Who created and when the Transtheoretical Model
Prochaska and DiClemente 1983
What was it created for
Explain the stages of change when voluntarily giving up smoking
What is it also known as
Stages of Change model
What are the other constructs which influence behaviour change
decision balance, process of change, self-efficacy and temptation
What are the five stages of behaviour change
Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance
Do people move through these stages in sequence
No, they can move in different directions
What did Prochaska and DiClemente suggest
In 86, suggested that they change in a cyclical way going through periods of growth and relapse
How long does the maintenance stage last
6 months or longer although they are still at risk of relapsing
How long before “termination”
Maintenance for over 5 years
What is Decision Balance
Evaluation of pro and con of taking action. Proposed first by Janis and Mann 1977
Explain self-efficacy
confidence in the ability to carry out particular behaviour
What is the Process of Change
Specific strategies to help move between stages of change
Who created the 10 strategies for change and when
Prochaska and Velicer 1997
How are the 10 strategies divided
Cognitive and Behavioural
Name the Cognitive processes of change
Consciousness-raising, Dramatic relief, self-re-evaluation, Environmental re-evaluation, and social liberation
Name the Behavioural processes of change
Self-liberation, counterconditioning, stimulus control, contingency management, helping relationships
What is consciousness raising
Raise awareness, causes, problems, consequences
What is dramatic relief
Emotional connection like media no smoking adverts, aids
What is self-re-evaluation
Self reflection on your image and health before and after changes
What is environmental re-evaluation
Effect of their behaviour on others, like an example to children
What is social liberation
Ability to take advantage of all leisure activities due to improved health
Name 5 behavioural process of changes
self-liberation, counterconditioning, stimulus control, contingency management, helping relationships
What is self liberation
Belief on change and committing to do so
What is counterconditioning
Health replacements for poor choices in food and exercise and pa
What is Stimulus control
Leaving positive stimulus rather than negative stimulus - trainers at the door or move and hide chocolate
What is contingency management
Rewards for achieving goals,unexpected may be praise or feedback
What is helping relationships
Having social and personal support
What is the final construct that may affect progress
Pros of TTM
.Useful across many changes (Nigg et al 2010) Has helped to id stage of change (Blissmer and McAuley 2002)
Cons of TTM
Problem with the application of the model to pa (Williams et al 2002), multiple behaviour changes do not always suit this model. questions over the 6-month and other timeframes. Weakness may be down to application by practitioners.