The Thigh, Knee Joint, Leg & Popliteal Fossa Flashcards
What features are found at the proximal extremity of the femur?
- Head.
- Neck.
- Greater trochanter.
- Lesser trochanter.
What features are found at the distal extremity of the femur?
- Medial condyle.
- Lateral condyle.
What is the greater trochanter?
A large rectangular projection at the junction of the body and neck of the femur.
What is the main feature of the body of the femur?
The linea aspera (a roughened ridge).
What is the function of the linea aspera?
it is a site of attachment for muscles.
What forms the medial and lateral supracondylar lines?
The medial and lateral lips of the linea aspera.
How does the appearance of the medial and lateral condyles of the femur change from posterior to anterior?
- Posteriorly, they are separated by a deep intercondylar notch.
- Anteriorly, they blend with each other.
What is the fovea capitis?
A pit in the head of the femur.
What is the function of the fovea capitis?
It is a site of attachment of the ligamentum teres.
What angle does the neck of the femur make with the body in the coronal plane?
125 degrees.
What is the intertrochanteric crest?
The line that unites the greater and lesser trochanter.
What is the function of the pits on the femoral neck?
They are sites through which blood vessels run.
List the soft tissue layers of the thigh from superficial to deep.
1 - Skin.
2 - Superficial fascia.
3 - Deep fascia (fascia lata).
4 - Intermuscular septa (medial, lateral and posterior).
List the muscular compartments of the thigh.
1 - Anterior compartment.
2 - Medial compartment.
3 - Posterior compartment.
What are muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh known as?
The quadriceps.
List the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh.
1 - Vastus lateralis.
2 - Vastus medialis.
3 - Vastus intermedius.
4 - Rectus femoris.
What is the medial compartment of the thigh known as?
The adductor compartment.
List the muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh.
1 - Pectineus.
2 - Adductor brevis.
3 - Adductor longus.
4 - Adductor magnus.
What are the muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh known as?
List the muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh.
1 - Biceps femoris.
2 - Semitendinosus.
3 - Semimembranosus.
List the nerves that innervate the compartments of the thigh.
- Anterior compartment: femoral nerve.
- Medial compartment: obturator nerve.
- Posterior compartment: sciatic nerve.
What are the nerve roots of the femoral nerve?
What are the nerve roots of the obturator nerve?
What are the nerve roots of the sciatic nerve?
List the arteries that supply arterial blood to the compartments of the thigh.
- Anterior compartment: femoral artery.
- Medial compartment: obturator artery.
- Posterior compartment: Perforating branches of profunda femoris.
What is crural fascia?
The deep fascia of the leg that is continuous with the fascia lata of the thigh.
List the soft tissue layers that compartmentalise the leg.
1 - Fascia lata.
2 - An interosseus membrane between the tibia and fibula.
What are tibial plateaus?
How many are there?
- Flattened surfaces at the superior surface of the tibia.
- There is one medial and one lateral tibial plateau.
What articulates with the distal end of the tibia?
The talus.
Where does the fibula lie in relation to the tibia?
What is the function of the tibia?
How does this compare to the function of the tibia?
- The main function of the tibia is the provide sites for muscle attachment.
- The tibia’s main function is to bear weight.
List the compartments of the leg.
1 - Anterior compartment.
2 - Lateral compartment.
3 - Posterior compartment.
List the extracapsular ligaments of the knee joint.
1 - Ligamentum patellae.
2 - Lateral collateral ligament.
3 - Medial collateral ligament.
4 - Oblique popliteal ligament.
List the intracapsular ligaments of the knee joint.
1 - Anterior cruciate ligament.
2 - Posterior cruciate ligament.
Why is the medial meniscus damaged more commonly than the lateral miniscus?
Because the lateral miniscus is more mobile.
What is the popliteal fossa?
A diamond shaped space behind the knee.
What covers the popliteal fossa?
The deep popliteal fascia.
What is the clinical significance of the popliteal fossa?
An arterial pulse of the leg can be taken here.
What are the borders of the popliteal fossa?
Superiorly: The tendons of the hamstring muscles.
Medially: Tendons of semitendinosus and semimembranosus.
Laterally: Tendon of biceps femoris.
Inferiorly: Medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius.
List the nerves that are contained within the popliteal fossa.
1 - Tibial nerve.
2 - Common peroneal nerve.
3 - Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.
List the contents of the popliteal fossa (other than nerves).
1 - Popliteal artery.
2 - Popliteal vein.
3 - Lesser saphenous vein.
4 - Popliteal lymph nodes.