The Male Pelvis Flashcards
___: mass of ectopic adrenal tissue within the testicle; are associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia or Cushing syndrome
adrenal rest
___: a protein produced by the fetal yolk sac, fetal gastrointestinal tract, and the fetal liver; may also be produced by some malignant tumors
___: the testicular appendage located at the head of the epididymis
appendix epididymis
___: the testicular appendage located between the head of the epididymis and the superior pole of the testis
appendix testis
___: the testicular appendage located between the body and tail of the epididymis
appendix vas
___: the condition in which the patient lacks the normal posterior fixation of the testis and epididymis to the scrotal wall
“bell-clapper” deformity
___: the benign enlargement of the prostate gland
benign prostatic hypertrophy
___: the appearance of a torsed testicular appendage that can be observed as a blue dot just under the skin surface
“blue dot” sign
___: deep layer of fascia that covers the corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum of the penis
Buck fascia
___: gland that secretes pre-ejaculate fluid that lubricates the penile urethra prior to ejaculation; also referred to as the Cowper gland
bulbourethral gland
___: a sexually transmitted disease that can lead to infection of the genitals
___: paired erectile tissues of the penis
corpus cavernosa
___: component of erectile tissue of the penis that contains
the urethra
corpus spongiosum
___: the muscle that raises the testicle
cremaster muscle
___: the condition of having an undescended testis or testicles
___: the medical procedure that requires the insertion of the finger into the rectum to palpate the prostate gland and lower gastrointestinal tract
digital rectal examination
___: the tube that connects the epididymis to the seminal vesicles
ductus (vas) deferens
___: subcutaneous spot of bleeding
___: small benign mass within the testicle that contains keratin
epidermoid cyst
___: a cyst located anywhere along the length of the epididymis
epididymal cyst
___: a coiled structure that is attached to the testicle and the posterior scrotal wall that is responsible for storing sperm
___: inflammation of all or part of the epididymis
___: inflammation of the epididymis and testis
___: a type of neoplasm derived from germ cells of the gonads; may be found outside of the reproductive tract
germ cell tumor
___: sexually transmitted disease that leads to infection of the genitals
___: a collection of blood within the scrotum
___: the presence of blood within the semen
___: hormone produced by the trophoblastic cells of the early placenta; may also be used as a tumor marker in nongravid patients and males
human chorionic gonadotropin
___: a fluid collection within the scrotum; most often found between the two layers of the tunica vaginalis
___: from an unknown origin
___: normal passageway in the lower anterior abdominal wall that allows for the passage of the spermatic cord into the scrotum
inguinal canal
___: the protrusion of bowel or abdominal contents through the inguinal canal
inguinal hernia
___: a condition in which a male has an extra X chromosome; characteristic features include small testicles, infertility, gynecomastia, long legs, and abnormally low intelligence
Klinefelter syndrome
___: the structure that separates the scrotum into two compartments externally
median raphe
___: the structure that is formed by the tunica albuginea and contains the rete testis
mediastinum testis
___: frequent urination at night
___: an anomaly where left renal vein entrapment occurs
between the superior mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta
nutcracker syndrome
___: a fold of peritoneum
___: the surgery that moves an undescended testis into the scrotum
___: inflammation of the testis or testicles
___: the group of veins in the spermatic cord
pampiniform plexus
___: the largest zone of the prostate and most common location
for prostatic cancer
peripheral zone
___: the buildup of fibrous plaque (scar tissue) and calcifications within the penis that results in a painful curvature
Peyronie disease
___: a protein produced by the prostate gland
prostate-specific antigen
___: inflammation of the prostate gland
___: a pus collection within the scrotum
___: a network of tubules that carry sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis
rete testis
___: an extratesticular calculus
scrotal pearl
___: sac of cutaneous tissue that holds the testicles
___: a fluid that contains secretions from the testicles, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland
___: small glands located superior to the prostate gland and posterior to the base of the bladder, which secrete an alkaline-based fluid
seminal vesicles
___: the location of spermatogenesis within the testicles
seminiferous tubules
___: the most common malignant neoplasm of the testicles
___: the structure that travels through the inguinal canal and contains blood vessels, nerves, lymph nodes, and the cremaster muscle
spermatic cord
___: a common cyst found most often in the head of the epididymis that is composed of nonviable sperm, fat, cellular debris, and lymphocytes
___: the production of sperm
___: a condition that results from the arterial blood supply to
the testicle being cut off secondary to the twisting of the testicular axis
testicular torsion
___: the prostatic zone that is the most common site for benign prostatic hypertrophy
transitional zone
___: surgical procedure performed to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy in which prostatic tissue is removed to relieve urinary complications
transurethral resection of the prostate
___: the cystic dilation and formation of cysts within the rete testis
tubular ectasia of the rete testis
___: the dense connective tissue that is closely applied to each testicle; it is also located within the penis
tunica albuginea
___: cysts located within the tunica albuginea surrounding the testis
tunica albuginea cysts
___: the structure that separates the scrotum into two separate compartments internally
tunica dartos
___: the paired serous coatings of the testis; hydroceles are most often found between the two layers of the tunica vaginalis
tunica vaginalis
___: testicles that do not descend into the scrotum; also referred to as cryptorchidism
undescended testis
___: performed by attempting to forcibly exhale while keeping the mouth and nose closed
Valsalva maneuver
___: a dilated group of veins found within the scrotum
___: a form of male contraception in which the vas deferens is
surgically interrupted to prohibit the flow of sperm from the testicles
___: an elevated area within the prostatic urethra at which the ejaculatory ducts meet the urethra
___: syndrome that consists of unilateral renal agenesis, ipsilateral seminal vesicle cyst, and ejaculatory duct obstruction
Zinner syndrome