Topic 1 - Couples Flashcards
Domestic Division of Labour - Parsons [3]
Men and women have biological differences:
- Expressive role - Women = Homemaker (involves cooking, cleaning and looking after children)
- Instrumental role - Men = Breadwinner (involves paid work, earning the income for the family)
- Domestic division of labour
Domestic Division of Labour - Bott [2]
Discovered types of conjugal roles:
Segregated conjugal roles - Division of labour between men and women, couple spends leisure time separately
Joint conjugal roles - couples share domestic tasks and leisure time.
Willmott and Young [3]
- Suggested family was becoming more symmetrical by the end of the modern age.
- Shared leisure time, childcare responsibilities and domestic labour
- Contrast to earlier research by Bott and Parsons - segregated conjugal roles.
March of Progress view
The ‘new man’ means couples have an equal share of housework and childcare.
What are conjugal roles
The roles taken on by males & females in a relationship
Can be segregated or joint/integrated
Are couples more equal? - Feri & Smith
Dual Burden: Women now do paid work and domestic work
Are couples more equal? - Duncombe and Marsden
& Fran Ansley
Triple Shift: Women not only carry the dual burden of paid and domestic work, but also have to do the emotional work
Fran Ansley: Women are the ‘takers of shit’
Decision making in couples [2]
Men have more power in decision making because they earn more.
Gender role socialisation instils the view that men are the primary decision makers.
Oakley - Conventional Family [2]
- Despite improvements for women in the workplace they are still expected to perform a number of domestic duties
- Dual Burden: Paid employment & Responsibility for childcare and housework
A Movement towards equality? (4)
- Gershunny (2000) - there has been a movement towards equality but men still ‘lag’ behind on housework.
- ONS (2016) survey into unpaid labour at home suggested men do 16 hrs/week unpaid labour c.w. women’s 26 hrs/week in partnerships where both partners work.
- Female employment led to decline in unpaid work women are doing - e.g. placing children in childcare
- Food Standards Agency (2007) - Found 77% of women take responsibility for food shopping at home
Domestic Abuse - Dobash & Dobash [2]
- Marriage +nuclear family is the key institution of patriarchy, and the main source of women’s oppression.
- DV is inevitable because it serves to preserve the power men have over women.
Domestic Abuse - Wilkinson
The result of stress on the family caused by social inequality.
Domestic Abuse - Fran Ansley
DV caused by capitalism: males workers are exploited at work and take their frustration out on their wives.
Hidden side of domestic violence [2]
- 1 in 6 men victims of DV in their lifetime
- For a man to be on the receiving end of abuse -> perceived as being weak, adds to reluctance men have to come forward & speak about it.