Creation RS GCSE Flashcards
Who painted the ‘Creation of Adam’
Who made the mosaic called ‘Creation of Adam’
Hildreth Meière
Does Genesis 1 or 2 present a more immanent idea of God
Gen 2
What are two definitions of transcendent
Far away, hard to understand
What are two definitions of immanent
Close, Easy to understand
What do
- omnipotent
- omnipresent
- omnibenevolent
- omniscient
- all powerful / capable
- always present
- always good
- all knowing
What is the difference between eternal and everlasting
- which is God
eternal : outside constraints of space and time ; existed before time began and after time ends
- God is eternal
According to Genesis : , God said “Let there be ___”
According to Genesis : , man was made in the ____ of ___
- What is this translated to in Latin
Image of God
Imago Dei
In Genesis 2:28 how did God give life to man
Breathed into him
Compare Genesis 1 and 2:
When and how was man created
what qualities did God show in each
1 - God made man on the 6th day upon his command
God shows his transcendence, omnipotence
2 - God made man on the first day by breathing into him
God shows his immanence
In Genesis God gave options to man, thus giving him ___
What is “looking after the world with care and love”
What is dignity
Having honour and respect
If we say all life is holy, we say there is a ____ of life
What 4 types of books are in OT
Law, wisdom, history, prophets
What 4 types of books are in NT
Gospels, History, Letters (Epistles), Apocalyptic (Revelation)
How many books are in the Catholic Bible
How many in OT and NT
- 46 OT and 27 NT
Give four reasons why the NT books became accepted as authoritative
Written by an apostle or someone close to an apostle
Written soon after Jesus was around
Agreed with other Christian teachings
Accepted by the Churches at the time
What does it mean to say that the Bible was “inspired” by God
Guided by the Holy Spirit
What do we call the body of the Pope and bishops responsible responsible for interpreting scripture
What do we call Christians who believe everything in the Bible literally
What do we call the moral principles inherent in all humans
Natural Law
What do we call the part of us that is able to know the difference between right and wrong
What are three ways that we can train our conscience
- Reading the Bible
- Praying
- finding out about Church teachings (Catechism of the Catholic Church)
Which Church council met between 1962 and 1965
Second Vatican Council
What are three reasons Catholics should care for the environment
Made by God
- God gave responsibility to humans (Stewardship)
- Jesus said ‘love your neighbour’
What is the name of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment
Laudato Si`
Name 4 ways Catholics can do at a local level to help the environment
Recycle more, waste less, walk/cycle/bus, educate others
What are three things Catholics can do at a national / global level to help the environment
Lobby / Boycott / Buy from environmentally friendly places
What does CAFOD stand for
Catholic Agency For Overseas Development
What is sustainability
Using natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced
What three things inform the Church’s teaching
Scripture, Tradition, Reason
Where is MIchelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’
on the roof of the Sistine Chapel
What are three ways the ‘Creation of Adam’ painting disagrees with Catholic teaching
- THE Bible does not state that Adam touched God
- God and Adam are depicted similarly
- Some do not like God being shown as an old man
How does the ‘Creation of Adam’ painting reflect Catholic teaching
- Adam is a perfect man, full of potential
- the painting shows God making Adam
- God is powerful yet ancient
- Adam and God both reach out to each other, in desire for a close relationship
- God is being carried by angels, showing transcendence
- HUmans have a unique place in God’s creation
What is stewardship
- What does it mean for Catholics
serving and protecting the environment
- It is God’s creation so we must take great care of it
What is the belief of dignity of human beings
- What does it mean for Catholics
keeping justice amongst people
- we should treat people as equal as that is how we were created
What is the belief of the sanctity of life
- What does it mean for Catholics
maintaining human life at all costs
- Humans are God’s most important creation and so we must respect that and take utmost care of it
What is contained within the books of Law (OT)
the first five books, showing how Jews became the people of God
What is contained within the books of History(OT)
show how God guided his people, included to help later generations not make the same mistake
What is contained within the books of Wisdom (OT)
prayers, psalms, books of advice, poems showing how to use our God given talents
What is contained within the books of Prophets (OT)
words of inspired figures, sent by God to teach people about him, and to challenge people to stay faithful
What is contained within the books of Gospels (NT)
records of the acts and teachings of Jesus (Mark, Matthew, Luke, John)
What is contained within the Acts of the Apostles (NT)
a continuation of Luke’s Gospel - events in the early Church
What is contained within the books of Epistles (NT)
letters which show Christians how to live by Jesus’ teachings
What is contained within the book of Revelation (NT)
an apocalyptic book written by John, featuring his mystical visions
What are fundamentalists
people who believe the Bible word for word