Church and the Kingdom of God RS GCSE Flashcards
What is a pilgrim
a person on a religious journey
In what way is life a pilgrimage
We live our life in an attempt to go to heaven
What are the Stations of the Cross
the 14 stations around a church that depict the events of Good Friday
What is Lent
40 days before Easter
In what way are the stations of the Cross ‘ dramatized prayer’
It involves performing actions such as genuflecting and kneeling
Name 4 places of pilgrimage
Jerusalem, Walsingham, Rome, Lourdes
Which street is the “Way of the Cross” in Jerusalem
Via Dolorosa
Around which figure is the Immaculate Conception based, and what does it mean
The Virgin Mary, she was conceived free of Original Sin
Why do people go on pilgrimages (3)
- express thanks to God
- forgiveness of sins
- renew commitment to faith
Which saint was crucified and buried in Rome
Saint Peter
What do Catholics believe happened in Lourdes
- Which year was this
St Bernadette saw Mary in visions 18 times
- 1858
What do Catholics believe happened in Walsingham
- Which year was this
Richeldis, a Saxon noblewoman, had a vision where she saw Mary
- 1061
What is the meaning of evangelism
preaching the good news about Jesus to others
Name 2 films that show the message of Christianity
Mission, Les Miserables
In both Mission and Les Miserables, what is the central conflict
between law and grace
Where is the Mission set
land of the Guarani in South America
Define the Kingdom of God
Reign of God, where all people live as God intends
Who taught the disciples of the Lord’s Prayer
What are the two types of sin
Mortal and Venial
What does hallowed mean
made holy
What does Abba mean
And lead us not into ___
What is justice
bringing about what is just and fair
What is peace
a state of trust and unity between people
What is reconciliation
restoration of harmony after relationships have broken
What are the signs of the Kingdom
justice, peace, reconciliation
What is the Hebrew word for peace
What is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church
a ranking system that brings about unity and recognises authority
How are Popes decided
through the cardinals’ choice
What are the lay people, or the laity
non-ordained members of the Church
What is the ceremony called when a man becomes a deacon, priest or bishop
When was the Second Vatican Council
1962 - 1965
What are the four documents of the Second Vatican Council
- What are they each about
- Dei Verbum (Word of God) - importance and interpretation of scripture
- Lumen Gentium (On the Church) - nature of the Church and the role of each member
- Sacrosanctum Consilium (On the sacred Liturgy) - the way that the liturgy and services needed to be changed to allow people to fully worship God
- Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World) - issues relating to family, culture, political and economic life, peace between nations etc.
What is the name of the song Mary sais when she greeted Elizabeth
How is the Magnificat revolutionary
God was on the side of the less fortunate
How did Mary praise God in the Magnificat
she praised his greatness and care
In what two ways did God grow in Mary
Jesus was born from her, and she allowed God’s Kingdom to grow in her heart
Why has the Magnificat been banned in the past by some governments
It makes people believe that God is on the side of the weak abd helpless
What are the four marks of the church
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
What does one mean (Mark of the Church)
united into one body
What does holy mean (Mark of the Church)
being sanctified
What does Catholic mean (Mark of the Church)
related to the whole, universal
What does Apostolic mean (Mark of the Church)
To do with the 12 original Apostles
What is Apostolic Succession
the successors of the original apostles - the Pope and bishops
Who was the first Pope
What is Papal Infallibility
the idea that the Pope is never wrong, and anything he declares is guided by the Holy Spirit
What is the magisterium
the combined authority of the bishops and the Bishop of Rome
What is the rare event called when all the bishops of the Church are called together to meet
A council
Who has to approve a council’s decisions
The Pope
Why are councils important
They address major world issues
When is something conciliar
When the head person factors in the opinions of everyone involved
What does pontifical mean
When the teachings of the Church are presented by the Pope
Who is the Bishop of Rome
The Pope
Who guides the Pope and councils
The Holy Spirit
One title for the Pope is the __ of Christ
How might the Pope lead by example
Recent Popes have sold Church valuables to aid those who need it
What is the second great commandment that Jesus gives
” You shall love your neighbour as yourself”
In which Gospel is the Good Samaritan Parable
Luke’s Gospel
How can Catholics demonstrate their love locally
aid the homeless, poor, work on issues on an individual basis
How can Catholics demonstrate their love nationally
preventing problems from originating, instead of just solving them
How can Catholics demonstrate their love globally
helping people in other countries, victims of disaster and the poor etc.
What does SVP stand
Saint Vincent de Paul
What does SVP do
it is a charity that helps practically e.g. shopping or caring from the elderly, big projects to help the local community
What does CAFOD stand for
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
What does CAFOD do
provide aid for victims of natural disasters, help improve poorer / war torn areas, challenging local policies that damage life
What is the overall plot of Les Miserables
- bishops forgives Valjean for stealing from him
- Valjean is happy, and he changes his way
- His jailer still tries to catch him, but he is kidnapped and Valjean is encouraged to kill him
- Valjean does not kill him and lets him go
- When the jailer then corners Valjean, he can’t kill him
What line from one of the final songs in Les Miserables is often used to summarise the story of Les Miserables
To love another person is to see the face of God
How has Pope Francis showed Justice in his life
- increased number of priests in shanty towns
- doesn’t waste money on himself
- criticised economic policies that led to inequality
How has Pope Francis showed peace in his life
- played a major role in restoring relationships between Cuba and USA
- invites leaders who have been at war to pray together
- sheltered people being hunted
How has Pope Francis showed reconciliation in his life
- every Maundy Thursday he washes the feet of 12 prisoners
- welcomed people of other denominations
- visited areas of tension in the world
helped break tensions between Muslims and Christians