Third Year Christmas Test Flashcards
Name an explain two ways human interact to the sea
- People have always looked to the sea as a source of food. Many people in coastal areas rely on incomes earned from fishing. The fishing industry provides jobs on fishing trawlers and in onshore fish-processing plants. Killybegs in Co. Donegal
- Ferries from Rosslare, Cork and Dublin transport passengers to and from the UK and France, which contributes to our tourist industry. Huge cargo ships are used to transport heavy raw materials, such as oil, iron, steel and other minerals by sea.
Why does poor conditions have a low life expectancy
Poor conditions have low life expectancy as they do not have access to healthcare or clean water or food supplies
Explain one reason why life expectancy is low in developing countries
Life expectancy is low in developing countries as there is no access to healthcare systems. People in developing countries usually live in rural areas making it hard for them to access healthcare systems. Everything is very expensive making healthcare non accessible. There’s also no hospitals or medical centres in these countries.
Explain two factors impact birthrates and developed countries
Two factors impact birth rate in a developed country is one families plan out their lives when having children and have children at a younger age. They do this as women don’t have to stay at home and mind their kids and they have their own jobs. Another factor is urban sprawl this is when towns and cities develop and take over other areas of land due to population increasing more land is taken up and more families have kids
Explain one reason how life young people are different in developed and developing countries
In developed countries, all children have a right to free education funded by the government usually up to the age of 16. Here they learn to read and write. While in developing countries education isn’t as popular and there isn’t as many schools build lots of people here cannot read and write.
The type of wave that builds up the coastline by pausing sediment and sand on the beach with the strong swash but a weaker backwash
Destructive waves
What are the name of the law walls often made of wood that are built at right angles to the coast?
Two river features that are formed by the process of deposition
flood planes and deltas
Define the term globalisation
the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. Business treat the world as one market
Define the term resource depletion
Resource depletion is the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished
Why do earthquakes often occur at destructive boundaries
Earthquakes often occur here there is a build up of huge pressure causing the heavy plate to submerge back into mantle and the lighter one to come up.
Define the term climate
the weather conditions happening in an area in general or over a long period
Define the term weather
the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain
Explain what comes with polar maritime
These air masses from the north-west Atlantic bring cold, wet air and showery conditions.
What unit do you use to measure cloud cover?
Describe relief rainfall
Prevailing wind pick up moisture from the sea as they travel across it making air moist. When this moist air reaches the coast, it is forced to rise over the coast of mountains and Hills. This forces the air to cool and condensed forming clouds. As air continues to be forced over the mountain, it drops its moisture as relief rain.
Explain how longshore drift transports material along the coast
Longshore drift is the movement of material along the shore by wave action. It happens when waves approach the beach at an angle. The swash carries material up and along the beach. The backwash carries material back down the beach at right angles. This process slowly moves material along the beach.
Explain two factors that impact birth rates in a developed country
Factor 1: Economic Factors e.g., Cost of raising children
One key factor affecting birth rates in Ireland is the high cost of raising children. Expenses for things like food, housing, education and healthcare can be quite high. Many young couples choose to focus on their careers and financial stability before starting a family.
Factor 2: Social and Cultural Factors e.g., Career Driven
Another important factor is family planning and career goals. In Ireland, many women are pursuing higher education and career opportunities, which often means delaying marriage and having children. Access to contraception and family planning services also allow couples to decide when and how many children they want to have.