Mark's Gospel - Section 2 Flashcards
What names are given to Jesus at the Conversation of Caesarea Philippi
- Messiah, prophet, Son of Man
What does Jesus ask Peter (Conversation at Caesarea Philippi)
Who do people say I am, Who do you say I am
What did Jesus teach the disciples (Conversation at Caesarea Philippi)
The Son of Man would undergo suffering, be rejected and killed, then rise after three days
What does Jesus call Peter (Conversation at Caesarea Philippi)
- Why
- tempting him to not do his mission
WHat does Messiah mean
Anointed One
What is another word for Messiah
From which ancient king was the Messiah meant to be decended from
What was done when people were made king to show that they had been chosen by God
blessed by rabbis, anointed with oil
How many days after the Conversation at Caesarea Philippi was the Transfiguration
nine days
Who was with Jesus at the Transfiguration
Peter, James, John
What happened at the Transfiguration
Jesus was transfigured
- Elijah and Moses appeared
- Peter offered to make three dwellings
- A voice from the clouds came a voice
- Everything returned to before
What did the voice from heaven say at the Transfiguration
This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to him
Where did the Transfiguration happen
- why is this significant
- resembles Moses receiving the 10 commandments
When speaking of Jesus’ passion prediction, what is the prevalence of the word Passion
indicative of his future suffering and death
What happens in the story of Jesus’ passion prediction
- Jesus and the disciples were going to Jerusalem
- He took them aside and told them what was to happen to him
- He said how they would torture and flog him, and he would rise in three days
What name does Jesus use (Jesus’ passion Prediction)
Son of Man