Judaism Beliefs and Teachings RS GCSE Flashcards
What is monotheism
belief in one God
What do Jews believe about God’s effects
God alone is the source of all Jewish morality, beliefs and values
How is the word God written by Jews
- What is the Hebrew name of God
- What do Jews say instead of this word
- Adonai - My lord
What must Jews do with books containing the Hebrew name of God once too old to be used
kept in the synagogue before being buried in a Jewish cemetery
What do Jews believe about God’s presence
he is in every sight they see, every sound they hear
What is the Shema
- Where does it derive from
An important Jewish prayer
- Deuteronomy (also a small part from Numbers)
- What are the first two lines of the Shema
- Hear O Israel. The LORD is our God, the LORD alone. You shall love the LORD our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might
What does the reference to loving God with all your heart imply (Shema)
God requires total loyalty, just like in a loving relationship
What does the reference to the soul imply (Shema)
Jews must have spiritual dedication to the one God
What is the main difference between Christian and Jewish views about the one God
Jews do not believe there are multiple persons of God - God is a single, whole, indivisible entity
What are the first words of the Torah
When God began to create heaven and earth…
What do different types of Jews think of the Creation story
Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews believe the Torah literally - Creation happened in 6 days
Other Jews accept that an evolutionary theory may be correct and that the universe is much older
How long does the Jewish creation story say things took to make
four days to get the universe fit to support life
- two days to create all living creatures
- one day of rest
What is the Jewish day of rest known as
- When do Jews celebrate this
- Friday sunset - Saturday Sunset
What do Jews believe are the three main characteristics of God
What do Jews believe about free will and evil
God created evil but he also gave the people free will to choose what they know is right. Choosing to do good also makes the act of doing good more significant
What do Jews think of the Holocaust and God’s involvement
it was a necessary consequence of giving humans free will
What is the belief of God the sustainer about
God created the universe but also sustains it - God has provided sufficient resources on the planet to feed and provide for all species
What is the Torah
the first five books of the Tenakh - the Jewish written Law
What are ultra orthodox Jews
Jews who are even more committed than Orthodox Jews to strictly following the laws and guidance in the Torah
What are the 10 commandments
ten laws given by God to Moses over 3000 years ago
What is a Mitzvah
- What are multiple mitzvah called
- How many are there
a Jewish rule or commandment
- mitzvot
- 613
What did God do to help people exercise their free will in the way he would like them to
He gave the people laws for them to follow, mainly the 10 commandments
What is the Halakhah
the accepted code of conduct for Jewish life
What do Jews believe are the four natures of God
- God as lawgiver
- God as judge
- God as creator
- God as sustainer
What do Jews believe about God as judge
God judges everyone based on their actions, behaviour and beliefs
What is God’s merciful nature
the quality of God that shows compassion or forgiveness to humans even though he has the power to punish them
When do Jews believe are the two main times when God’s judgement happens
once a year at Rosh Hashanah
- after death
How does Rosh Hashanah help Jews better themselves (3)
- it gives the Jews a chance to reflect on their behaviour over the year
- repent for their wrongdoings
- pray for goodness and happiness for themselves and their families
What does Shekinah mean
God’s divine presence
Where was the early dwelling place for the Shekinah
the Tabernacle - a portable structure similar to a tent
What was the Tabernacle replaced with after Canaan was conquered
- When did this happen
Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem
- 10th century BCE
Which prophets made reference to the Shekinah in the Temple
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel amongst others
When did the Jews carry the tabernacle
after the Exodus from Egypt to the land of Canaan
What do Jews believe about dying and dying alone
- It is an inevitable part of life because it is part of God’s plan
- No one should die alone and the dying person’s family should make every effort to visit and look after them
Why are there many differences between Jews about what happens after death
There is little teaching about it in the Jewish holy books
Where are the two places Jews can go after death
the good go to Gan Eden (heaven) whilst others go to Sheol
What is Sheol
a place of waiting where souls are cleansed
What do Jews believe about heaven
they believe that heaven will be with God, but they do not know whether it is a state of consciousness, or an actual physical or spiritual place
What is judgement
the belief that God judges a person based on their actions, and either rewards them or punishes them as a result
What is resurrection
rising from the dead or returning to life
What is a rabbi
a Jewish religious leader and teacher
Who compiled the Thirteen Fundamental Principles of Jewish Faith
- What is the twelfth principle
Rabbi Moses ben Maimon
- The belief in the arrival of the Messiah and the Messianic Era
What is the Messiah
- What does it stand for
a leader of the Jews who is expected to live on earth at some time in the future
- the anointed one
Who was the Messiah originally used to refer to in the Tenakh
the kings of Israel
Who was the first king of Israel
- around when did he live
- 11th century BCE
Today, what do many Jews use the term Messiah for
to refer to a future leader of the Jews
What is believed about the lineage of the future messiah
he will be a future king of Israel and be a descendant of King David, Saul’s successor. He will rule during the Messianic Age
What is the Messianic Age
a future time of global peace when everyone will want to become closer to God, possibly through the intervention of the Messiah
What do some people believe about the dead during the Messianic Age
they will be resurrected and live in a restored Israel
What do Orthodox Jews believe about the Messiah (4)
In every generation there is a descendant of King David who has the potential to be the Messiah.
- He will rebuild the temple
- He will gather all Jews back to Israel
- He will usher in world peace and unite humanity
What do Reform Jews believe about the Messiah and the Messianic Age
there is no Messiah. There will not be any one person who will unite the world in peace, however all should work together to achieve the peace
- There will be a future Messianic Age but it will be achieved through people’s collective actions
Why do Jews not believe that Jesus was the Messiah
he did not establish the Messianic Age
Where do Jews believe Abraham was born
- When
Ur in Mesopotamia
- 19th or 20th century BCE
Who did Abraham leave Ur with
- where was their intended destination
- where did they end up
- his with Sarah, His father Terah and some family
- Canaan
- Haran
What is said in Genesis 12:1-3
The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go forth from your native land and from your Father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, And I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the Earth Shall bless themselves by you’
What is monotheism
belief in one God
What is the Promised Land
the land of Canaan that God promised to the Jews
What is a covenant
an agreement between two parties
In Judaism, it is an agreements between individuals, on behalf of the Jews, and God
Who are the two most important covenants with
Abraham and Moses
What do Jews believe about upholding the covenant
Even though people may break their side, God will never break his
What sacrifice did Abraham make for his covenant with God
How are covenants sealed and supported
by oaths, often supported with a sacrifice
How did God make it possible for Abraham to be the father of many generations
He enabled Sarah to conceive despite being barren
What is the name of Abraham’s son with Sarah
How long after Abraham’s covenant were the Jews enslaved in Egypt
around 400 years afterwards
Why was Moses about to be put to death
for killing an Egyptian that ill-treated a Jew
How did God give instructions to Moses
through a burning bush
What did God do to persuade the Egyptians to let the Jews leave
send 10 plagues
Which sea did God part to allow for passage through
the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds)
What were the 10 plagues
- water turning to blood
- frogs
- lice
- flies
- livestock pestilence
- boils
- hail
- locusts
- darkness
- killing of the firstborn
What is the estimated number of Jews who escaped from Egypt
a few thousand to 3 million
What happened at Mount Sinai
God gave Moses Ten Commandments carved in tablets of stone
What are the 10 commandments
- You shall not have any other Gods
- You shall not worship false idols
- You shall not use the Lord’s name in vain
- You shall keep the Sabbath holy
- You shall honour thy father and mother
- You shall not murder
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
- You shall not covet
What two passages are the 10 commandments mentioned
Exodus 20:1-17
Deuteronomy 5:6-21
Where did Moses die
- Who succeeded him
- Which River did Moses’ successor lead the Jews across
- Which battle did they fight and win
- Joshua
- River Jordan
- Jericho
What is justice
bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law, or making up for a wrong that has been committed
Why do Jews believe the Torah and the prophets were sent by God
to help people understand and bring about justice in a way that demonstrates mercy
What do Jews believe creating a just society requires
all people to contribute by living their lives correctly, following the laws of the Torah
What is healing the world
being involved in God’s work to sustain the world; it can involve work to increase social justice or to preserve the environment
What do some Jews believe about healing the world
doing charity work or similar work is too limited, it should encompass more including obeying the mitzvot and trying to become closer to God spiritually
What is charity (2 definitions)
providing help and love to those in need
- an organisation that does not make a profit, whose main purpose is to help those in need
What is GIFT
Give It Forward Today - a Jewish charity which was started in 2003. Inspires and educates young people to become givers, while helping those in need
What sort of practical initiatives do GIFT do (5)
- collecting, packaging and delivering food parcels to hundreds of needy families
- twinning young people with a wide array of volunteer opportunities
- running creative interactive and educational sessions in schools, youth groups and communities in UK
- encouraging fundraising
- organising hospital and retirement home visits
What is sanctity of life
all life is holy as it is created and loved by God; human life should not be misused or abused
What do some Jews believe about prolonging natural death
it would be acceptable to remove a ventilator because it is preventing natural death
What is the Talmud
a commentary by the rabbis on the Torah - it consists of Mishnah and Gemara
What is pikuach nefesh
- Why does it show the importance of human life
the obligation to save a life, even if doing so breaks Jewish law
- it takes precedence over Jewish law
What are contrasting views on organ donation
- It is a great honour to donate organs to save another’s life
- the body should be complete when buried and donated organs make this impossible
What are some modern ways pikuach nefesh takes precedence over Shabbat
performing life - saving operations
driving a sick or injured person to hospital
What do Jews think of obeying the mitzvot
it is pleasing to God
What are 5 things that mitzvot concerning God and man’s relationship discuss
rituals, worship, sacrifice, observing festivals, food laws
What does the story of Adam and Eve’s disobedience teach Jews
that God has allowed them to choose how they can live their lives
What is free will
the belief that God gives people the opportunity to make decisions for themselves
What do Jews believe about using free will to act in a way that is pleasing to God
it guarantees that God will judge them favourably
What do Jews believe about using free will to do bad things
it will bring them further apart from God in life or after death
How many mitzvot are in the Torah
- How many are good and how many bad
- 248 positive - obeying these help Jews to strengthen their bond with God
- 365 negative - telling people what not to do in an attempt to prevent the bond between God and humans from being damaged
Why do Jews believe the mitzvot are important
it helps them ensure that their choices are good and pleasing to God
When is it believed that God gave the Torah mitzvot to the Jews
In Sinai under the leadership of Moses