The Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Ablation / Ablacíon
A procedure that usually uses catheterization to treat abnormal heart rhythms by eliminating the tissue that causes the arrhythmias.
Aneurysm / Aneurisma
Bulging of a weakened or thinned area in a blood vessel or heart.
Angioplasty /Angioplastia
A noninvasive procedure to treat narrowed arteries by inflating them with a balloon placed inside the vessel.
Aorta / Aorta
The largest artery in the body, which supplies blood to the organs and tissues from the heart.
Arrhythmia / Arritmia
This condition is characterized by an irregular, fast, or slow heart rate.
Notes: Arteriosclerosis
Arteriography /Arteriografía
Using an injection of contrast dye, this study is done in combination with cardiac catheterization to look at the arterial system near the heart.
Arteriosclerosis / Arteriosclerosis
This is commonly referred to as the “hardening of arteries,” which is caused by a buildup of calcium or fatty deposits against the walls of the artery, causing them to become thick and occluded.
Notes: is also called atherosclerosis.
Occlusion is a medical term for obstruction or
Artery / Arteria
A vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.
Atrium / Aurícula
Plural term is atria, which refers to the two upper chambers of the heart.
Ballon catheter / Catéter de globo
A long flexible tube with a small balloon at the tip inserted into an artery to expand the vessel.
Blood clot / Coágulo de sangre
A thick gelatinous mass of coagulated blood, which can stop blood flow.
Bypass / Baipás
A surgical procedure that improves blood flow by creating a new route around the diseased or blocked artery.
Notes: is an accepted word by the Real Academia
Española. To some interpreters, derivación cardíaca
may be the most appropriate translation.
CAD / Enfermedad coronaria arterial
This is the abbreviation for Coronary Artery Disease. It is a condition characterized by arterial narrowing resulting from plaque buildup and can lead to heart attack due to obstructed blood flow from the heart.
Notes: can also be translated as coronariopatía o
arteriopatía coronaria.
Cardiac arrest / Paro cardíaco
This is the cessation of a heartbeat, generally because of interrupted electrical activity.
Cardiac catheterization / Cateterización cardiaca
A procedure involving insertion of a fine, hollow tube into an artery in order to visualize the heart and other blood vessels to diagnose heart disease.
Cardiac failure / Insuficiencia cardiaca
A chronic condition in which the heart does not pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. Also known as congestive heart failure (CHF).
Notes: Fallo/a cardíaco/a is also acceptable.
Cardiac stress test / Prueba de esfuerzo cardíaco
A test that usually involves exercising in a monitored environment in order to measure the heart’s ability to respond to exertion.
Cardiomyopathy / Cardiomiopatía
Disease of the heart muscle that leads to deterioration of heart function and its ability to pump blood.
Congenital heart defect / Defecto cardíaco congénito
A heart defect present at birth and caused by poor cardiac development in utero.
This stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It’s an emergency procedure using mouth-to-mouth breathing and chest compressions to circulate the patient’s blood and keep the heart pumping.