The Reproductive System Flashcards
Areola / Areola
The colored ring surrounding the breast nipple.
Birth Control / Control de natalidad
A method of pregnancy prevention.
BPH / Hipertrofia prostática
Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a male condition marked by an enlarged prostate gland, which causes difficulty with urination.
Cervix / Cuello uterino
The narrow necklike canal at the bottom part of the uterus. *The word cervical can refer to the cervix
and to the neck.
Colposcopy / Colposcopía
A procedure that uses a magnification instrument to evaluate the vagina, vulva, and cervix.
Contraception / Anticonceptivo
Using artificial measures to prevent pregnancy including barrier methods, pills, intrauterine devices, and sterilization.
ED / Disfunción eréctil
Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man is unable to get or keep an erection in order to perform sexual intercourse.
Endometrium / Endometrio
The inner lining of the uterus, which thickens during the menstrual cycle in preparation for egg implantation.
Epididymis / Epidídimo
A narrowed tube or duct behind each testis, which transports sperm to the vas deferens.
Fallopian tubes / Trompas de Falopio
These tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus. When the ovary releases the egg, it travels through the fallopian tubes. *Ojo: it’s trompas de Falopio; not “tubos” de Falopio
Fibroids / Fibromas
Tumors in the smooth muscles of the uterus, usually benign but can lead to heavy menstrual periods.
Foreskin / Prepucio
The roll of skin covering the penis, which can be retracted or surgically removed by circumcision.
Gynecology / Ginecología
The branch of medicine focused on the study of women and girls, especially with regards to their reproductive system.
HPV / Virus del papiloma
The human papillomavirus is a type of infection with many different varieties; it is most often used to describe the type that’s passed through sexual contact. *Also possible: papillomavirus humano
Hymen / Himen
The thin membrane that partially covers the entrance to the vagina.
Hysterectomy / Histerectomía
The surgical removal of the uterus.
Intercourse / Relación sexual
Also known as coitus, this is sexual contact or actions with another person.
IUD / Dispositivo intrauterino
An Intrauterine Device is a small contraceptive device placed and left inside of the uterus to prevent pregnancy. *Also known in Spansih as DIU, “T” intrauterina o “T” de cobre
Labia / Labia
The two sets of skin folds at the opening of the vagina.
Mammary glands / Glándulas mamarias
Milk-producing glands in women’s breasts.