Gender Issues & Sexual Disorders- exam 4 Flashcards
define transgender/transsexual
- feel that they are the opposite sex
- also live in the ‘opposite gender’ in dress and behavior
define gender dysphoria and its signs/symptoms
the distress caused by the mismatch between ‘assigned sex’ and the persons ‘subjective experience of their gender’
- strong desire to be the other gender
- a strong dislike of ones sexual anatomy and desire for primary and/or secondy sex characteristics of the other gender
- a strong conviction that one has typical feelings and reactions of the other gender
- causes distress
Can begin in early childhood:
- preference for cross dressing; resistance to wearing ‘gender appropriate’ clothes
- dislike or even denial of ones sexual organs
- opposite sex friendships and playmates
- preference for cross-gender roles in make-believe play
- play typical of opposite sex
what is ‘natal’ sex
sex assigned at birth
what is gender identity
it is ones basic sense of being a boy or girl, man or women, or other gender, such as trans, nonbinary, or fluid
what is gender role
outward behaviors, traits, and attitudes of male or female defined by culture
the public lived role in society
what is sexual orientation
the gender of your sexual or romantic attractions and partners
what steps are recommended before sex reassignment surgery
- one year of prior hormone therpay and functioning in opposite sex role
- hormone therapy, voice training
what does it mean to be gender neutral/ gender fluid/ non-binary
dont identify with either gender; fluid among the spectrum
what is the purpose of cross-dressing in gender dysphoria
to ease distress caused by gender dysphoria
what is the purpose of cross-dressing in transvestic fetishism
obtain arousal/gratification
what are paraphilic disorders and fetishes
paraphilic disorders:
- recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors
- distressing or disabling
- involve inanimate objects, children, or nonconsenting adults
- or suffering or humilation of oneself of the partner with the potential to cause harm
- reliance on inanimate object for sexual arousal
- underpants, feet and shoes, stokcing, fur garments, rubber products, leather products
paraphilias are disorderd if what and what
if leads leads to distress, impaired functioning, harm, or risk of harm, to the person or to others
what is frotteurism
sexually oriented touching or rubbing another person
what is voyeurism
“peeping tom”
- marked preference for obtaining sexual gratification by watching others undress etc
- element of risk is important
what is exhibitionism
- marked preference for obtaining sexual gratification by exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling stranger
- a desire to shock or embarrass the observer
what is sadism
sexual arousal from giving-inflicting pain or humiliation upon another person
what is masochism
sexual arousal from being made to suffer pain or humiliation
what is the difference between a pedophile and incest
- child not related to perpetrator
- child related to perpetrator
what were some of the reasons given in the video for why people rape
what are some of the signs of sexual abuse
- inappropriate sexualized behavior
- regression, clinging, crying, specific fears
- heightened aggression and hostility toward others
- compulsive comlianze with vigilance
- injury to genetialia
what is Megan’s law
sex offender notification to residents of a community if a high risk sex offender moves into the area
as a result of Megan’s law, what are two ways you might be ‘notified’ of a sex offender living near you?
national sex offender data base and postcard by mail
what are the prenatal steps of biological sex determination
- xy is male, genes on y chromosome cause undifferentiated tissue to develop into testicular tissue
who determines the genetic sex of the child?
the father
what are the prenatal steps in sexual determination of a male
- testicular tissue secretes testosterone
- causes internal male reproductive organs to form (another hormone inhibits femal reproductive organs)
- a second surge of testosterone (converted by 5 alpha reductase to dihydrotestosterone) causes: penis and scrotum to develop externally
what is 5-alpha-reductase and what happens at puberty
surge of hormones promote secondary sex characteristics and sexual feelings
what is androgen insensitivity syndrome
- genetically male (XY)
- genes on y cause testicular tissue to develop with production testosterone
- lack of cellular androgen receptors
- testosterone fails to masculinize the body
- looks and functions as a female
- complete androgen insensitivity syndrome when the body cannot use androgens at all
- have the exteranl sex characteristics of femals
- do not have a uterus and therefore do not menstruate and are unable to conceive a child
- typically raised as females and have a female gender identity
- have male internal sex organs (testes) that are undescended, which means they are abnormally located in the pelvis or abdomen
what is 5-alpha-reductase deficiency
- lacks the 5-alpha reductase required for testosterone
- is required for normal external genitalia to form prenatally (lack penis and scrotum when born)
- looks like a girl
- at puberty external genetalia develops in response to testosterone
- ‘girl’ turns into a boy
- feels okay because brain change has occured
what is turner syndrome
- failure to start puberty: underdeveloped breasts, sterile
- short
- treatment includes hormone therapy: growth hormone and estrogen
- variable severity of problems with heart/arota, kidney, and others
(XO) fetuses frequently miscarry
what is klienfelter syndrome, super male, and triple X
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY): has extra x chromosome
- male, tall
- develop female characteristics at puberty (breasts)
- nees hormone therapy
- sterile
- normal overall IQ
XXY supermale
- has extra Y chromosome “jacobs syndrome’
- taller (6’ 3” average)
- severe adolescent cystic acne
- normal sexual development
- slightly increased incidence of impuslivity, ADHD, behavior problems
Triple X (XXX)
- extra x chromosome
- taller than average
- fertile and can have children
- slightly low IQ