Exercise Adherence and behaviours Flashcards
What reasons do people exercise
Weight loss from exercise combined with good eating habits
Another health reason and fact
Reduced risk of CPD, in fact the same reduction as if to give up smoking
Another health reason
Reduction in high blood pressure which is a risk factor leading to CPD
Any psychological reasons to exercise
Reduction in stress and anxiety and depression may reduce
What is a really good reason besides for health to exercise
Enjoyment and happiness
Summarise why exercise can prevent sedentary behaviour
For physiological and psychological reasons.
Any other good reasons not mentions already
Social aspect and improved self esteem
Reasons for not exercising
No motivation, lack of time and lack of energy
What key point regarding barriers to exercise
Research shows that almost ALL BARRIERS are within individuals control
What barriers are out of control of individuals
Environmental factors
What (old) age differences NOT exercisING have been found
Older people use fear of injury , bad health, and lack of sporty type as reasons(internal).
What(adolescents) reasons for not exercising
Similar to older adults but also parents wanting them to focus on academic study as priority
Women cited……reasons for not adhering to exercise
Internal reasons like “lack of discipline”
And finally another reason people exercise is…
Social aspects
Key point regards using time as a reason for not exercising is
It is a perceived reason rather than a real reason an excuse if you like and identify a persons priorities
What is the term for a total lack of exercise
sedentary behaviour
What type of personality trait may influence increased physical activity
High extraversion types
What general ideas have been tried to increase ex/pa and decrease sedentary behaviour
Walk, Cycle to work. Limit watching tv, standing at work longer. using stairs instead of lifts
What 3 variables are most often researched in correlation with exercise/pa
%body fat, gender and obesity
What has research demonstrate regards PA and Sedentary behaviour
Promotion of light-intensity PA may be a good way to reduce sedentary behaviour
How many according to research drop out of exercise routines within 6 months
Reasons for not continuing exercise program
Psychological not considered
Over restrictive programs
To challenge not progressive
No consideration for empowerment
What key recommendation for fitness coaches to promote activity
Scientific approach with up to date sound proven advice and guidance
What is the Health Belief Model?
First designed for disease, not exercise. Aims to highlight the health benefits and costs of not participating. Pros outweigh the cons