All muscles Flashcards
M. serratus dorsalis caudalis
O: caud. on spf layer of fascia thoracolumbalis
I: prox part of ribs 11-13
A: expiration
M.rectus thoracic
O: first rib
I: vent. ends on rib 2-4
A: inspiration
M.retractor costae ultimae
O: trans. proc. of Th1-12
I: 2-8 costal cartilages, vent to costachondral junctions
A: expiration
O: -dorsalis: proc. trans. on C4-6, -medialis: - ;; - C6-7
I: -dors.: the dors. on the first 4 ribs, the vent. on the first 8-9 ribs. -middle: car. border of first rib
A: helps in inspiration, bilateral contraction: flexes neck vent., unilateral contraction: flexes neck laterally
- externus: m. fibers run caudoventrally from cau border of one rib to cran border to the next rib. A: inspiration
- internus: m. fibres run cranioventrly from cran border of one rib to cau border of the previous rib. A: expiration
Mm. levatores costarum
O: trans. proc. of Th 1-12
I: cran. border of ribs near their angles (angulus costae), covered by erector spinae muscles
A: inspiration
M. transversus thoracis
O: inner surface of sternum, close to midline
I: 2-8 costal cartilages, vent. to costochondral junctions
A: expiration
Crossing medial surface of ribs 9-11 in a craniovent. direction (///), inside thracic cavity
A: expiration
What layers does diaphragm consist of?
Pleura + fascia endothoracica
Fascia transversa abdominis + peritoneum
Has a sternal part, costal part, lumbar part which meet in a central tendinous plate which has an opening for caudal vena cava between thoracic and abdominal cavity (foramen venae cavae)
A: most important inspiratory muscle+helps increasing abdominal pressure
M.latissimus dorsi
O: spf. layer of thoracolumbar fascia + m.attachment proc. to the last few ribs
I: Tub. teres major (with m.teres major)
A: Draws free limb cau.; flex shoulder with m.teres major
O: Between C3-Th.9 region.
Pars cervicalis from raphe of neck, pars thoracica from supraspinous ligament.
I: Part cervicalis on prox. 3/4 of scapular spine. Part thoracica on prox. third og scapular spine.
A: supports trunk, elavates forelimb, draws in cran.
Three parts: -capitis, -cervicis and -thoracic
O: Pars capitis: nuchal crest of occipotal bone, pars cervicis: from raphe neck to spinous proc. of Th.1-3 vertebrae, pars thoracic: spin.proc of Th.4-7 vertebrae.
I: dorsomedial border of scapula
A: elavates limb and pulls base of scapula against trunk forwards/backwards
M.pectoralis profundus
O: all sternbrae of sternum and costal cartilages of ribs
I: main part on tub.minor of humerus, and a small aponeurosis on tub.major
A: supports trunk, strong retractor (draws limb caudally) and adductor of forelimb
M.perctoralis superficialis
O: -descendens from manubrium sterni, -transversus from 1-3 of sternebrae
I: crista tub. majoris and upper part of crista humeri
A: vent. connecetion to forelimb, adduction, draws limb cranially/caudally
M.serratus ventralis
O: -cervicalis from trans. proc. of C2-7, -thoracic from middle of ribs 1-8.
I: fascies serrata on scapula
A: supports trunk, helps at inspiration, carries shoulder cran or cau with respect to position of forelimb
O: fossa supraspinata, spine and cau border of scapula
I: tub.major of humerus
A: ext. and stabilizes shoulder joint
O: fossa infraspinata, spina scapulae, margo caudalis
I: fascies m.infraspinati of humerus
A: acts as medial collateral ligament for shoulder joint; flex shoulder joint
O: scapular part: from caudal edge of spina scapulae, acromion part: acromion of scapulae
I: tub. deltoideus of humerus
A: flex shoulder joint
M.teres minor
O: dist. on margo caudalis of scapulae, tub.infraglenoidale
I: tub.teres minor of humerus (lat.)
A: flex shouler joint
O: lat. supracondular crest + fossa olecrani of humerus
I: tub.olecrani and proc.anconeus of ulna
A: ext. elbow joint
O: fossa subscapularis
I: tub.minor of humerus
A: it´s wide tendon acts as a medial collateral lig. for shoulder joint; ext. shoulder joint, helps maintaining flexion
M.teres major
O: prox.on margo caudalis and angulus caudalis of scapula
I: tub.teres major of humerus (with m.latissimus dorsi)
A: flex shoulder joint
M.tensor fasciae antebrachii
O: from m.latissimus dorsi
I: med. on tub.olecrani, then radiates into antebrachii fascia
A: tenses antebrachial fascia and ext. elbow joint
M.triceps brachii
In dogs it has 4 heads: caput longum, laterale, mediale and accesorium
O: caput longum: dist. 2/3 of margo cau. scapulae, caput laterale: linea m.tricipitis, caput mediale: prox. med. surface of humerus, caput accesoirum: neck of humerus
I: All on tub.olecrani
A: All ext. elbow joint
O: proc.coracoideus of tub.supraglenoid
I: crest of minor tub. on humerus
A: ext. shoulder joint
M.biceps brachii
O: tub. supraglenoidale of scapulae
I: tub.radii and tub.ulnae (below proc. coranoides med.)
A: ext. shoulder joint and flex elbow joint
O: caud. on neck of humerus
I: tub.radii and tub.ulnae (below proc. coranoides med.)
A: flex shoulder joint
M.supinator (=m.supinator bevis)
O: lat. epicondyle of humerus, lat. collateral lig.
M.brachioradialis (=m.supinator longus)
Not in all dogs.
O: lat. supracondylar crest, above m.ext.carpi radialis
I: dist. and med. on radius
A: rotates arm laterally
M.extensor carpi radialis
O: lat. epicondylar crest of humerus
I: Mc.2-3 (dors. surface of mc.´ bases)
A: strongest ext. of carpal joint
M.extensor carpi ulnarus / M.ulnaris lateralis
O: lat. epicondyle of humerus, behind collateral lig.
I: lat. aspect of mc. 5 base, and attaches a short and strong tendon to accesory carpal bone
A: supports carpus when extended to bear weight, helps in flex., adbuction and lat. rotation og carpal joint because of the attachment to os carpi acces.
M.extensor digitorum communis
O: lat. epicondyle of humerus
I: proc. extensorius of distal phalanx 2-5
A: ext carpus and joints of 2-5
M.extensor digitorum lateralis
O: lat. humeral epicondyle, lig.collaterale laterale
I: Digits 3-5, at the level of first digit it units with with tendons from common dig.ext. and interosseous muscles, insterts on distal phalanx (proc. ext)
A: ext. carpus and joints of 3-5
M.extensor digiti 1 (pollicis) et 2 (indicis)
Two parts: 1-pollicis and 2-indicis
O: middle third of ulna (lat.)
I: pollicis on head of mc.1, indivis unites with common dig.ext. and therefore inserts on distal phalanx of digit 2
A: ext. digits 1-2, indicis adducts dew claw
M.abductor digit 1. (indicis) longus
O: adjacent lat. surface of radius and ulna, and from interosseous membrane
I: Mc.1 base (med)
A: ext and abducts digit 1
M.pronator teres
O: med. epicondyle of humerus
I: craniomed. surface of radius´ upper part
A: roatets forearm med.
M. pronator quadratus
O and I: connects apposed surface of radius and ulna, fulls interosseous space (med.)
A: rotates forearm med.
M. flexor carpi radialis
O: med. epicondyle of humerus, behind collateral lig.
I: Mc.2-3 (palmar surface of the bases)
A: flex carpus
M. flexor carpi ulnaris
Two heads: -caput humerale and -carpus ulnare
O: caput humerale on med. epicondyle og humerale, caput ulnare from prox on ulna
I: accesory carpal bone
A: flex carpus
M.flexor digitorum superficialis
O: med. epicondyle of humerus
I: middle phalanx of digit 2-5 (palmar surface)
A: flex carpus and affected joint of digit 2-5
M.flexor digitorum profundus
Three heads: caput humerale, raidale and ulnare
O: caput humerale from med. eicondyle of humerus, caput radiale on prox.-med. from radius, caput ulnare from prox-cau. from ulna
I: distal phalanx of digits 1-5 (palmar surface, flex tub.)
A: flex carpus and joint of digits 1-5
M.obliquus externus abdominalis
O: spf. layer of fascia thoracolumbalis and lat. aspect of ribs 4-12.
I: fibers run caudovent. to linea alba, caud. on pelvis it form the inguinal lig., and create med. and lat. crus around spf. inguinal ring
A: maintaing abdominal pressure, protection of abdominal organs
M.obliquus internus abdominis
O: spf layer of thoracolumbar fascia, tuber coxae and from lig. inguinale
I: fibers run craniovent. (///) to linea alba. At the preumbilical site it has an outer and inner layer which envelops m.rectus abdominis.
A: maintaining abdominal pressure
M.transversus adbominis
O: deep layer of thoracolumbar fascia from proc.trans. of lumbar vertebrae, and from med. surface of false ribs
I: fibres run trans. to linae alba
A: maintaining abdominal pressure, protection
M.rectus abdominis
O: cran. from sternum
I: precten ossis pubis (with m.pectineus)
A: maintaing abdominal pressure, protection
M.psoas minor
O: bodies of last few Th. and 1-5 L. vertebrae (mainly tendinous).
I: Arcuate line of iliac bone, near to iliopubic eminence
A: Draws pelvis into deeper position/arches lumbar region and flexes vertebral column.
M.quadratus lumborum
O: 11-13 Th. vertebrae ventrally, last two ribs and L. vertebras trans. proc.
I: Med. surface of iliac wing
A: Fixation and dorsal flexion of vertebral column
Two parts: - major and -medialis et lateralis
O: pars major: vent. from bodies and trans.proc. og L. vertebrae, pars medialis et lateralis: arcuating between arcuate line and lateral border of iliac bone.
I: together on trochanter minor of femur (med.)
A: draws pelvic limb forward by flexing the hip/flexion and fixation of vertebral column.
M.gluteus superficialis
O: sacrum and first caudal vertebrae, partly from sacrotuberous ligament.
I: Tub. glutea (below greater trochanter)
A: ext. hip
M.gluteus medius
O: crista iliaca and gluteal surface of iliac bone
I: Trochanter majus (femur)
A: Strongest hip joint ext.
O: last sacral and first caudal vertebrae
I: Trochanter majus (femur)
A: ext. hip joint
M.gluteus profundus
O: gluteal surface and body of iliac bone
I: Trochanter majus (femur)
A: ext. hip joint
M.obturatorius externus
O: outer surface of pelvis, around for.obturatum
I: Fossa trochanterica (femur)
A: Lat. rotation of hindlimb
O: lat. side of corpus ossis ischii
I: Fossa trochanterica (femur)
A: Lat. rotation of hindlimb
M.obturatorius internus
O: inner surface of pelvis around for. obturatum
I: Crosses inc. isciatic minor then attaches in fossa trochanterica (femur)
A: Lat. rotation of hundlimb
M.quadratus femoris
O: vent. surface of tubula ossis ischii
I: Fossa trochanterica (femur)
A: ext. hip joint and lat. rotation of hindlimb
M.biceps femoris
Two parts: cranial and caudal
O: cran. part on sacrotuberois lig., caudal part on tub.ischiadicum
I: fascia lata and crural fascia to patella, patellar lig. and tub. tibiae and crista tibiae, tuber calcanei by an accessory tendon
A: ext. hip, and hock; cran.part extends, cau.part flexes stifle
M.tensor fascia latae
Two layers: spf and deep
O: tub.coaxae
I: radiates into fascia lata and fascia cruris. It´s spf fascial layer covers thigh, deep fascial layer surround m.quadriceps femoris and attaches to femur
A: tenses fascia lata, flexes hip and ext. stifle
M. abductor cruris caudalis
O: distal part of sacrotuberous ligament
I: disappears in crural fascia on lateral side
A: abduct hundlimb, flexes stifle
O: tub. ischiadicum
I: crista tibiae (med) and tub.calcanei of an accessory tendon
A: ext. hip joint, flex stifle and ext. hock
Two muscle bellies: caudal and cranial
O: vent. aspect of tuber ischiadicum
I: cran. belly distally on med.lip and med. condyle of femur, cau. belly on med. condyle of tibia
A: ext. hip and flex stifle joint
Dogs have cranial and caudal part
O: iliac crest, cran. vent. iliac spine, thoracolumbar fascia
I: radiating into fascia lata and crural fascia, cran. part inscerts above stifle joint, cau.part inserts below stifle joint
A: flex hip, ext./flex stifle
M.quadriceps femoris
Has four muscle bellies; m.rectus femoris, m.vastus lateralis, m.vastus medialis and m.vastus intermedius
O: m.rectus femoris from area m.recti femoris med. et lat., m.vastus lat. from it´s craniolat. surface, m.vastus med. from it´s craniomed. surface and m.vastus intermedius from it´s cran. surface.
I: patella and patellar lig. on tub. tibiae
A: strongest extensor of stifle joint, m.rectus femoris also flex. hip
O: pecten ossis pubis, prepubic tendon
I: labium med. ossis femoris
A: adduction of thigh
Two parts: -longus and -magnus et brevis
O: -longus from ramus cran. ossis pubis, -magnus et brevis from symphisis pelvis, ramus cau. ossis pubis and ramus ossis ischii
I: fascia aspera and labium lat. (femur)
A: adducts hindlimb and ext. hip
O: symphisis pelvis
I: med. on crista tibiae, fascia cruris, tuber calcanei by an acessory tendon to common calcaneal tendon
A: addcust hindlimb, ext. hip, flex stifle, ext.tarsus
M.tibialis cranialis
O: cranial margin of lat. condyle and crista tibiae
I: med. side on os tarsi 1 and Mt.1-2
A: flex tarsus
M.pernoeus longus/M.fibularis longus
O: cran. margin of tibias lat. condyle, head of fibula, lat. collateral lig.
I: first attaches to os tarsi 4+5 (on it´s plantar surface), then extends to all Mt. bones plantar surface
A: flex tarsus
M.pernoeus brevis/M.fibularis brevis
O: lat. on distal third of fibula (and partly on tibia)
I: base of Mt.5
A: flex tarsus
M.extensor digitorum longus
O: fossa extensoria on lat. condyle of femur
I: proc. ext. of distal phalanx 2-5
A: ext. joints and digits and flex tarsus
M.extensor digitorum lateralis
O: prox. third of fibula
I: unites with long distal extensor´s tendon to reach digits 5 distal phalanx
A: ext. and abduction of digit 5
M.extensor digiti 1. (hallucis) longus
O: from middle third of fibula
I: radiates into fascia over m.c. joint of digit 2
A: ext. digit 2 (and digit 1 if it´s present)
O: med. and lat. supracondylar tub. of femur
I: tub. calcanei (as a part of common calcaneal tendon)
A: flex stifle, ext. tarsus
Which main tendons does Tendo calcaneus communis comprimise?
Tendo m.gastrochemii (Achilli), tendo plantaris and tendo accesorius (from lateral - m.biceps femoris and medial - m.gracilis and m.semitendinosus)
M.flexor digitorum superficialis
O: fossa supracondylaris of femur, partly fused with m.gastrocnemicus caput lat.
I: the plantar tendon turns from med. to lat. direction around common calcaneal tendon, on the surface of tuber calcanei it makes a cap (galea calcanea) then finally attaches to middle phalanx of digits 2-5 on plantar surface
A: flex. stifle, ext. hock, flex joints of digits 2-5
M. tibialis caudalis
O: cau. on head of fibula
I: med. at tarsus it radiates into tarsal fascia
A:ext. tarsus
O: fossa m.poplitei on lat. condyle (femur)
I: twist cau. under lig. collaterale lat., then inserts cau. on prox. part of tibia - on linea m.poplitei
A: flex. stifle, rotates leg medially
M.flexor digitorum profundus
Two parts: -lateralis and -medialis
O: -lat. from prox. cau. half of fibula, -med. from caudolat. border of tibia and interosseous membrane. Below tarsus the two parts unite.
I: tub. flexorium on plantar surface of distal ph. 2-5
A: ext. tarsus, flex. joints of digits 2-5