Theories of learning and the behaviorists - exam 1 Flashcards
Define learning
- learning is studied objectively by looking at behavior
- learning involves a change in behavior
- learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.
- allows us to adapt to our environment
define equipotent
principles of learning apply to any behavior and all organisms
what is classical/associative learning
- we learn association between events
- we anticipate important events
- the stimulus happens first the behavior follows
- the stimulus elicits the response
Ivan Pavlov - dogs
- studied asscoiative or classical conditioning
- noticed dogs began salvating before seeing their food, he found he contitioned them to expect food from neutral stimulus
John B. Watson- little albert experiment
what is classical conditioning
what constitutes a reflex
unconditioned stimulus plus unconditioned response
what is an aquisition/learning trial
- learning of the stimulus: response relationship
- pair a neutral stimulus with UCS. NS must precede the UCS. best if time interval is short. NS will become condtioned (conditioned stimulus)
Examples of UCS, UCR, CS, and CR in pavlovs experiment
what is extinction
lessening of a conditioned response. For classical it occurs when the CS is repeatedly presented without the the UCS. For operant it happens when the behavior is no longer reinforced
what is spontaneous recovery
Reappearance of an extinguished response after a rest period
what is generalization
stimuli that are similar to the CS will evoke some level of the CR
what is discrimination
the ability to distinguish one stimulu from another, responding only to the CS
what is operant conditioning
the process of aquiring new, voluntary (and relatively enduring) behaviors through experience
how is operant conditioning different than classical conditioning
who is Edward Thorndike and what is his Law of Effect
edward thorndike and cats?
Who was B.F. Skinner
what is the skinner box and what does it have to do with rats and pigeons
what is shaping and relate it to the pigeon video
what is reinforcement - both positive and negative
reinforcement makes behavior more likely to occur. strengthens the response. increases the rate of operant responding.
positive reinforcement: application of rewated
negative reinforcement: removal of something aversive
what is punishment - both positive and negative
Punishment decreases behavior
positive punishment: application of something aversive
negative punishment: removal of something good
what is continuous reinforcement
- reinforcing every response
- rapid acquisition: increases number of responses are made and less time is taken between responses - positively accelerated
- use when first learning new behavior
what is partial reinforcement
- reinforcing only some responses
- best if unpredictable
- use to maintain behavior (precent extinction)
- ratio or interval
what is ratio reinforcement schedule
- number
- dependent on amount of work
- fixed ratio: set number of responses (punch card)
- variable ratio: unpredictable number of responses (slot machine)
what is interval reinforcement
- dependent on time that has passed and a response being made
- fixed interval: fixed time period (pain meds or pay day)
- variable: varying time periods (unannounced pop quiz)
what is fixed reinforcement
set amount of something
what is variable reinforcement
what is a typical responding pattern of each reinforcement schedule
what are some punishment guidelines
what is the premack principle
what are the ABCs of operant conditioning
A: antecedent
- environmental stimuli and events that precede the behavior
B: behavior
- specific responses the individual makes
C: consequence:
- stimuli and events immediately following the behavior
what is token economy and an example
- items that can be traded for a reinforcer.
- each token is a step toward a reinforcer
- examples: chart with stars, poker chips, point system
what is ABA and an example
what is cognitive behavioral therapy
what is systematic desensitization
what is observational learning
- behaviors aquired through observing and modeling others
who was albert bandura and what experiment did he do
what happened in the bobo doll experiment
what is modeling
- a person demonstrating their behavior
- imitating a behavior after observing it
what is vicarious reinforcement
- model is rewarded
what is vicarious punishment
model is punished
what is latent learning