Basic(!) Anatomy of the Neck and Back Flashcards
What are the origins and insertions of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
Origins: Manubrium and clavicle.
Insertion: Mastoid process.
Which nerves innervate the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
The accessory nerve of the same side.
Describe the blood supply to the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
- Upper: Branches of the occipital artery.
- Middle: Superior thyroid artery and external carotid artery.
- Lower: Suprascapular artery.
Describe the actions of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
- Cervical flexion.
- Cervical rotation.
Describe the origins and insertions of the trapezius muscle.
Origins: Occipital bone, nuchal ligament, spinous processes of C7-T12.
Insertions: Clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula.
Which nerves innervate the trapezius muscle?
The accessory nerve.
Describe the blood supply to the trapezius muscle.
- Transverse cervical artery.
- Superficial cervical artery.
Describe the actions of the trapezius muscle.
Of the scapula:
- Rotation.
- Retraction.
- Elevation.
- Depression.
List the suprahyoid muscles.
1 - Digastric.
2 - Stylohyoid.
3 - Geniohyoid.
4 - Mylohyoid.
List the infrahyoid muscles.
1 - Sternohyoid.
2 - Sternothyroid.
3 - Thyrohyoid.
4 - Omohyoid.
What is the general action of the suprahyoid muscles?
To elevate the hyoid and larynx during swallowing.
What is the general action of the infrahyoid muscles?
To depress the hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speech.
List 2 functions of fascial compartmentation.
1 - To ease movement.
2 - To determine the spread of infection.
Describe the arrangement of deep cervical fascia of the neck.
- Three fascial layers:
1 - Investing layer.
2 - Pretracheal fascia.
3 - Prevertebral fascia.
- All 3 condense to form the carotid sheath.
What does the investing layer of deep fascia enclose?
1 - The trapezius muscle.
2 - The sternocleidomastoid muscle.
3 - The submandibular gland.
What does the pretracheal layer of deep fascia enclose?
1 - The infrahyoid muscles.
2 - The trachea.
3 - The oesophagus.
4 - The thyroid gland.
What are the attachments of the pretracheal layer of deep fascia?
- It attaches to the hyoid and thorax.
- It blends with the pericardium.
What does the prevertebral layer of deep fascia enclose?
1 - The vertebral column.
2 - Muscles of the back.
What are the attachments of the prevertebral layer of deep fascia?
It attaches to the cranial base and endothoracic fascia.
Which layer of fascia defines the visceral compartment of the neck?
The pretracheal layer of deep fascia.
Which layer of fascia defines the muscular compartment of the neck?
The prevertebral layer of deep fascia.
List 4 important structures contained within the carotid sheath.
1 - The common / internal carotid arteries.
2 - The internal jugular vein.
3 - The vagus nerve.
4 - The deep cervical lymph nodes.
When might potential spaces form in between fascial planes of the neck?
After infection or bleeding.
What separates the retropharyngeal space from the danger space?
Alar fascia.
Which fascial layers enclose the muscles of the back and neck?
1 - The nuchal fascia.
2 - The thoracolumbar fascia.
3 - The prevertebral layer of deep fascia.
From where are the extrinsic muscles of the back derived?
- The upper limb.
- Respiratory muscles.
How can the extrinsic muscles of the back be divided?
Into superficial and intermediate muscles.
List the superficial extrinsic muscles of the back.
1 - Trapezius.
2 - Latissimus dorsi.
3 - Levator scapulae.
4 - Rhomboids.
How can the muscles of the back be divided?
Into extrinsic and intrinsic muscles.
List the intermediate extrinsic muscles of the back.
1 - Serratus posterior superior.
2 - Serratus posterior inferior.
How can the intrinsic muscles of the back be divided?
Into superficial, intermediate and deep muscles.
What are the general functions of the intrinsic muscles of the back?
- To help maintain posture.
- To help move the vertebral column.
How are the intrinsic muscles of the back often injured?
While using improper lifting technique.
List the superficial intrinsic muscles of the back.
1 - Splenius capitis.
2 - Splenius cervicis.
What are the origins and insertions of the splenius capitis?
Origins: Ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of C7-T3/4.
Insertions: Mastoid process and occipital bone.
Which nerves innervate the splenius capitis?
Posterior rami of spinal nerves C3 and C4.
Describe the blood supply to the splenius capitis muscle.
Muscular branches of the aorta.
Describe the actions of the splenius capitis muscle.
Rotation of the head to the same side.
What are the origins and insertions of the splenius cervicis?
Origins: From the spinous processes of T3-T6 vertebrae.
Insertions: The transverse process of C1-C3/4.
Which nerves innervate the splenius cervicis?
Posterior rami of the lower cervical spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the splenius cervicis muscle.
- The transverse cervical artery.
- The occipital artery.
Describe the actions of the splenius cervicis.
Rotation of the head to the same side.
List the intermediate intrinsic muscles of the back.
Erector spinae muscles:
1 - Iliocostalis muscles.
2 - Longissimus muscles.
3 - Spinalis muscles.
List the deep intrinsic muscles of the back.
1 - Semispinalis muscles.
2 - Multifidus muscles.
3 - Rotatores muscles.
4 - Interspinales.
5 - Intertransversarii.
- Collectively known as the transversospinales muscle.
What are the origins and insertions of the erector spinae muscles?
Origins: Spinous processes of T9-T12 and the iliac crest.
Insertions: Spinous processes of T1 -T2 and cervical vertebrae.
Describe the innervation of the erector spinae muscles.
Posterior branches of spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the erector spinae muscles.
The lateral sacral artery.
What are the actions of the erector spinae muscles?
Extension of the vertebral column.
What are the origins and insertions of the iliocostalis muscles?
Origins: Sacrum, iliac crest, spinous processes of the lower lumbar region, thoracic vertebrae.
Insertions: Ribs.
Describe the innervation of the iliocostalis muscles.
Posterior branches of spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the iliocostalis muscles.
The intercostal and lumbar arteries.
What are the actions of the iliocostalis muscles?
Flexion and extension of the vertebral column to the same side.
What are the origins and insertions of the longissimus muscles?
Origins: Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae.
Insertions: Transverse processes of T1-T12 and lower 10 ribs.
Describe the innervation of the longissimus muscles.
Posterior branches of spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the longissimus muscles.
The lateral sacral artery.
What are the actions of the longissimus muscles?
- Flexion of the head and neck to the same side.
- Extension of the vertebral column.
List the spinalis muscles.
1 - Spinalis dorsi.
2 - Spinalis cervicis.
3 - Spinalis capitis.
What are the origins and insertions of the spinalis muscles?
Origins: Spinous process of lumbar and thoracic vertebrae (thoracis), nuchal ligament and spinous process of C7 (cervicis).
Insertions: Spinous process of thoracic vertebrae (thoracis), spinous process of cervical vertebrae (cervicis).
Which nerves innervate the spinalis muscles?
Posterior branches of spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the spinalis muscles.
The lateral sacral artery.
What are the actions of the spinalis muscles?
- Flexion of the head and neck to the same side.
- Extension of the vertebral column.
List the semispinalis muscles.
1 - Semispinalis capitis.
2 - Semispinalis cervicis.
3 - Semispinalis thoracis.
What are the origins and insertions of the semispinalis capitis muscle?
Origins: Articular processes of C5-C8 and transverse processes of T1-T6.
Insertions: Occipital bone.
Describe the innervation of the semispinalis capitis muscle.
The greater occipital nerve (nerve roots C2).
Describe the blood supply to the semispinalis capitis muscle.
- Branches of the occipital artery.
- Branches of the superior intercostal artery.
What are the actions of the semispinalis capitis muscle?
- Extension of the head and neck.
- Rotation of the head and neck to the opposite side.
What are the origins and insertions of the semispinalis cervicis muscle?
Origins: Transverse processes of T1-T6.
Insertions: Spinous processes of C2-C5.
Describe the innervation of the semispinalis cervicis muscle.
Dorsal rami of cervical spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the semispinalis cervicis muscle.
Deep cervical artery.
What are the actions of the semispinalis cervicis muscle?
- Extension of the cervical spine.
- Lateral flexion of the neck.
- Rotation of the neck to the opposite side.
- Maintains head posture.
What are the origins and insertions of the semispinalis thoracis muscle?
Origins: Transverse processes of T6-T12.
Insertions: Spinous processes of T1-T4 and C6-C7.
Describe the innervation of the semispinalis thoracis muscle.
Dorsal rami of thoracic spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the semispinalis thoracis muscle.
Dorsal branches of the posterior intercostal arteries.
What are the actions of the semispinalis thoracis muscle?
- Extension of the cervical vertebral column.
- Rotation of the cervical vertebral column to the opposite side.
What are the origins and insertions of the multifidus muscles?
Origins: Sacrum, superior iliac spine, mamillary processes of lumbar vertebrae, transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae, articular processes of C4-C6.
Insertions: Spinous processes from the sacrum to the axis.
Describe the innervation of the multifidus muscles.
Dorsal rami of spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the multifidus muscles.
- Deep cervical artery.
- Posterior intercostal arteries.
- Subcostal arteries.
- Lumbar arteries.
Describe the actions of the multifidus muscles.
- Extension of the vertebral column.
- Lateral flexion of the vertebral column.
- Rotation of the vertebral column.
What are the origins and insertions of the rotatores muscles?
Rotator brevis connects the transverse process of the lower vertebra to the lateral lamina of the upper vertebra immediately above.
Rotator longus connects the transverse process of the lower vertebra to the base of the spinous process of upper vertebra two levels above.
Describe the innervation of the rotatores muscles.
Dorsal rami of spinal nerves.
Describe the blood supply to the rotatores muscles.
- Deep cervical artery.
- Posterior intercostal arteries.
- Subcostal arteries.
- Lumbar arteries.
What are the actions of the rotatores muscles?
Rotation of the spine.
How many muscles comprise the rotatores muscles?
What are the origins and insertions of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
Origins: Spinous processes of T7-L5, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, scapula, lower 4 ribs.
Insertions: Head of the humerus.
Describe the innervation of the latissimus dorsi muscle.
Thoracodorsal nerve (roots C6-C8).
Describe the blood supply to the latissimus dorsi muscle.
Thoracodorsal artery (a branch if the subscapular artery).
What are the actions of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
Abduction of the arm.
What are the origins and insertions of the levator scapulae muscle?
Origins: Transverse processes of C1-C4.
Insertions: Vertebral margin of the scapula.
Describe the innervation of the levator scapulae.
- Spinal nerves C3-C4.
- Dorsal scapular nerve (nerve roots C5).
Describe the blood supply to the levator scapulae muscle.
Descending scapular artery.
What are the actions of the levator scapulae muscle?
- Elevation of the scapula.
- Rotation of the scapula.
List the rhomboid muscles.
- Rhomboid major.
- Rhomboid minor.
What are the origins and insertions for the rhomboid major muscle?
Origins: Spinous processes T2-T5.
Insertions: Scapula.
Describe the innervation to the rhomboid major and minor muscles.
Dorsal scapular nerve (from brachial plexus, root C5).
Describe the blood supply to the rhomboid major and minor muscles.
Dorsal scapular artery.
What are the actions of the rhomboid major and minor muscles?
- Retraction of the scapula.
- Elevation of the scapula.
- Inferior rotation of the scapula.
- Fixes scapula to the upper limb.
What are the origins and insertions of the serratus posterior superior muscle?
Origins: Nuchal ligament, spinous processes of C7-T3.
Insertions: 2nd - 5th ribs.
Describe the innervation of the serratus posterior superior muscle.
2nd - 5th intercostal nerves (thoracic nerve roots T2-T5).
Describe the blood supply to the serratus posterior superior muscle.
Intercostal arteries.
What are the actions of the serratus posterior superior muscle?
Elevates ribs 2-5.
What are the origins and insertions of the serratus posterior inferior muscle?
Origins: Spinous processes of T11-L2.
Insertions: 9th - 12th ribs.
Describe the innervation of the serratus posterior inferior muscle.
9th - 12th intercostal nerves (thoracic nerve roots T9-T12).
Describe the blood supply to the serratus posterior inferior muscle.
Intercostal arteries.
What are the actions of the serratus posterior inferior muscle?
Depression of lower ribs 9-12, aiding expiration.
How are the muscles of the back separated into extrinsic and intrinsic?
By their function and embryological origin:
- The function of the extrinsic back muscles is to move the upper limb by controlling the movement of the scapula and humerus.
- The intrinsic muscles of the back are concerned with the maintenance of posture and movements of the vertebral column and head.