The Face and Neck Flashcards
___:benign congenital neck cysts found most often near the angle of the mandible
branchial cleft cysts
___: enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes
cervical lymphadenopathy
___: the hypofunctioning thyroid nodules seen on a nuclear
medicine study that have malignant potential
cold nodules
___: the fluid produced by the thyroid that contains thyroid hormones
___: difficulty swallowing
___: difficulty breathing
___: a rare, pediatric fibrous tumor located within the sternocleidomastoid muscle
fibromatosis colli
___: an enlarged, hyperplastic thyroid gland
___: the most common cause of hyperthyroidism that produces
bulging eyes, heat intolerance, nervousness, weight loss, and hair loss
Graves disease
___: the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States
Hashimoto thyroiditis
___: the hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules seen on a nuclear medicine study that are almost always benign
hot nodules
___: a condition that results from the overproduction of thyroid hormones
___: a condition that results from the underproduction of thyroid hormones
___: the most common malignancy of the salivary glands; typically starts in the parotid gland
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
___: the most common form of thyroid cancer
papillary carcinoma
___: benign and most frequent tumor of the salivary
glands; most commonly seen in the parotid gland
pleomorphic adenoma
___: round, punctate calcific deposits
psammoma bodies
___: marked with dots
___: a normal variant of the thyroid gland in which there is a superior extension of the isthmus
pyramidal lobe
___: fluid produced by the salivary glands which aids in digestion
___: nuclear medicine study in which a
radiopharmaceutic is used to examine the thyroid gland
scintigraphy (thyroid)
___: inflammation of the salivary gland or glands
___: benign, painless enlargement of a salivary gland or glands
___: salivary duct stones
___: an autoimmune disease that affects all glands that produce moisture, leading to dysfunction of the salivary glands and severe dryness of the eyes, nose, skin, and mouth
Sjögren syndrome
___: the main duct of the parotid gland
Stensen duct
___: benign congenital cysts located within the midline
of the neck superior to the thyroid gland and near the hyoid bone
thyroglossal duct cysts
___: the embryonic duct that is located from the base of the tongue to the midportion of the anterior neck
thyroglossal duct
___: the sonographic appearance of hypervascularity demonstrated with color Doppler imaging of the thyroid gland
thyroid inferno
___: the surgical removal of the thyroid or part of the thyroid
___: twisted neck
___: the duct that drains the submandibular gland
Wharton duct