tolman-social cog Flashcards
purposive behavior-psychology should be objective disagreed that objectivity required mechanistic thinking-saw animal behavior as intelligent and flexible
Origins of cognitive psychology
did not view S-R as foundation of behavior rather viewed association between environmental stimuli and behavioral response as hypothetical explanatory concept
All behavior is goal-directed (or purposive)
-behavior is sequence of events leading to specific separable outcome-outcome is separate from behavior→teleological
The S-R connection is mediated by
cognition-behavior does not occur in mechanistic way, our thoughts goals and purposes explain connection between environmental stimulus and behavioral response-goals organize and direct behavior
Immanent expectations
goals are observable in behavior itself, behavior occurs as if there is a goal, imminent expectation or purpose behind behavior
Behavior shows equifinality
many routes for behavior to take towards goal, so if one rout is blocked another one will be taken
Behavior is docile
behavior is flexible as moving towards specific goal
not mechanistic, does not depend on environmental stim,is purposive
Latent learning
occurs all the time in a latent way, even when not reinforced
Cognitive maps
acquired during learning process and revealed once a goal is introduced
In contrast Watson
is a function of stimulus response connections that illicit same behavior whereas for tolman learning involves acquisition of cognitive maps that illicit behavior that is docile and flexible once goal is introduced
Place learning(aqu of cognitive maps) vs. motor response learning
Tolman’s laboratory experiment-used rats, placed in maze-discovered that rats quickly run to goal find the food after practice, gets better at meeting goal-for watson/behaviorist animals learn specific motor responses during conditioning (do not learn how to navigate specifics of maze its self)-tolmans place learning-trained rats to run quickly through maze then flooded it-discovered even when flooded the rats quickly swam to the goal even though specific motor response differed-demonstrated learning does not depend on specific motor learning and rather cognitive maps
Descriptive teleology [Tolman’s theory of learning]
behavior describes the goals or purposes of an organism-with place learning does not require reinforcement and latent learning happens all the time
all organisms are
much more intelligent and cognitive than behaviorists believed