Blood&Urine Flashcards
Which type of claudication is reproducible
what type of claudication is positional based
How do you relive vascular claudication
Raynauds is brought on by
cold, stress, or emotion. Cold sensitivity.
Allen’s test to identify
Varicose veins are
incompetent valves, that become dilated and are common in pregnant women and overweight adults
DVT present as
tenderness, edema, pain in calf
Homan’s is best test
Symptoms of pulmonary embolism
difficulty breathing, chest pain on inspiration, and palpitations
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy aka
complex regional pain syndrome, is CONTINOUS and gets worse rather than better over time
Telangiectasia is
small superficial dilated blood vessels, MC on face, nose, cheeks, and chin
Hemoglobin (Hb) (Hgb) is
is how much is in the blood able to carry oxygen to tissue, it transports oxygen and carbon dioxide
Hematocrit (HCT) is a representation of
percentage of total blood volume made up of RBC’s
packed cell volume
What three things do we look at to determine if anemic
RBC, Hgb,Hct
What three things tell us what kind of anemia it is
MCV represents the
size of the RBC
MCH represents the
weight of RBC
MCHC represents the
hemoglobin concentration of RBC
Cell size is called what three things
normocytic, microcytic, macrocytic
Hgb content is called what three things
normochromic, hypochromic, hyperchromic
Low MCV and MCH
microcytic hypochromic
Normal MCV, MCH
normocytic, normochromic
High MCV normal MCH
Macrocytic normochromic
Thalassemia is
microcytic hypochromic anemia
Patient of Mediterranean, north Africa, south east asia
Cooley’s anemia is aka
microcytic hypochromic anemia
what are the 4 Microcytic Hypochromic anemia
Iron deficiency anemia (MC)
Anemia of chronic disease
Chronic blood loss
TIBC is the most important detail when determine which
microcytic hypochromic anemia it is
Megaloblastic anemia is
Macrocytic Normochromic anemia
seen in chronic alcoholics, malabsorption
Aplastic anemia is classified as what type of anemia
normochromic normocytic anemia
Specific gravity of urine increases with what disorders
bacterial infection, diabetes mellitus, kidney abnormalities
Urobilinogen should be what when a biliary obstruction occurs
DECREASED in urine
Bilirubin is _______ with Hepatic disease or biliary obstructions
Hyaline casts in urine mean
Epithelial casts in urine indicate
tubular damage
RBC casts mean
WBC casts mean
Waxy casts indicate
renal failure, nephrosis