Redemption RS GCSE Flashcards
What is a church
a building that is big enough to allow its members to meet together for worship
What are two key targets for designing a church
- the altar needs to be the central focus
- the church must be built to enable and inspire personal prayer
How were churches built, and Mass said, before 1965 (4)
- facing Jerusalem
- said in Latin
- The altar was against the East wall
- priest said mass with his back to the people
- usually built cruciform (cross shape)
How are churches built after 1965 (4)
- altars are away from the East wall, often in the centre
- people were brought as close to the altar as possible
- priest faces the congregation
- churches are often circular
why do Catholic churches have so much decoration (5)
- to encourage people to reflect on God’s glory
- to show that nothing is too good for God
- to make worshippers feel God is respected
- encourage people to follow in the lives of saints
- encourage people to pray and reflect on Jesus’ suffering
What are the 4 ways Christ is present at the Eucharist
- in the consecrated bread and wine
- in the word proclaimed in readings from the Bible
- in the priest, especially at the consecration
- in the worshippers together, as the Body of Christ
Why is the lectern important in a Catholic church
- at least two readings from the lectern
- the Bible is the Word of God
- the lectern should be in a prominent place so people can clearly see and hear the Word of God
why is the altar important in a Catholic church
- it is the place of sacrifice
- it is where transubstantiation occurs
- Christ is present at the altar
Why is the crucifix important in a Catholic church
- it bears an image of Jesus dying
- it reminds us of Jesus suffering
- it inspires gratitude
Why is the tabernacle important in a Catholic church
- consecrated bread is kept here
- houses the real presence of Christ
- bread is used at Communion services
what is Paschal sacrifice
a term that refers to the Last Supper, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus
What are denominations
- What are some examples (7)
distinct groups within the Christian faith, with their own organisation and traditions
- Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Salvation Army, Quakers, Baptists, Jehovah’s Witnesses
Why is the altar sometimes also a table
because Mass is a re-enactment of the Last Supper, and it symbolises Christians joining in with this meal
Why is the crucifixion important
Jesus offered himself to the Father showing sacrifice
What is a crucifix
- why do many churches use this
a figure of Christ on the Cross
- to show that Jesus suffered out of love for humanity
Why do many people prefer to use a cross instead of a crucifix
- there is no suggestion that people are worshipping an idol
- the cross shows Jesus conquered death and has been risen
- focusing on Jesus’ suffering takes away focus on the resurrection
What is the risen christ
- why is this often used
Jesus as the glorified, risen saviour
- stresses that we receive the Body. Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Risen Christ
What is Sin
the rejection of the Will of God
why did God give humans free will
he wanted people to choose to accept him rather than be forced to
Why are humans born with Original Sin
- how can this be cleansed
Because Adam and Eve ate the apple in the Garden of Eden
- through Baptism
How did Jesus live his life in total obedience to the father
- why did this cause his death
- perfected the law
- always showed love
- kind to others
- never condemned
- people were uncomfortable at this so they accused him of Blasphemy
How was the relationship between God and man restored (which sacrifice)
the sacrifice of obedience, not of pain and blood
What is atonement
restoring the relationship between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Why was Jesus raised from hell
- Jesus followed God by accepting his death
- he had never sinned, so couldn’t stay in hell
- Jesus had never rejected God so God raised him, destroying the power of the sin and death
What day of the week did the resurrection happen
- what does this show
- the First day - Sunday
- new Creation was brought in to balance the original creation
What was the ascension
the event, 40 days after the Resurrection, when Jesus returned to God the Father in heaven
when will the restoration of Creation happen
- what is it
when the whole of Creation accepts God as God
- when things are brought back to the way God intended them to be
how did God free humans from sin and death
through Jesus
What is the significance of Jesus accepting death
he fulfilled the OT prophecies
- he forgave others around him (Luke 23)
What signs in the Gospels showed the importance of Jesus’ death
- the sky turned dark
- veil in the Temple tore into two
- water and blood flowed from the side of Christ where he was pierced
What is eternal life
life after death that exists forever
What is redemption
making up for the wrongs done by other people to restore relationships with God
What is the resurrection
Jesus’ rising from the dead after dying on the cross
What happened to those in hell at the Resurrection
- what does this show about God
they rose up to heaven with Jesus
- he is with Christians even in death
Where can accounts of the resurrection be found
Mark 16
John 20
Luke 24
Matthew 28
What did the apostles do when they heard Jesus’ tomb was empty and he had risen
they did not believe the women and went to check for themselves
What are some strange things about Jesus’ appearance after the Resurrection
- the disciples didn’t recognise him at first, so he must have changed
- he could be touched
- he was not limited by things that limited other humans
- he knew what was happening when he was not visible
What does the ascension show for Christians
that Jesus is with the father in heaven
- shows that believers can go to heaven as there is already a human there
How has salvation come in the past
through the death and resurrection of Jesus - sinners were freed from death and sin, and the gates of heaven had been opened
- Salvation is through grace, and so nothing else is needed
How is salvation in the present
believers need to allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Sporit every day
- they need to resist temptation to Sin, but accept forgiveness when they do
How is salvation in the future
the final victory of God’s grace will come at the end of time when God’s kingdom is established in full power. At this time, Sin and death will be completely destroyed and believers will share the glory of Christ
why do some Christians believe salvation is only in the future, not in the present
we have to work to get to heaven, else it would have no meaning
how is salvation reflected in the liturgy
the offering made by Christ on the cross is re-enacted at Mass. The body and blood of Christ is received by Catholics, and Christ enters their life to give grace and strength to resist Sin
What is salvation
freedom from sin, and the eternal separation from God which is brought about by Sin
What is grace
God’s free gift of his unconditional love to the believer
what is God’s kingdom
the reign of God, when everyone will accept God and live forever in peace and harmony
How is Jesus presented as an example in the Bible
- Jesus was aware in the Garden of Gethsemane, of the pain and suffering he would have to endure
- he stayed obedient and accepted death
- By following his example, humanity can be saved
How is Jesus presented as the restorer in the Bible
Through sin from Adam and Eve (Gen 3), the relationship between man and God was damaged
- Jesus restored this relationship through his death and resurrection
How is Jesus presented as the victor in the Bible
Jesus defeated sin and made it possible to go to heaven (Ephesians 2:10)
How do we know the idea of resurrection was not made up by the apostles
they had to be convinced that Jesus was alive again
How does John’s Gospel show that redemption makes all things new and perfect
people close to Jesus e.g. Mary Magdalene and the disciples, did not recognise him
What were the disciples told just before the Ascension (2)
- Jesus promised he would send the Spirit to complete his work through them
- the disciples were told Jesus would return in glory ‘on the clouds of heaven’ to complete redemption at the end of time
What happened at Pentecost
the Holy Spirit filled the disciples - the same spirit that came to Jesus at his baptism
What are fire and wind symbolic of in OT
- where are two examples of this
not controllable but can be used
- symbolise the presence of God
- Exodus 3 and Kings 19
What is St Irenaeus’ metaphor for salvation
the parallel of the trees: the apple tree in the garden of Eden and the cross upon which Jesus died
What is St Anselm’s metaphor for salvation
- what does each part of the metaphor represent
ransom was paid
God is the freer
Jesus is the ransom
humans are the slaves to sin
the slave over is Sin
What is the issue with St Irenaeus’ metaphor on salvataion
it is based on a particular interpretation of Gen 3 that not all people agree with
What is the issue with St Anselm’s metaphor on salvation
it implies there is someone greater than God, to whom the ransom is being paid
what is conscience
the voice of God in the heart and soul, telling right from wrong
How does God exist within us
as the Holy Spirit
What happens to the conscience if you
- ignore it
- sin
- they go against what is right
- they block out conscience
What is morality
a system of ethics on what is right and wrong
how can we improve our conscience
by reading the Bible, praying, experiences, asking wiser people
What words does ‘conscience’ come from
with knowledge
what is a main cause of guilt
not listening to conscience
what was St Thomas Aquinas’ opinion on conscience
he said that it was applying the knowledge of what is good and bad to help shape an individual’s actions
what are some times when we should not listen to our conscience
when it goes against the laws of the Church
Why should people listen to others (conscience)
to ensure their conscience is leading them correctly
what is the Mass structured around
the fact that humans are redeemed in Christ. It is a re-enactment and celebration of Jesus’ death
What quote shows Catholics praying as the Body of Christ
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20)
What do Catholics do at the start of Mass
apologise to God and each other for the sins that separate them, strengthening unity
What are Catholics reminded of during the readings at Mass
God’s guidance throughout the years
- Jesus demonstrates through his words and actions how God loves, heals, restores and forgives all people
What are the three mains sections of the Eucharist
- Offertory
- Eucharistic Prayer
- Our Father and Communion
What happens in the Offertory
people present the bread and wine to God as a sign of thanksgiving
What happens in the Eucharistic Prayer
- What are they also known as
- what are the words
the words of Jesus at the Last Supper are repeated over bread and wine, then the doxology
- the Words of Institution
“This is my body … This is the blood of the new and eternal covenant which will be poured out for you and all people so that sins may be forgiven. Do this is memory of me”
what is shown in the words of the Eucharistic Prayer (6)
- Jesus anticipating his death
- jesus showed his whole being was present
- breaking bread and pouring wine show Jesus’ death
- “… blood of the new covenant” emphasises the new promise with God
- “do this in memory of me” - make this a reality every Mass
- Mass is a meal that celebrates freedom from sin through Jesus’ blood, just like Last Supper (Passover) with lamb’s blood
What happens for believers in communion
- What happens because of this
they recieve the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ
- they are brought closer to Christ, they are given power to resist temptation and sin
What happens at the end of Mass
a period of silent prayer, and Catholics share the presence of Christ with everyone
What do Catholics believe about Mass
- it is the highest form of prayer
- re-enacts the sacrifice on the Cross
- all prayers are inspired by the Spirit
- ChCatholicsristians cannot live the full life that Christ wants without the Eucharist
- offering Mass on Sunday is the perfect way to “keep the Sabbat day holy”
How do Orthodox Christians celebrate the Eucharist differently to Catholics
- What do they both believe
- consecration takes place behind an iconostasis
- the Eucharist (Liturgy) is full of more intense symbolism and ritual
- They both believe that Christ is fully present in the Eucharist
What are Anglican beliefs about the Eucharist
- some believe in literal transubstantiation, some believe it is only metaphorical
- Christ is present in those that share the Eucharist
What do Quakers and Salvation Army believe about the Eucharist
there is no Eucharist, but Christ is present through the Spirit, who inspires their prayers and actions
What do Nonconformist Christians believe about the Eucharist
- The Eucharist is a memorial of the Last Supper
- Christ is present in the Word of God, the readings from the Bible
- Some pray for Christ to enter their lives upon receiving Communion
What are Orthodox Christians
a branch of Christianity mainly practiced in Eastern Europe
What are Quakers
a religious group that doesn’t celebrate the Eucharist, but gather together to pray and be inspired by the Holy Spirit
What are Salvation Army
Christians who see the main purpose of religion as going out to serve and help those in need
What are Nonconformist Christians
those who do not follow the rules of the central authority, but local ones
What do Christians believe about Christ’s presence in the Eucharist
he is fully present
What is the idea of the real presence
Christ is truly present in the consecrated Bread and Wine
What are the Words of Institution
the words of Jesus at the Last Supper
What are 5 beliefs about the Words of Institution
- the external features of Bread and Wine stay the same, but reality changes
- Christ gave himself as Bread and Wine so his followers could share his suffering
- “This IS my body”, not symbolic
- Jesus gave his disciples the commission to do what he had done - this is passed to bishops and priests
- ‘in memory of me’ in fact means to make it a reality everytime
When is the Agnus Dei said
shortly before communion
What do Christians believe about “Agnus Dei”
Jesus is the new lamb of God, it is symbolic of the Passover. The people have been saved by Jesus’ blood. In Exodus, they were saved from the Angel of Death by the Lamb’s blood
What is Eucharistic Adoration
extra hosts are place into the tabernacle and people pray to it as it contains the real presence of Christ
What is benediction
when a consecrated host is exposed in a monstrance. People kneel and pray to the monstrance as Eucharistic Adoration
What are the words to the Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace