Brain Anatomy Flashcards
most cranial portion of the brain
Central Sulcus
“valley” Located in coronal plane, halfway between anterior and posterior portions
precentral gyrus
“peak” located anterior to the central sulcus
postcentral gyrus
“peak” located posterior to the central sulcus
Longitudinal Fissure
deep groove splitting the brain into two halves along the sagittal plane
transverse fissure
deep groove between the occipital/temporal lobes of the cerebrum and the cerebellum
Temporal Lobe
Section of the brain located laterally and inferior to the frontal and parietal lobes
Frontal Lobe
Most anterior portion of the brain. Everything anterior to the central sulcus and superior to the lateral fissure in the cerebrum
Parietal Lobe
Portion of the cerebrum posterior to the central sulcus, not including the occipital lobe of the brain
Occipital Lobe
Most posterior portion of the cerebrum.
Smaller “mini-brain” located inferior to the occipital lobe of the brain, and posterior to the pons and medulla.
Vermis of the Cerebellum
The ridge on the midline of the cerebellum. It sits in the sagittal plane.
The most superior part of the brain stem. It sits inferior to the corpus callosum and superior to the pons.
corpora quadrigemina
Four protrusions from the brain stem immediately inferior to the thalamus and pineal on the posterior side of the pons.
Superior Colliculi
The superior two of four protrusions on the posterior side of the pons immediately inferior to the thalamus and pineal gland
Inferior Colliculi
The two inferior bilateral protrusions on the posterior side of the pons immediately inferior to the superior colliculi of the corpora quadrigemina
The aspect of the brainstem inferior to the midbrain and superior to the medulla. The anterior side swells out and the posterior side articulates with the cerebellum
medulla oblongata
The aspect of the brainstem immediately inferior to the pons and superior to the spinal cord.
Pyramids of the Medulla Oblongata
Slight bilateral protrusions on the anterior side of the medulla oblongata
Corpus Callosum
Brain tissue located within the longitudinal fissure of the brain. In a transected brain, it is found immediately inferior to the parietal lobe of the cerebrum.
Lateral Ventricles
Bilateral openings in the brain filled with CSF. In a transected brain, they are located immediately inferior to the corpus callosum and superior to the thalamus.
3rd ventricle
Open Space filled with CSF that sits on the midline of the brain. On a transected brain it sits immediately inferior to the corpus callosum and superior/anterior to the pituitary gland/thalamus
4th ventricle
An Open space filled with CSF located between the pons and the cerebellum.
Portion of the brain immediately superior to the midbrain and inferior to the third ventricle and the corpus callosum. It is also superior to the hypothalamus.
portion of the brain that sits on the midline. It is anterior and inferior to the thalamus. It is also posterior to the inferior portion of the frontal lobe.
Pineal body
protrusion on the posterior side of the thalamus. It sits on the midline and is immediately superior to the superior colliculi of the corpora quadrigemina.
Located on the exterior surface of the brain
Dura Mater
Outter layer of the meninges. Directly inferior to the bone of the skull and superior to the arachnoid mater Tough outer layer.
Arachnoid Mater
Located inferior to the dura mater and superior to the pia mater. Layer has web-like structure.
Pia Mater
located on the exterior of the cerebrum, inferior to the arachnoid and pia mater.