Topic 1 - Class Differences in Achievement (External) Flashcards
What is material deprivation?
The inability to afford basic resources
What is cultural deprivation?
Deficiencies in-home/family backgrounds
Examples of cultural deprivation
Primary Socialisation
Speech codes
Lack of cultural capital
Examples of material deprivation
Lack of heating
Poor nutrition -> Illness -> Absence (Howard)
Cultural Dep: Bernstein (E)
Speech codes - restricted & elaborate
Disadvantages WC as MC students have elaborate code.
Cultural Dep: Douglas (E)
Parents own views on education -> may undervalue education so mirrors in children
Cultural Dep: Sugarmann (E)
4 aspects as barriers to achievement:
Fatalism, Collectivism, Immediate gratification, Present time orientation
What is cultural capital?
Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success.
Bourdieu (E)
Cultural capital -> MC better equipped to meet demands of school curriculum
Parents can convert cultural capital to economic capital e.g. sending kids to private school
Links between external & internal factors [3]
- External linguistic differences - restricted & elaborate code
- Language within school takes form of elaborate code e.g. textbooks, exams
Is it the schools fault for using elaborate code, or the parents for using restricted? - Teachers may label students based on external factors e.g. family background, appearance - may be disruptive due to lack of nutrition.
Why might w/c habitus affect school life? [2]
Habitus (norms, values, attitudes) come from family background
- Clash of habitus in schools - schools impose tastes & attitudes onto students
- Parents knowledge may have an impact on students achievement e.g. more knowledge on Shakespeare.
Evaluating external factors [3]
Hard to fully divide factors up between in-school and out-of-school as both impact each other.
- Language codes for instance is really both an out-of-school and in-school factor as it relates both to how people speak at home and in school
- Anti-school subcultures might explain why working-class pupils underperform, but the question of why working-class pupils join them is more complex & must relate to external factors too
What are the hidden costs of education?
- Books and toys are not bought, and computers are not available in the home
- Tuition fees and loans being harder to pay off