The Muscular System Flashcards
Achilles tendon / Tendón de Aquiles
A band of fibrous tissue connecting the heel bone to the calf muscle.
Akinesia / Acinesia
Complete loss of voluntary movement.
Amyloidosis / Amiloidosis
Abnormal protein deposits in the bones, muscles, or other organs; this is a progressive and incurable disease.
Atrophy / Atrofia
Wasting away of muscle or bone, typically due to lack of use or cell degeneration. *Atrophy is caused by nonuse, whereas
dystrophy is caused by a genetic disease or
Biceps / Bíceps
Muscles with two points of attachment at one end. It usually refers to the muscles on the front part of the upper arm.
BMI / Índice de masa corporal
Body Mass Index is a measurement of a person’s
body fat based on height and weight.
Buttocks / Glúteos
The two rounded portions of gluteal muscle on
which a person sits. *Although correct, nalgas, posaderas,
trasero o sentaderas may be considered
rude or inappropriate.
Calf / Pantorrilla
Plural form calves, these muscles are located in
the back part of the lower leg below the knee. Pantorrilla
Cartilage / Cartílago
A flexible, firm, translucent white connective
tissue found in various forms throughout the
Cerebral Palsy/ Parálisis cerebral
A neurological condition marked by complete or
partial loss of motor function and caused by some
form of brain damage or abnormal development
in utero.
Chiropractor / Quiropráctico
A medical practitioner focused on the
identification, diagnosis, and treatment of
neuromuscular conditions, with their primary
focus on spinal adjustments and manipulation.
Chondrocostal / Condrocostal
Relating to the rib and costal cartilages.
Chondroma / Condroma
A cartilaginous tumor or growth.
Chondromalacia / Condromalacia
Softening and deterioration of the cartilage.
Contracture / Contractura
Hardening and shortening of tendons, muscles,
or other tissues, leading to joint rigidity and
Contusion / Contusión
A bruise; an area of the skin marked by purple,
blue, or black discoloration as a result of ruptured
capillaries. *Also correct: moretón, magulladura,
cardenal o golpe.
Cramp / Calambre
Also known as spasm, this is an involuntary and
painful contraction of a muscle, which happens
most often because of strain or fatigue.
Deltoid / Deltoides
A large muscle that covers the shoulder and forms
its round contour. *Deltoides is singular and plural. Así que se
dice: El deltoides o Los deltoides.
Diaphragm / Diafragma
A thin, dome-shaped sheet of muscle that plays a
vital role in the breathing process. It also
separates the abdomen and thorax cavities.
Dyskinesia / Disquinesia
Decreased power or abnormality of voluntary