The Urinary System Flashcards
Anuria / Anuria
The inability of the kidneys to make and excrete urine.
Bladder / Vejiga
A sac in the pelvic area, which collects and then excretes urine.
Calculi Cálculos
Solid stones made of mineral salts that form in the body, especially in kidneys, gallbladder, and bladder.
Creatinine / Creatinina
This is a chemical waste produced from creatine, used for energy production in the muscles. Creatinine travels to the kidneys to be filtered out, so high levels indicate kidney damage.
Cryptorchidism / Criptorquidia
One or both of the testes do not descend into the scrotum from the abdomen.
Culture / Cultivo
A laboratory test that promotes the growth and propagation of germs in a sample of tissue or fluid to identify the cause of an infection.
Cystocele / Cistocele
This condition primarily happens in women after childbirth, in which the urinary bladder herniates into the vagina. *Commonly referred as: desprendimiento o caída de vejiga.
Cystolithotomy / Cistolitotomía
Surgical removal of calculi from the urinary bladder.
Cystorrhaphy / Cistorrafia
Suture of an injury, wound, or tear in the urinary bladder.
Cystoscopy / Cistoscopía
A procedure using a cystoscope to evaluate the bladder wall lining and the urethra.
Distended bladder / Vejiga Dilatada
Swelling of the urinary bladder, which creates a sensation that one has to urinate, but without any production or release of urine. *Vejiga hinchada, inflada, inflamada o distendida are also correct.
Diuretics / Diuréticos
Usually called water pills, these are medications used to help remove excess fluid from the body by increasing the production of urine.
DRE / Examen tacto rectal
Digital Rectal Exam is a basic procedure where the practitioner inserts a finger, or digit, into the anus to examine the lower rectum and structures. *Examen rectal digital o examen digital del recto are also posible.
Dysuria / Disuria
Pain with urination; difficulty urinating.
Fulguration / Fulguración
A procedure to destroy small growths of tissue using high-frequency electrical currents, which relieves pain, stimulates circulation, and cauterizes growths.
Glycosuria / Glucosuria
Excess sugar in the urine, generally found in those with diabetes and/or kidney disease.
Hematuria / Hematuria
Blood in the urine, usually caused by kidney or bladder infections.
Hemodialysis / Hemodiálisis
A procedure that filters blood a little at a time to remove excess fluid and waste from the blood; it corrects electrolyte imbalances.
HUS / Síndrome Hemolítico-urémico
Hemolytic uremic syndrome is a disease marked by red blood cell destruction, which can cause blockage of the urinary and kidney filtering system.
Hydrocele / Hidrocele
Scrotal swelling caused by fluid buildup in the sacs surrounding the testicles. Common in newborns and infants.