The Urinary Tract Flashcards
___: a cystic disease of the kidney that is often the result of chronic hemodialysis
acquired renal cystic disease
___: an inflammation of the kidney or kidneys
acute pyelonephritis
___: a sudden decrease in renal function
acute renal failure
___: damage to the tubule cells within the kidneys that results in renal failure
acute tubular necrosis
___: the accumulation of the abnormal protein amyloid in the kidneys and other organs that can lead to organ damage, as well as renal failure
___: a common benign renal tumor that consists of a network of blood vessels, muscle, and fat
___: an inherited disease that results in the development of renal, liver, and pancreatic cysts late in life; also referred to as adult polycystic kidney disease
autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
___: an inherited renal disease that results in bilateral enlargement of the fetal kidneys and microscopic renal cysts; also referred to as infantile polycystic kidney disease
autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
___: an excess of urea or other nitrogenous compounds in the blood
___: the presence of bacteria in the urine
___: benign enlargement of the prostate gland
benign prostatic hypertrophy
___: an outpouching of the urinary bladder wall
bladder diverticulum
___: a measure of the amount of nitrogen in the blood in the form of urea
blood urea nitrogen
___: chronic inflammation of the kidney or kidneys
chronic pyelonephritis
___: the gradual decrease in renal function over time
chronic renal failure
___: an extension of the renal cortex located between the renal pyramids
columns of Bertin
___: the dilation of the renal collecting system at birth
congenital hydronephrosis
___: the accumulation of calcium within the cortex of the kidney
cortical nephrocalcinosis
___: the thinning of the (renal) cortex
cortical thinning
___: the ability to sonographically
distinguish between the normal cortex and medullary portions of the kidney
corticomedullary differentiation
___: a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism and excreted in the urine
___: inflammation of the urinary bladder
___: the muscle that controls the appropriate emptying of the urinary bladder
detrusor muscle
___: shadowing seen posterior to gas or air
dirty shadowing
___: painful or difficult urination
___: the formation of air within the kidney parenchyma secondary to bacterial infiltration
emphysematous pyelonephritis
___: medical condition in which the kidneys fail to function adequately, thus requiring the use of dialysis
end-stage renal disease
___: growing outward
___: pain in one side of the body between the upper abdomen and
the back
flank pain
___: the fibrous envelope of tissue that surrounds the kidney and adrenal gland
Gerota fascia
___: an infection of the kidney glomeruli
___: blood within the urine that is visible to the naked eye
gross hematuria
___: a localized collection of blood
___: blood within the urine; can be described as microscopic or
___: form of dialysis that utilizes a machine that essentially acts as a kidney whereby it extracts the patient’s blood, filters it, and returns the filtered blood to the patient
___: an autoimmune disorder and form of vasculitis associated with purple spots on the skin, gastrointestinal complications, joint pain, and possibly kidney failure; mostly occurs in childhood
Henoch–Schonlein purpura
___: maintenance of normal body physiology
___: the dilation of the renal collecting system resulting from the obstruction of the flow of urine from the kidney(s) to the bladder; also referred to as pelvocaliectasis or pelvicaliectasis
___: distension of the ureter with fluid because of obstruction
___: abnormally high levels of potassium in the blood
___: carcinoma of the kidney; also referred to as renal cell carcinoma
___: decreased blood volume
___: the state of having an immune system that is
impaired for some reason
___: an inherited renal disease that results in bilateral enlargement of the fetal kidneys and microscopic renal cysts; also referred to as autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
infantile polycystic kidney disease
___: an enzyme found within the blood that may be used to monitor renal function; may also be used as a tumor marker
lactate dehydrogenase
___: a collection of lymph fluid
___: feeling of uneasiness
___: the accumulation of calcium within the medulla of the renal parenchyma
medullary nephrocalcinosis
___: a congenital disorder characterized by the accumulation of calcium within abnormally
medullary sponge kidney
___: an abnormally enlarged urinary bladder
___: an enlarged ureter; can be congenital or acquired
___: division of the duplex collecting system, as in the upper pole moiety and the lower pole moiety
___: a renal disease thought to be caused by an early renal obstruction; leads to the development of multiple noncommunicating cyst of varying sizes in the renal fossa
multicystic dysplastic kidney disease
___: a small mass located on the wall of a structure
mural nodules
___: the most common solid malignant pediatric abdominal
mass; may also be referred to as Wilms tumor
___: an accumulation of calcium within the renal parenchyma
___: the urinary stones located within the kidney; kidney stones
___: functional unit of the kidney
___: a kidney disorder caused by damage to the glomeruli that results in excess amounts of protein in the urine and the swelling of the ankles, face, and feet because of accumulation of excess water
nephrotic syndrome
___: a bladder that is poorly functioning secondary to any type of neurologic disorder
neurogenic bladder
___: frequent urination at night
___: a nuclear medicine examination of the urinary bladder
and ureters
nuclear cystogram
___: scant or decreased urine output
___: a benign renal tumor that is often found in men in their 60s
___: a small protrusion of tissue
papillary projection
___: a kidney located within the pelvis
pelvic kidney
___: an abscess that surrounds the kidney
perinephric abscess
___: a form of dialysis that uses a solution that is instilled into the abdomen; uses diffusion and osmosis to filter waste products from the blood
peritoneal dialysis
___: a benign, solid adrenal tumor associated with uncontrollable hypertension
___: irregular thin membranes of tissue located within the male posterior urethra that do not allow urine to exit the urethra
posterior urethral valves
___: protein within the urine
___: a syndrome that is a consequence of the abdominal
wall musculature being stretched by an extremely enlarged urinary bladder
prune belly syndrome
___: the condition of having pus within the collecting system of the kidney
___ pus within the urine
___: a benign renal mass
renal adenoma
___: the narrowing of the renal artery
renal artery stenosis
___: the carcinoma of the kidney; also referred to as hypernephroma
renal cell carcinoma
___: a sharp pain in the lower back that radiates into the groin and is typically associated with the passage of a urinary stone through the ureter
renal colic
___: the outer part of the renal parenchyma that is responsible for filtration
renal cortex
___: a ratio calculated by dividing the highest renal artery velocity by the highest aortic velocity obtained at the level of the renal arteries
renal:aorta ratio
___: a benign renal mass that consists of blood vessels
renal hemangioma
___: a collection of blood on or around the kidney that is typically associated with some form of trauma or perhaps an invasive kidney procedure
renal hematoma
___: an area in the kidney that becomes necrotic because of a lack of oxygen
renal infarction
___: a fatty tumor on the kidney
renal lipoma
___: the inner part of the renal parenchyma that is responsible
for absorption
renal medulla
___ cone-shaped structures located within the renal medulla that contains part of the nephron
renal pyramids
___: the portion of the kidney containing the minor calices, major calices, renal pelvis, and infundibula
renal sinus
___: a blood clot located within the renal vein
renal vein thrombosis
___: enzyme produced by the kidneys that helps regulate blood pressure
___: the two embryonic parenchymal tissue masses that combine to create the kidney; singular form is renunculus
___: a disease characterized by the buildup of fibrous tissue within the retroperitoneum; this mass may involve the abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, ureters, and sacrum
retroperitoneal fibrosis
___: an artifact that results from a sound wave interacting with a large acoustic interface that repeatedly bounces back and forth from the interface to the transducer
reverberation artifact
___: a partition separating two or more cavities
___: a large urinary stone that completely fills and takes the
shape of the renal pelvis
staghorn calculus
___: a treatment method for vesicoureteral reflux disease that uses a bulking agent to elevate the ureteral orifice and distal ureter, allowing for the normal flow of urine from the ureter into the bladder
subureteral Teflon injection
___: the combination of a slow systolic upstroke and decreased systolic velocity
___: muscular bundles
___: a malignant tumor of the urinary tract that is often found within the urinary bladder or within the renal pelvis
transitional cell carcinoma
___: the area within the urinary bladder where the two ureteral orifices and urethral orifice are located
trigone of the urinary bladder
___: a systemic disorder that leads to the development of tumors within various organs
tuberous sclerosis
___: a pelvic abscess involving the uterine tubes and ovaries that is often caused by pelvic inflammatory disease
tubo-ovarian abscess
___: an artifact noted as an increased color Doppler signal posterior to a kidney stone or biliary stone
twinkle sign
___: a tubular structure that is a remnant of embryonic development which extends from the umbilicus to the apex of the bladder
___: jets of urine that are the result of urine being forced into the urinary bladder from the ureters; can be demonstrated with color Doppler imaging
ureteral jets
___ an abnormality in which the distal ureter projects into the urinary bladder
___: the junction of the ureter and renal pelvis
ureteropelvic junction
___: the junction of the ureter and urinary bladder
ureterovesicular junction
___: inflammation of the urethra
___: a localized collection of urine
___: a urinary stone
___: a benign, smooth muscle tumor of the uterus; may also
be referred to as a fibroid or uterine myoma
uterine leiomyoma
___: the abnormal retrograde flow of urine from the urinary bladder into the ureter and possibly into the kidney(s)
vesicoureteral reflux
___: a radiographic examination that involves the assessment of the urinary bladder and distal ureter for urinary reflux and other abnormalities
voiding cystourethrogram
___: n inherited disorder characterized by tumors of the central nervous system and the development of cysts within the kidneys, renal cell carcinoma, and pheochromocytomas
von Hippel–Lindau syndrome
___: the most common solid malignant pediatric abdominal mass; a malignant renal mass that may also be referred to as nephroblastoma
Wilms tumor
___: a rare chronic form of pyelonephritis that is typically the result of a chronic obstructive process
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis