Thyroid Disorders Flashcards
What is the test of choice to screen for abnormal thyroid function?
THyroid hormone effects
- Fetal development
- Oxygen consumption and heat production
- CV effects
- Sympathetic effects
- Pulmonary effects
- GI effects
- Skeletal effects
- Lipid and carbs
- Endocrine effects
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
- Fatigue, weakness
- Dry Skin
- Feeling Cold
- Hair Loss
- Memory
- Constipation
- Wt gain with poor appetite
- Menorhaggia–long periods
(Think of Leslie)
Signs of hypothyroidism
- Dry skin
- Puffy face
- allopecia
- bradycardia
- carpal tunnel
- serous effusions
- delayed tendon reflex
Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Know the signs and symptoms of both hypo and hyper
Inappropriate TSH levels are generally caused by what in hyperthyroidism
- TSH secreting pituitary adenoma (Remember TSH comes from the pituitary and TRH comes from the Hypothalamus)
- isolated pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone (prevents it from recognizing that levels are high in the bloodstream)
TSH levels are generally caused by what in hypothyroidism?
Central hypothyroidism
Inappropriate TSH levels when there is no thyroid problem is usually caused by
- systemic illlness
- generalized resistance to thyroid hormone
- assay interference
Adding Pathoma Notes to this:
How does the Thyroid descend?
Thyroid starts at the base of the tongue and then travels along the thyroglossal duct to the anterior neck. Thyroglossal duct usually goes away, if it doesn/t you may get a thyroglossal duct cyst which just presents as an ANTERIOR NECK MASS
Most common ectopic thyroid location
Persistence of the thyroid at the base of the tongue
How does Hyperthyroidism increase Basal Metabolic Rate?
Increased synthesis of Na/K ATPase
Increased sympathetic nervous system activity due to what?
Increases Beta 1 adrenergic receptor
Hyperthyroidism Clinical Pres
WHAT DO The Happy Hefty Sluts Bring for Dinner W-weight loss H-heat intolerance Arrhythmia T- tacchycardia D- Diarrhea O- Oligomenorrhea T- tremor, anxiety, insomnia H- HYPOCHOLESTEROLEMIA H- Hyperglycemia S- staring gaze/lid lag B-Bone resorption (osteoporosis risk) D- Decreased muscle mass