Tibia Flashcards
What does the tibia sit in between?
Femur and foot
Where does it sit in relaton to the fibula?
What does the tibia carry?
All of the bodies weight
What and where does the tibia articulate?
With the femur at the condyle
With the talus at the posterior surface
With the fibula at the facet for the fibula (proximal laterla) and the fibular notch
Where do the tubercles sit?
On the intercondylar eminence
What is the tibial plateau?
The flat surface of the tibia
Where does the top of the tibial plateau sit?
On the medial and lateral condyles
Where is the tuberosity?
At the front of the tibia
Is the anterior border/crest sharp?
What direction does the nutrient foramen point?
What surface is slightly convex?
Subcutaneous/medial surface
What is the origin and insertion of biceps femoris?
Origin: linea aspera, lateral supracondylar ridge of femur, ischial tuberosity
Insertion: lateral condyle of tibia (lateral head of fibula too)
What movement does biceps femoris produce?
Knee flexion/rotation and hip extension
What is the origin and insertion of semimembranosus?
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia
What movement does semimebranosis produce?
Knee flexion/rotation and hip extension