Thoracic Limb- Myology Flashcards
Origen: nuchal ligament from 2-6th cervical vertebra to 7th thoracic vertebra
Insertion: medial surface of dorsal border of scapula
Innervation: cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Function: draws limb forward, fixes scapula, elevates limb and neck
Which are the extensor muscles of the digits?
Common digital extensor
Lateral digital extensor
Long abductor muscle of the 1st digit
Extensor muscle of the 1+nd digit
Origin: caudal neck of humerus
Insertion: proximal cranial surface of radius/ulna
Innervation: radial and musculocutaneous nerve
Function: flexion of elbow joint
Biceps brachii
Origin: supraglenoid cavity
Insertion: radial tuberosity
Innervation: musculocutaneous nerve
Function: flexion of elbow joint, extension of shoulder joint, fixes shoulder
Origin: subscapular fossa
Insertion: lesser tubercle
Innervation: subscapular nerve
Function: extensor or flexor of shoulder, fixes shoulder joint
Radial extensor muscle of the carpus
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: 3rd metacarpal bone
Innervation: radial nerve
Function: extension of carpus
What are the general characteristics of the fixation muscles of scapula?
Fixes thoracic limb to the trunk
Origins in neck or back
Insertion in scapula and forearm
Innervated by accessory nerve to r dorsal branches are f cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Latissimus dorsi
Origin: thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: caudal border of scapula, lateral surface of thorax and body of humerus
Innervation: thoracodorsal nerve
Function: main retroversr of thoracic limb, flexor of shoulder
Origins at head, different between species
Insertion: as cleidobrachialis, differs between species
Innervation: accessory nerve, axillary nerve, cervical nerve
Function: draws neck and head down/back, draws head/neck/ upper arm fascia to one side
Origin: infraspinous fossa
Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
Innervation: suprascapular nerve
Function: flexion and fixation of shoulder joint
Quadrate pronator
Origin: ulna
Insertion: radius
Innervation: median nerve
Function: pronation
Which are the fixation muscles of the scapula?
Ventral serrate
Ulnar extensor of the carpus
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: 4+5+accessory metacarpal bones
Innervation: radial nerve
Function: flexion carpus, supports extension of carpus
Radial flexor muscle of the carpus
Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: 2+3rd metacarpal bones
Innervation: median nerve
Function: flexion of carpus
Major teres
Origin: caudal border of scapula
Insertion: tuberosity for teres major
Innervation: axillary nerve
Function: flexion of shoulder joint
Origin: manubrium
Insertion: head, differs between species
Innervation: ventral branch of accessory nerve
Function: flexor of head/neck, draws head/neck to the side, fixes head during swallowing
Origin: coracoid process of scapula
Insertion: medial surface f humerus
Innervation: musculocutaneous nerve
Function: extensor of shoulder joint, adductor of thoracic limb
Which are the superficial extrinsic muscles?
Brachiocephalic Sternocephalic Trapezius Omotransverse Latissimus dorsi Superficial pectoral