Topic 16 - Cranial muscles of the thigh Flashcards
The muscles
M.quadriceps femoris
M.tensor fascia latae
M.sartorius pars cran. and cau.
M.quadriceps femoris
Four muscle bellies.
O: M.rectus femoris from body of ilium (area m.recti femoris med. et lat.), the three vastus prox. on femur; vastus lat. from it´s craniolat., v. med. from it´s craniomed. and v. intermed. from it´s cran. surface.
I: Patella, and by means of patellar lig. on tub. tibiae
A: Strongest ext. of stifle joint; m.rectus femoris also flex. hip
M.tensor fascia latae
O: Tub. coxae (spina alaris and spina iliaca cran. vent.)
I: Radiates into fascia lata and fascia cruris. It´s spf. fascial layer covers thigh, deep fascial layer surrounds m.quadriceps femoris and attaches to femur.
A: Tenses fascia latae, flexes hip and extends stifle
O: Crista iliaca, spina iliaca vent. cran. and fascia thoracolumbaria
I: Radiating into fascia lata and crural fascia. Pars cran. above stifle joint, pars. cau. below sitfle joint.
A: Flexes hip, extends the stifle (depending on which part contracts more)