The Triune God RS GCSE Flashcards
What is praise
an expression, honour and thanks to God
What is Mass
a ceremony, also called the Eucharist, in which the sacrificial death and resurrection is celebrated using bread and wine
What did the bishops at the Second Vatican Council say about the importance of music (3)
- It unites people in praise
- Increases the beauty of worship
- Helps people to feel more involved in their prayer
What did St Augustine of Hippo say about Church music
For he who sings praise, does not only praise, but also praises joyfully
What does Sacrosanctum Concilium say about the importance of Church Music
- In what verse is this said
- Sacred song united to the words… forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy
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What are the Psalms
a book in the OT containing 150 pieces of poetry that are sometimes set to music
What is the Divine Office
a collection of psalms and readings that every priest, nun and monk has to say at least four times a day
What are antiphons
short extracts, often of psalms, that are said in order to help people focus
What is the Liturgy
practices and rituals that make up the communal worship of God
What is Plainchant
- what is it also known as
- when is it normally used
an ancient form of song usually unaccompanied, which uses a limited range of notes
- Gregorian chant
- to sing the divine office in monasteries and in churches when Latin is used
What are traditional hymns
- what instrument were they made to accompany
- Until the 1960s, when were traditional hymns used
religious songs that have been used by believers over generations
- organ
- only during benedictions, processions and the Christmas season
What are contemporary worship songs
- when was it allowed
- why is it used
- what are the differences between it and traditional hymns
religious songs that have been written recently for the praise of God
- In the 1960s by the Second Vatican Council
- so that more people are engaged with the music
- it tends to be more upbeat and uses more modern instruments like guitars or drums
Which parts of the mass should always be sung, and what is their order of importance
- Alleluia
- Eucharistic Acclamations
- Kyrie Eleison
- Gloria
- Agnus Dei
What three prayers make up the Eucharist Acclamations
- Sanctus
- Mystery of Faith
- Great Amen
What are mass settings
music that enables people to sing certain parts of the mass
What does Youcat say about musical praise
- In which verse is this said
Where words are not enough to praise God, music comes to our aid
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What is the Eucharist
- what does it mean
a hymn of praise to God
- thanksgiving
What are acclamations
praising with great enthusiasm, parts of the mass which highlight celebration
What is the Gloria
- when is it not said
a hymn of praise to God’s glory, sung early in the mass
- during Advent and Lent as these are sorrowful times
What is the Alleluia
- what does it mean
- when is it said in the mass
- when is it not said in the year
- how many times is it sung at the Easter vigil
the Easter proclamation
- praise God
- before the reading of the Gospel
- During Lent
- Three times to announce the Resurrection
What is the Sanctus
- when is it sung
- what does it mean
- what is the prayer based upon
a hymn of praise to the threefold Holy God
- before the Eucharistic prayer in Mass
- “Holy” in Latin
- the vision of Isiah at the temple
What is the Consecration
When the bread and wine are blessed and become the Body and Blood of Christ
What is the Mystery of Faith
- when should it be sung
The Acclamation when people acknowledge what Jesus has done for them
- After the Consecration
What is the Eucharistic Prayer
the prayer of thanksgiving that is the central part of the Mass, during which Jesus’ words from the Last Supper are said over bread and wine
What does ‘the Triune God’ stress
the fact that within one God there are three
What does the Trinity show
the distinctive qualities of each of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
What is the Shema
- Where is it found
- What are the differences between Catholic and Jewish beliefs about monotheism
A Jewish prayer affirming belief in one God (monotheism)
- Deuteronomy 6:4-5
- Christians believe there are three persons in one God, but Jews only believe that there is one God
What is a mystery
a belief that can not be fully understood by the human mind
When is the full Trinity revealed in the Bible
- How is each member present
At the baptism of Jesus
- The HS is the dove, Son is Jesus, Father is the voice from heaven
What happens spiritually when a person is baptised
They are removed of original sin and become a child of God, and a brother / sister to Jesus
What is a creed
a statement of faith
What does the Nicene Creed teach about God as the Father
- God the Father is the almighty creator of all things and the source of all life
What does the Nicene Creed teach about God the Son (5)
- He was begotten, not made - there since the beginning of time
- Consubstantial with the father
- The Son took on the limitations of human nature - he had an earthly mother but not an earthly father
- God the Son became human out of love for people to save them from sin
- Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where he took his place as Son of God
What does the Nicene Creed teach about God the Holy Spirit
- The Spirit of God gives life to all things
- The Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son, uniting them in love
- The Spirit is equal in majesty, power and worship to the Father and the Son
- The Spirit inspires people to let them know the will of God
How does Genesis 1:1-3 (In the beginning… and there was light) show how the Trinity was shared in the act of creation
- God the Father, through the Word (Son), creates the universe through the power of the Holy Spirit
What is a witness (RS)
when someone shows their faith in their words and actions
How does belief in the Trinity influence Christians
- the life of the Trinity flows from the love of the Father and the Son for each other, which is the Holy Spirit
- Christians believe the love flows outwards into all believers as grace
- They believe love is meaningless if not shared
What did Pope Benedict XVI write about charity and the Trinity in 2005
If you see charity [love], you see the Trinity
What are the two main ways to influence others
- What is the names of these
through actions
- mission
through words
- evangelism
What does mission mean
- What is a mission
comes from ‘to send out’
- sending out people with a job or function to perform
Why do missions towards helping the poor happen
because missionaries believe they should love others as they love God, and as God loves them
What does 1 John 4:20-21 say
…those who love God must love their brothers and sisters as well