalis (Chin and lower lip muscles)
Most medial in this group; This muscle is in the center of the mandible lying on the mental protuberance
Depressor labii inferioris (chin and lower lip muscles)
Lateral to the mentalis; the muscle that depresses the lower lip
Depressor anguli oris (chin and lower lip muscles)
Lateral to the depressor labii inferioris; the muscle that depresses the corner of your mouth (frown)
Platysma (neck and cheek muscles)
The most superficial muscle of the neck; extends from the clavicle to the mandible
Buccinator (cheek muscles)
Most deep of this group; makes up the lateral walls of the mouth; slightly anterior to the masseter
Masseter (Cheek muscles)
The agonist for mastication in humans; superficial to the buccinator; lies on the ramus of the mandible and insters on the mandible
Sternocleidomastoid (deep neck muscle)
Has 3 attachments; sternum, clavicle, and the mastoid process.
Most posterior neck muscle; it extends into the lumbar region, to the external occipital protuberance, and to the spine of the scapula.
Anterior scalene (deep neck muscle)
Most anterior of this group
Middle scalene (deep neck muscle)
Posterior to the anterior scalene
Posterior scalene (deep neck muscle)
Posterior to middle scalene
Levator scapulae (deep neck muscle)
Muscle that elevates the scapula; Immediately posterior and superior to the last scalene in sequence
Splenius capitis (deep neck musle)
Most posterior of this group; sometimes split into two muscles
Sternohyoid (anterior neck muscle)
Most anterior and medial muscle of the neck; fibers run along the longitudinal axis; two attachment points:
-sturnum; origin
-hyoid; insertion
One on each side of the thyroid gland
Omohyoid (deep neck muscle)
Lateral to the sternohyoid; fibers run at an oblique angle
Mylohyoid (deep neck muscle)
Extends from the body and ramus of the left side to the right side; forms the floor of the mandible.
Digastric (deep neck muscle)
Antagonistic to mastication; runs just medial to and along the body of the mandible; two tubular shaped muscles lying on the inferior surface of the mylohyoid
Mastication muscles
All muscle involved with mastication will elevate the mandible
-Masseter: agonist
-Temporalis: synergist
-Pterygoids: synergist; attach to the medial ramus of the mandible