Thoracic Cavity Flashcards
Parietal Pleura
The layer of the pleural cavity that is directly in contact with the rib cage
Visceral Pleura
Layer of the pleural cavity that is directly in contact with the surface of the lungs
R. and L. Lungs
The large organs associated with gas exchange in the thoracic cavity. Right lung has 3 lobes, left lung has 2 lobes. RALS
Superior lobe
Lobe located in most superior portion of the lung
middle lobe
Lobe located between the superior and inferior lungs. Only found in the right lung
Inferior lobe
Lobe located in most inferior portion of the lung
R. Pulmonary Arteries
Located anteriorly to the bronchus of the right lung (RALS).
L. Pulmonary Arteries
Located superiorly to the bronchus of the left lung (RALS).
R. Pulmonary Veins
Located both anteriorly and inferiorly to the bronchi
L. Pulmonary Veins
Located anteriorly and inferiorly to the bronchi
R. and L. Bronchi
Thickest opening on the lung. Immediately branches into two other secondary bronchi upon entrance to the lung.
R. and L. Phrenic Nerve
Superficial to the vagus nerve. Located lateral to the vagus nerve. Innervate through the diaphragm itself.
R. and L. Vagus Nerve
Located medially to the phrenic nerves. Innervates through the esophageal hiatus.
Apex of Lungs
Most superior point on the lungs
Base of Lungs
The most inferior points on the lungs
Anterior Border of Lungs
Most anterior portion of the lung.
Posterior Border of Lungs
Most posterior portion of the lung
Root of lung
Part of the lung that attaches the vessels, arteries, and bronchi.
Hilum of lung
Broader portion of the lung that encases the root as well as the other depression around the root.
R. and L. Costodiaphragmatic Recess
Space between the costal pleura and the diaphragmatic pleura
Muscle in charge of majority of respiration force. Located inferior to the lungs and superior to the abdominal viscera
Cartilage located where the trachea branches into right and left bronchi
Fibrous pericardium
Most superficial layer of the pericardium surrounding the heart
Tube running through the mediastinum posterior to the trachea
Sup. and Inf. Vena Cava
Largest arteries that pool blood before entering the right atrium
Azygous Vein
Vein running along the right anterior side of the vertebral column. Vascularizes approximately T-(4-12). Dumps blood into the superior vena cava.
Hemiazygous Vein
Vein running along the left anterior side of the vertebral column. Vascularizes approximately T-(8-12). Dumps blood into the azygous vein.
Accessory Hemiazygous Vein
Vein running along the left anterior side of the vertebral column. Vascularizes approximately T(1-8). Dumps blood into the azygous vein.
Esophageal Plexus
Formed by nerve fibers from the vagus nerve and from the visceral branches of the sympathetic trunk.
Intercostal Nerves
Nerves running in between the ribs
R. and L. Sympathetic Chain Ganglia
Located just laterally to the spinal cord. These are small bumps on the spinal nerves jutting out from the spinal cord
Sympathetic Ganglia
Located just laterally to the spinal cord. These are small bumps on the spinal nerves jutting out from the spinal cord
Thoracic Duct
Lymphatic duct that runs medially on the anterior side of the spinal cord.
Esophageal Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes that sit on the exterior of the esophagus
External Intercostal Muscles
Muscles running between the ribs that flex to aid breathing. Fibers run from lateral to medial, superior to inferior.
Internal Intercostal Muscles
Muscles running between the ribs that flex to aid breathing. Fibers run from lateral to medial, inferior to superior.
Anterior and Middle Scalenes
Muscles that originate on C-(2-5) and insert on the first rib. These assist in lateral flexion of the neck and elevation of the ribs during forced inhalation.
Pectoralis Major and Minor
Muscles that originate on the sternum and insert on the humerus
Serratus Anterior
Originates on the ribs and inserts on the inferior medial border of the scapula. Protracts the scapula(by pulling on the inferior edge).
Ascending Aorta
Part of the aorta going from the left ventricle to the arch
Aortic Arch
Loop on top of the aorta
Descending Aorta
Part of the aorta running down the center of the thoracic cavity toward the abdomen.
Thoracic Aorta
Aspect of the atora located in the thoracic cavity
Anterior Intercostal Arteries
Arteries located between the ribs. Located on the anterior side of the ribs
Posterior Intercostal Arteries
Arteries located on the posterior side of the ribs and running between them.
Superior Epigastric Artery
Terminal Branch of the internal thoracic artery that sits deep to rectus abdominus and runs superior to inferior
Internal Thoracic Artery
Supplies blood to the anterior chest wall and to the breasts. Runs bilaterally on each side of the xiphiod process before branching into the superior epigastric artery and the musclophrenic artery