Thorax and Lungs Flashcards
What conditions is barrel chest indicative of
COPD and cystic fibrosis
Pectus excavatum is
depression in the sternum, looks like a sunken ship
Biots breathing is
groups of quick, shallow inspirations followed by irregular periods of apnea
Cheyne Strokes
breathing pattern characterized by alternating periods of apnea and hyperpnea; Respiratory acidosis
Possible indicator of Heart Failure
Kussmaul’s breathing is
first rapid and shallow but as metabolic acidosis worsens, breathing becomes deep, slow, labored and gasping
AKA “air hunger”
Pitted nails indicates
seen with Psoriasis
Spinter hemorrhage in nails indicates
subacute bacterial endocarditis
Beau’s lines are
transverse ridging associated with acute severe disease
Paronychia is
inflammation of the nail fold near the cuticle
Clubbing of nails is
nail base has an angle >180 indicating hypoxia or COPD
Koilonychia is
spoon nail appearance indicating iron deficiency anemia
During tactile fremitus you noticed an increase in vibration indicating
fluid is in the lungs possible pneumonia
Tactile fremitus is decreased in patients with what conditions
emphysema, pneumothorax, atelectasis and pleurisy
During percussion of the lungs you notice hyper resonant indicating
increased air in chest suggesting emphysema, pneumothorax
During percussion of the lungs you notice dull sounds indicating
increased density, aka possible pneumonia, atelectasis
Rales are
small clicking/bubblying/rattling sounds seen in patients with bronchitis
Rhonchi are
sounds resembling snoring, they occur when the air is blocked or becomes rough through large airways
Bronchiectasis(widening of bronchi)
Wheezes are
high pitched sounds produced by narrow airways on EXHALATION, seen in asthmatics and patients with emphysema
Stridor is
wheeze like sound heard upon INSPIRATION, usually due to airflow blockage
Look at IRENE GOLD PG.9 Chart to study breath sounds
Lobar pneumonia presents with
rusty brown sputum, cough for around 10 days and fever
Percussion is _______ and tactile fremitus is _______ with lobar Pneumonia
Percussion=dull Rales heard
Friedlander’s pneumonia is
Red currant jelly sputum and caused by Klebsiella. Old people and immunocompromised patients MC
Pneumocystis Carinii is
caused by yeast or fungus MC in AIDS patients
Cytomegalovirus is seen MC with
AIDS patients
Symptoms of TB
low grade fever, night sweats and a yellow/green sputum cough
What is most definitive test for diagnosing TB
Ghon lesions are
Small white lesions seen on X-ray caused by TB
Pleurisy presents as
stabbing chest pain with non productive cough
Pleurisy sounds are
decreased respiratory excursion, decreased tactile fremitus, dull on percussion FRICTION RUB
Pneumothorax presents
decreased chest expansion, decreased tactile fremitus, HYPERRESONANT on percussion, decreased breath sounds
AIR becomes trapped due to ruptured lung
Atelectasis presents with
decreased tactile fremitus, dull on percussion, decreased chest expansion, decreased breath sounds
what is Bronchiectasis
irreversible focal bronchial dilation that presents with a chronic, productive cough
COPD presents with
barrel chested, long term cough with mucus, shortness of breath and wheezing
Asthma is what type of hypersensitivy
Asthma presents as
tachycardia, tachypnea, decreased tactile fremitus and wheezing
Emphysema patients present with
decreased tactile fremitus, HYPERresonanat on percussion, decreased breath sounds, wheezing
Bronchogenic Carcinoma presents
non productive cough for 30+ days, dyspnea, weight loss, afebrile
Primary malignant lung tumor
What is Sarcoidosis
abnormal collection of inflammatory cells that form nodules called granulomas
MC with African americans
Hodgkin’s presents with
night sweats, weight loss, intense pruritus, enlarged spleen. MC in young white males
best way to diagnose Hodgkin’s?
A blue bloater is
Chronic Bronchitis
A Pink puffer is