Topic 9 - Digital extensors of the forelimb and supinators of the radioulnar joint Flashcards
O: Lat. epicondyle + lat. collateral lig.
I: Prox. cran. of radius
A: Supinate forearm and forefoot - rotate lat.
(Only 33% of dogs have it)
O: Crista epicondyli lat.
I: Dist. med. of radius
A: Supinate forarm and forefoot - rotate lat.
M.extensor digitorum communis
O: Lat. epicondyle
I: Proc. extensorius of dist. phalanges 2-5
A: Extend the joints of the digits and the carpus
M.extensor digitorum lateralis
O: Lat. collateral lig. of elbow and lat. epicondyle
I: At the level of first digit it unites with tendon of common dig.ext. and interosseus muscles. Prox. end of phalanges 3-5, mainly proc.ext.
A: Extend the carpus and joints of these digits
M. extensor pollicis longus et indicis
O: Middle third of lat. border of ulna
I: Pollicis: head of Mc.1, indicis: unites with tendon of common dig.ext. to insert on distal phalang of digit 2
A: Extend these digits and adduct the dew claw
M.abductor digiti pollicis (1) longus
O: Adjacent lat. surface of radius and ulna, and the interosseous membrane
I: Med. on the prox. base of Mc.1
A: Abduct and extend the 1. digit
The muscles
M.supinator M.brachioradialis M.ext.dig.communis M.ext.dig.lateralis M.ext.dig.pillicis et indicis M.abductor pollicis longus