Mark's Gospel - Section 1 Flashcards
What is the acronym for the themes presented in each text of Mark’s Gospel
- What does it stand for
- Faith, Liminality, Authority, Power
How does Mark’s Gospel begin
“The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God”
Where was John at the beginning of Mark’s Gospel
- What was he wearing
- What did he eat
In the wilderness
- camel’s hair and a leather belt
- locusts and wild honey
Where did Jesus come from to be baptised by John
Nazareth of Galilee
Where was Jesus baptised
in the river Jordan
What happened when Jesus rose from the water at his baptism
- What was said
the heavens tore apart and the spirit descended, a voice came from heaven
- “You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased”
What is the difference between John’s baptisms and what Christ would do
John baptised with water, but Jesus would with the Holy Spirit
What is a prophet
- Why was John the last
someone who paves the way for Jesus (messiah)
- Jesus was born shortly after him
What did John say when he saw Jesus coming
“This is he of whom I said … Behold the lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world”
Why did John the Baptist hesitate to baptise Jesus
he didn’t feel worthy
Why was it important that Jesus was baptised despite being the Son of God
so that he would be like humans, shows his humility
Why do Christians get baptised today
to be part of the Church and Jesus’ brother or sister, get rid of Original Sin
What is Mark’s temptation story
And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness for 40 days, tempted by Satan, and he was with the wild beasts, and the angels waited on him
How does Mark’s temptation story compare to the other Gospels
It is much shorter than Matthew and Luke
What are three examples of the number 40 and the wilderness being key moments
- Moses spent 40 days on the mountain
- The people of God spent 40 years in the desert
- Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness
What were the three temptations in the wilderness
-stones to bread
- bowing to Satan
- testing God
What are the three things Christians are expected to do during Lent
Fast, Pray, Give Alms
How can fasting and almsgiving be combined
fasting is a method of almsgiving
How does the practice of giving something up for Lent help a Catholic in their spiritual life
giving something up teaches us about sacrifice, to make up for Jesus’ sacrifice for us
Where did the healing of the paralysed man take place
Jesus’ home in Capernaum
What was Jesus doing with the people during the story of The Paralysed Man
speaking the word
How did the friends of the paralysed man enter the house
removing the roof
What did Jesus do when he saw the faith of the friends of the Paralysed Man
- What did the scribes say in response
said to the paralytic “Son, your sins are forgiven”
- They thought he was blaspheming
What was Jesus reponse to the scribes who questioned him
The Paralysed Man
Which is easier, to say that the paralytic can walk again or to forgive his sins
“the Son of Man has authority on Earth to forgive sins”
What had Jesus done shortly before healing the paralytic
healed the leper
Why was Jesus so crowded in Capernaum
he had healed a leper, who had told everyone
What did people believe caused others to be paralysed
they or their parents had committed a Sin
What was Jesus’ aim by claiming he could heal sins (The Paralysed Man)
that he was fully God
What is required before someone is healed by Jesus
What did Jairus ask of from Jesus
to heal his daughter who was very ill
What happened whilst Jesus was going to Jairus’ house
the woman with a haemorrhage appeared
What did the woman with a haemorrhage do to Jesus
- why
touched his cloak
- she believed it would heal her
What did Jesus say when the woman with a haemorrhage confessed
“Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease”
Who came with Jesus to Jairus’ house
Peter, James and John
What happened to Jairus’ daughter before Jesus came
- What did Jesus say happened
She died
- she was only asleep
What did Jesus say to Jairus’ daughter
- What is this in English
- How old was she
‘Talitha cum’
- Little girl, get up!
- 12 years old
What story was immediately before Jairus’ daughter and the woman with a haemorrhage
- What did they all have in common
the Legion
- they all are about uncleanliness
What did Jews believe about women when menstruating
they were unclean and not a part of the Kingdom of God
Who was Jairus
one of the leaders at the synagogue
What did the people of Nazareth refer to Jesus as
the carpenter, son of Mary and the brother of James, Joses, Judas and Simon
Where are the three places Jesus claims ‘A prophet is not without honour except….”
- in his hometown
- among his relatives
- in his own house
how does Mark describe the people following Jesus during the feeding of the 5000
sheep without a shepherd
how costly was the bread the disciples wanted to buy (The feeding of the 5000)
200 silver coins
How much food did the disciples have with them (The feeding of the 5000)
5 loaves and 2 fish
what 4 actions did Jesus perform that is still done in Mass today
Take, Bless, Break, Give
How much food was left over after everyone had eaten (The feeding of the 5000)
twelve baskets
Who in the OT performed similar miracles to Jesus (The feeding of the 5000)
- WHat was the difference
Elijah and Elisha
- They took God’s name, scale
Where did the feeding of the 5000 take place
near the Sea of Galilee